serverless-bundle is a Serverless Framework plugin that optimally packages your ES6 or TypeScript Node.js Lambda functions with sensible defaults so you don't have to maintain your own Webpack configs. It uses the serverless-webpack plugin internally.
And all this works without having to install Webpack, Babel, ESLint, esbuild, etc. or manage any of their configs. Simply add serverless-bundle to your app and you are done!
- "eslint"
- "webpack"
- "ts-loader"
- "typescript"
- "css-loader"
- "graphql-tag"
- "@babel/core"
- "babel-eslint"
- "babel-loader"
- "eslint-loader"
- "esbuild-loader"
- "@babel/runtime"
- "@babel/preset-env"
- "serverless-webpack"
- "source-map-support"
- "webpack-node-externals"
- "eslint-config-strongloop"
- "tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin"
- "fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin"
- "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime"
- "babel-plugin-source-map-support"
+ "serverless-bundle"
You can read more about this over on Serverless Stack.
team recently launched the Serverless Stack Framework (SST). SST makes it easy to build serverless apps by letting you test your Lambda functions live. It's based on the many of ideas behind serverless-bundle
Install the serverless-bundle
plugin using:
$ npm install --save-dev serverless-bundle
Then add it to your serverless.yml
- serverless-bundle
To run your tests using the same Babel config used in the plugin add the following to your package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "serverless-bundle test"
We also have a couple of template repos to help you get started:
Once installed and added to your serverless.yml
, serverless-bundle will automatically package your functions using Webpack when you run the various serverless commands.
You can configure the following through your serverless.yml
. Note that, these are all optional.
sourcemaps: true # Enable source maps
caching: true # Enable Webpack caching
concurrency: 5 # Set desired concurrency, defaults to the number of available cores
stats: false # Don't print out any Webpack output
linting: true # Enable linting as a part of the build process
esbuild: false # Use esbuild-loader instead of babel or ts for faster builds
disableForkTsChecker: false # Disable the ForkTsChecker plugin, more below
tsConfig: "tsconfig.json" # Path to your 'tsconfig.json', if it's not in the root
forceInclude: # Optional list of NPM packages that need to be included
- mysql # Only necessary if packages are included dynamically
ignorePackages: # Ignore building any of the following packages
- hiredis # For ex, hiredis needs to be ignored if using redis
externals: # Set non Webpack compatible packages as externals
- isomorphic-webcrypto # They'll be included in the node_modules/, more below
forceExclude: # Don't include these in the package
- chrome-aws-lambda # Because it'll be provided through a Lambda Layer
excludeFiles: "**/*.test.ts" # Exclude files from Webpack that match the glob
fixPackages: # Include fixes for specific packages
- "formidable@1.x" # For ex, formidable@1.x doesn't work by default with Webpack
copyFiles: # Copy any additional files to the generated package
- from: 'public/*' # Where the files are currently
to: './' # Where in the package should they go
aliases: # Create an alias to 'import' modules easily with a custom path
- Lib: custom-lib/src/lib # For ex, replace the long 'custom-lib/src/lib' with 'Lib'
concatText: # Concatenate text files into one file on the generated package
- files: 'schema/*.txt' # Where the files that need to be concatenated are currently located
outputPath: './' # Where the concatenated file should go in the package
name: 'schema.txt' # The name the the concatenated file should have
packager: npm # Specify a packager, 'npm' or 'yarn'. Defaults to 'npm'.
packagerOptions: # Run a custom script in the package process
scripts: #
- echo hello > test
rawFileExtensions: # An array of file extensions to import using the Webpack raw-loader.
- csv # Defaults to ['pem', 'txt']
This plugin uses eslint-config-strongloop. You can override this by placing your own .eslintrc.json
with the rules you'd like to use. If you'd like to ignore specific files, you can use a .eslintignore
Customizing Babel and Webpack configs
This plugin does not support customizing the Babel and Webpack configs, since serverless-webpack does a pretty good job with that. However, if you think the default config is missing some key features, feel free to open an issue about it.
Supporting specific packages
Certain packages like (formidable@1.x
) do not work with Webpack without customizing the config. To support these packages, we use the fixPackages
option. This allows us to customize the Webpack config without having folks learn about the internals of Webpack, or maintaining their own complicated configs. If a specific package doesn't work without customizing the Webpack config, add to the fixPackages
option and submit a PR.
Packager scripts
The packagerOptions.scripts
option allows serverless-webpack to run a custom script in the packaging process. This is useful for installing any platform specific binaries. See below for the sharp
Import paths can get very long when dealing with complicated directory structures in monorepo apps. The aliases
option allows you to define a shorter version. So if you have an import that looks like:
import Utility from '../../custom-lib/src/lib/utility';
Adding the following. Where src/utilities
is the path from the project root.
- "Lib": custom-lib/src/lib
This would allow you to instead import using the following, from anywhere in your project.
import Utility from 'Lib/utility';
To use aliases in your tests you'll need to use Jest's moduleNameMapper
. Add the following your package.json
"jest": {
"moduleNameMapper": {
"Lib(.*)$": "<rootDir>/custom-lib/src/lib/$1"
Usage with WebStorm
Here is some info on how to get this plugin to support running tests in WebStorm —
Alternative Jest Result Processor
For CI services (like Atlassian Bamboo CI) that do not work with Jest test results, start by installing jest-mocha-reporter.
To set the testResultsProcessor
option, add "testResultsProcessor": "jest-mocha-reporter"
to the Jest section in your package.json
. You should see the default command line output when running npm run test
, but you should also get a test-report.json
To test the reporters
option, add "reporters": ["jest-mocha-reporter"]
instead. This should result in the same file as above but without the command line output.
If serverless-bundle detects a tsconfig.json
in your service root, it'll enable TypeScript.
You can also change where your tsconfig is.
tsConfig: 'tsconfig.special.json'
Setting the module
to commonjs
or target
to es3
or es5
conflicts with the babel-plugin-source-map-support plugin that serverless-bundle uses for adding source maps. It'll cause imports in your code to error out with something like this:
TypeError: fileName.functionName is not a function
So if serverless-bundle detects these in your tsconfig.json
, it'll print the following warning.
serverless-bundle: CommonJS, ES3, or ES5 are not supported
More on this issue here.
By default serverless-bundle uses the ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin to speed up builds by running type checking in a separate process. However, this combined with Serverless Framework's package: individually: true
option means that to packages each Lambda function, a separate type checking process is started. Concurrently, starting many such processes can cause your build process to run out of memory.
To disabled this, add the following to your config.
disableForkTsChecker: true
The packages below need some additional config to make them work.
The knex.js module is automatically excluded from the bundle since it's not compatible with Webpack. However, you need to force include the specific database provider package since these are dynamically included. Use the forceInclude
option to pass in a list of packages that you want included. For example, to include mysql
use the following:
- mysql
The sharp package needs to include a specific binary before package. Use the packagerOptions.scripts
for this.
- rm -rf node_modules/sharp && npm install --arch=x64 --platform=linux --target=10.15.0 sharp
The pg package optionally includes pg-native
that needs to be ignored from Webpack. Use the ignorePackages
option to do this.
- pg-native
The redis package optionally includes hiredis
that needs to be ignored from Webpack. Use the ignorePackages
option to do this.
- hiredis
To use the Sequelize package along with pg, you'll need to ignore it from Webpack and using the dialectModule
option. Read more here.
In your serverless.yml
- pg-native
And in your Lambda code:
const sequelize = new Sequelize(
host: process.env.DB_HOST,
dialect: process.env.DB_DIALECT,
dialectModule: pg
Formidable 1.x doesn't work with Webpack by default. We have a fix that we apply to the Webpack config for it to work. To apply the fix use the following:
- "formidable@1.x"
If enabled, Webpack adds the following definition to work with Formidable — { "global.GENTLY": false }
It's common in Serverless monorepo setups that the plugins are installed at the root level and referenced in the individual services. Take the following project setup:
package.json // Here serverless-bundle is installed
|- package.json // Can run npm test from here, referring to parent `package.json`
|- handler.js
|- handler.test.js
|- serverless.yml // Uses serverless-bundle plugin
|- package.json // Can run npm test from here, referring to parent `package.json`
|- handler.js
|- handler.test.js
|- serverless.yml // Uses serverless-bundle plugin
Running Serverless commands (deploy
, package
, etc.) from the services directories are supported out of the box. To get your tests to run correctly, you need to do the following.
In the root package.json
use the following test
"scripts": {
"test": "serverless-bundle test"
And in service1/package.json
use this test
"scripts": {
"test": "npm --prefix ./../ test service1"
This tells serverless-bundle (in the root) to only run the tests inside the service1/
directory. As opposed to the entire project.
Serverless Bundle automatically supports importing css and scss using the isomorphic-style-loader.
import "./assets/style.css";
import "./assets/style.scss";
Serverless Bundle automatically supports importing .pem
and .txt
, using the Webpack raw-loader.
import "./assets/key.pem";
import "./assets/text.txt";
If you need load additional files using the raw-loader, you can use the rawFileExtensions
config option.
- csv
The externals
option takes a list of packages or all
. By default this is set to ["knex", "sharp"]
Packages listed in externals
are ignored by Webpack. They are instead added in the node_modules/
directory of the Lambda .zip file. These usually include npm packages that are not supported by Webpack.
The all
option allows you to list all the packages in YOUR node_modules/
directory as externals. This might be useful in cases where they are just too many to list. Or you are using something like EJS that implicitly requires a long list of packages that are not supported by Webpack.
Note that, adding a package to the externals
list might make your Lambda .zip file larger. This is because the entire package directory is zipped. Instead of using Webpack to just include the code that is necessary. So it's advisable to avoid using the all
If you think we should add to the default list of externals, open a PR.
Example of specifying a list of packages:
- knex
- sharp
Example of using the all
externals: all
The three options (externals
, forceExclude
, and excludeFiles
) look similar but have some subtle differences. Let's look at them in detail:
These are packages that need to be included in the Lambda package (the .zip file that's sent to AWS). But they are not compatible with Webpack. So they are marked as externals
to tell Webpack not bundle them.
These packages are available in the Lambda runtime. Either by default (in the case of aws-sdk
) or through a Lambda layer that you might be using. So these are not included in the Lambda package. And they are also marked as externals
. Meaning that packages that are in forceExclude
are automatically added to the externals
list as well. By default, aws-sdk
is listed in the forceExclude
These are a glob of files that can be excluded from the function resolution. This happens when you have multiple files that are in the same directory and Serverless Framework tries to use them as a function handler. For example, if you have a index.js
and a index.test.js
and your function is pointing to index
, you'll get a warning saying, WARNING: More than one matching handlers found for index. Using index.js
. To fix this, use excludeFiles: **/*.test.js
To run this project locally, clone the repo and initialize the project.
$ git clone
$ cd serverless-bundle
$ npm install
Run all the tests.
$ npm test
To test the serverless-bundle test
$ npm run test scripts
To install locally in another project.
$ npm install /path/to/serverless-bundle
, enhancement
, bug
, documentation
, or internal
npm run changelog
npm version <major|minor|patch>
git push origin <tag_name>
npm publish
This plugin would not be possible without the amazing serverless-webpack plugin and the ideas and code from Create React App.
This plugin is maintained by Serverless Stack.
serverless 构建 by Dmitri Zimine 由Dmitri Zimine 使用Serverless,StepFunctions和StackStorm Exchange构建社区注册应用程序-第2集 (Building a community sign-up app with Serverless, StepFunctions, and StackStorm Exchange — E
云原生应用开发 回顾过去二十年,应用开发有以下几个显著的特点: 以应用服务器为中心,典型应用服务器包括 tomcat,JBoss,WebLogic,WebSphere,应用服务器提供了丰富的技术堆栈和系统构建范式,对应用开发人员友好 JavaEE/Spring,JavaEE/Spring 是应用开发的基本技能,这项技能有广泛的开发者基础,过去二十年中 JavaEE/Spring 的技术发展/版本的
The Serverless Framework (无服务器架构)允许你自动扩展、按执行付费、将事件驱动的功能部署到任何云。 目前支持 AWS Lambda、Apache OpenWhisk、Microsoft Azure,并且正在扩展以支持其他云提供商。 Serverless 降低了维护应用程序的总成本,能够更快地构建更多逻辑。它是一个命令行工具,提供脚手架、工作流自动化和开发部署无服务器架构的最佳实践。它也可以通过插件完全扩展。
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