
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 段干恺
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


React, Redux & Sass Starter

A simple and quick way to get you going with developing React applications with Redux and Sass.

Comes with pre-configured Webpack for bundling your application to help save time in setting up your project. Keeps CSS out of JavaScript to maintain separation of concerns. Redux takes care of State Management. If you are looking for CSS-in-JS approach, this starter pack is not for you.


For a complex example with Async actions, take a look at: react-weather-forecast

Components �� Styles �� Action! ��

With all necessary tools in place, all you need to do is start creating React Components, style them and optionally use Redux for the State management. It is recommended that you use Redux if the applications you are building require interactions between multiple components or that requires pulling data from external source.

All the required code (JS + Sass) goes inside the src folder. Webpack will compile, bundle and output in the public folder, which you can upload/deploy to the root directory of your web server to publish your app!

Get started!

git clone
cd React-Redux-Sass-Starter
npm i

Start the dev server:

npm run start:dev


npm run build


  • Changes made to your CSS / JS triggers a full page auto-reload.
  • Running a build writes the bundle.js and bundle.css to the /public/dist/ directory.

Pre-configured tools and plugins

Codebase overview.

├─ public/
|  ├─ dist/
|  |  ├─ bundle.css           # CSS that's generated from SASS
|  |  ├─ bundle.js            # Contains scripts of components & vendor(s).
|  ├─ index.html              # Contains root element to mount your app.
└─ src/
   ├─ actions/                # Create actions here.
   |  ├─ counterActions.js
   ├─ components/             # Create components here
   |  ├─ Controls.js
   |  ├─ Counter.js
   |─ containers/             # Containers bridge Components with the State.
   |  ├─ Controls.js
   |  ├─ Counter.js
   ├─ constants/              # Define action types here.
   |  ├─ ActionTypes.js
   ├─ reducers/               # Create reducers here.
   |  ├─ counter.js
   |  ├─ index.js             # Combine your reducers here.
   ├─ styles/                 # All styling goes here.
   |  ├─ main.scss
   ├─ App.js                  # Include your main component(s).
   ├─ index.js                # Passes state to App. Renders markup to DOM.
   └─ store.js                # Creates and exports store.


This starter kit assumes, you are familiar with JavaScript (ES6). If you are new to this stack, here are some resources to help you get started with:

React - Quick Start | Start Learning React | React in 8-minutes

Redux - Basics | An Introduction | React with Redux

Sass - Sass Guide

The MIT License (MIT)

MIT © 2017 Santhosh Sundar

  • Universal React Starter Kit 服务端渲染的React手脚架 这个启动包的设计是为了让你使用一整套最新最酷的前端技术,所有都是可配置,富特性,基于webpack已经提供代码热加载,使用sass预处理css,单元测试,代码覆盖率报告,代码分割等等更多。 这个项目最主要的目的是尽可能果断的保留。目的不是要你一定按照这个结构去完成你的项目,谐在使前端开发更健壮,更简单还有最重要的

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  • React 示例项目 · 简易留言板 + 待办事项(Github 地址) 写在前面 一直以来,我都相当纳闷:为什么 React 的那些 starter kit 都构建得那么恶心? 能不能像 Vue Cli 生成的项目架构般优雅?说干就干,本项目就改自 Vue Demo § 技术栈 详情可参阅 package.json React 15.3.0 Redux React Router Ajax 请求库

  • 技术资料 官方权威 React【React官方学习文档·英文】 React-中文文档【React官方学习文档·中文 中国程序员的福利】 React github【React Github地址】 ReactNative【ReactNative Github地址】 react-router【React 路由框架 Github地址】 Redux 【Redux Github地址+附带学习Example】

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