
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 濮阳宁
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Serverless Webpack

A Serverless v1.x & v2.x plugin to build your lambda functions with Webpack.

This plugin is for you if you want to use the latest Javascript version with Babel;use custom resource loaders, optimize your packaged functions individuallyand much more!


  • Configuration possibilities range from zero-config to fully customizable
  • Support of serverless package, serverless deploy and serverless deploy function
  • Support of serverless invoke local and serverless invoke local --watch
  • Support of serverless run and serverless run --watch
  • Integrates with serverless-offline to simulate local API Gateway endpoints
  • When enabled in your service configuration, functions are packaged and compiledindividually, resulting in smaller Lambda packages that contain only the code anddependencies needed to run the function. This allows the plugin to fully utilizeWebPack's Tree-Shaking optimization.
  • Webpack version 3, 4 and 5 support
  • Support NPM and Yarn for packaging
  • Support asynchronous webpack configuration

Recent improvements and important changes for 5.x

  • Support Yarn
  • Support Webpack 4 and 5
  • Cleaned up configuration. You should now use a custom.webpack object to configure everything relevant for the plugin. The old configuration still works but will be removed in the next major release. For details see below.
  • Added support for asynchronous webpack configuration

For the complete release notes see the end of this document.


$ npm install serverless-webpack --save-dev

Add the plugin to your serverless.yml file:

  - serverless-webpack


The configuration of the plugin is done by defining a custom: webpack object in your serverless.yml with your specific configuration. All settings are optional and will be set to reasonable defaults if missing.

See the sections below for detailed descriptions of the settings. The defaults are:

    webpackConfig: 'webpack.config.js' # Name of webpack configuration file
    includeModules: false # Node modules configuration for packaging
    packager: 'npm' # Packager that will be used to package your external modules
    excludeFiles: src/**/*.test.js # Provide a glob for files to ignore

Webpack configuration file

By default the plugin will look for a webpack.config.js in the service directory. Alternatively, you can specify a different file or configuration in serverless.yml.

    webpackConfig: ./folder/my-webpack.config.js

A base Webpack configuration might look like this:

// webpack.config.js

module.exports = {
  entry: './handler.js',
  target: 'node',
  module: {
    loaders: [ ... ]

Alternatively the Webpack configuration can export an asynchronous object (e.g. a promise or async function) which will be awaited by the plugin and resolves to the final configuration object. This is useful if the confguration depends on asynchronous functions, for example, defining the AccountId of the current aws user inside AWS lambda@edge which does not support defining normal process environment variables.

A basic Webpack promise configuration might look like this:

// Version if the local Node.js version supports async/await
// webpack.config.js

const webpack = require('webpack')
const slsw = require('serverless-webpack');

module.exports = (async () => {
  const accountId = await;
  return {
    entry: './handler.js',
    target: 'node',
    plugins: [
      new webpack.DefinePlugin({
        AWS_ACCOUNT_ID: `${accountId}`,
    module: {
      loaders: [ ... ]
// Version with promises
// webpack.config.js

const webpack = require('webpack')
const slsw = require('serverless-webpack');
const BbPromise = require('bluebird');

module.exports = BbPromise.try(() => {
  .then(accountId => ({
    entry: './handler.js',
    target: 'node',
    plugins: [
      new webpack.DefinePlugin({
        AWS_ACCOUNT_ID: `${accountId}`,
    module: {
      loaders: [ ... ]

serverless-webpack lib export helper

serverless-webpack exposes a lib object, that can be used in your webpack.config.jsto make the configuration easier and to build fully dynamic configurations.This is the preferred way to configure webpack - the plugin will take care ofas much of the configuration (and subsequent changes in your services) as it can.

Automatic entry resolution

You can let the plugin determine the correct handler entry points at build time.Then you do not have to care anymore when you add or remove functions from your service:

// webpack.config.js
const slsw = require('serverless-webpack');

module.exports = {
  entry: slsw.lib.entries,

Custom entries that are not part of the SLS build process can be added too:

// webpack.config.js
const _ = require('lodash');
const slsw = require('serverless-webpack');

module.exports = {
  entry: _.assign({
    myCustomEntry1: './custom/path/something.js'
  }, slsw.lib.entries),

Full customization (for experts)

The lib export also provides the serverless and options properties, throughwhich you can access the Serverless instance and the options given on the command-line.

The current stage e.g is accessible through slsw.lib.options.stage

This enables you to have a fully customized dynamic configuration, that can evaluateanything available in the Serverless framework. There are really no limits.

Samples are: The current stage and the complete service definition. You therebyhave access to anything that a Serverless plugin would have access to.

Both properties should be handled with care and should never be written to,as that will modify the running framework and leads to unpredictable behavior!

If you have cool use cases with the full customization, we might add your solutionto the plugin examples as showcase.

Invocation state

lib.webpack contains state variables that can be used to configure the builddynamically on a specific plugin state.


lib.webpack.isLocal is a boolean property that is set to true, if any knownmechanism is used in the current Serverless invocation that runs code locally.

This allows to set properties in the webpack configuration differently dependingif the lambda code is run on the local machine or deployed.

A sample is to set the compile mode with Webpack 4:

mode: slsw.lib.webpack.isLocal ? "development" : "production"


Note that, if the output configuration is not set, it will automatically begenerated to write bundles in the .webpack directory. If you set your own outputconfiguration make sure to add a libraryTargetfor best compatibility with external dependencies:

// webpack.config.js
const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  // ...
  output: {
    libraryTarget: 'commonjs',
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, '.webpack'),
    filename: '[name].js'
  // ...


By default, the plugin will print a quite verbose bundle information to your console. However, ifyou are not satisfied with the current output info, you can overwrite it in your webpack.config.js

// webpack.config.js

module.exports = {
  // ...
  stats: 'minimal'
  // ...

All the stats config can be found in webpack's documentation

Node modules / externals

By default, the plugin will try to bundle all dependencies. However, you don'twant to include all modules in some cases such as selectively import, excludingbuiltin package (ie: aws-sdk) and handling webpack-incompatible modules.

In this case you might add external modules inWebpack's externals configuration.Those modules can be included in the Serverless bundle with the custom: webpack: includeModulesoption in serverless.yml:

// webpack.config.js
var nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals');

module.exports = {
  // we use webpack-node-externals to excludes all node deps.
  // You can manually set the externals too.
  externals: [nodeExternals()]
# serverless.yml
    includeModules: true # enable auto-packing of external modules

All modules stated in externals will be excluded from bundled files. If an excluded moduleis stated as dependencies in package.json and it is used by the webpack chunk, it will bepacked into the Serverless artifact under the node_modules directory.

By default, the plugin will use the package.json file in working directory, If you want touse a different package file, set packagePath to your custom package.json:

# serverless.yml
      packagePath: '../package.json' # relative path to custom package.json file.

Note that only relative path is supported at the moment.

peerDependencies of all above external dependencies will also be packed into the Serverlessartifact. By default, node_modules in the same directory as package.json (current working directoryor specified bypackagePath) will be used.

However in some configuration (like monorepo), node_modules is in parent directory which is different fromwhere package.json is. Set nodeModulesRelativeDir to specify the relative directory where node_modules is.

# serverless.yml
      nodeModulesRelativeDir: '../../' # relative path to current working directory.

Runtime dependencies

If a runtime dependency is detected that is found in the devDependencies section andso would not be packaged, the plugin will error until you explicitly exclude it (see forceExclude below)or move it to the dependencies section.


An exception for the runtime dependency error is the AWS-SDK. All projects using the AWS-SDK normallyhave it listed in devDependencies because AWS provides it already in their Lambda environment. In this casethe aws-sdk is automatically excluded and only an informational message is printed (in --verbose mode).

The main reason for the warning is, that silently ignoring anything contradicts the declarative natureof Serverless' service definition. So the correct way to define the handling for the aws-sdk is, asyou would do for all other excluded modules (see forceExclude below).

# serverless.yml
        - aws-sdk


You can select the packager that will be used to package your external modules.The packager can be set with the packager configuration. Currently it can be 'npm'or 'yarn' and defaults to using npm when not set.

# serverless.yml
    packager: 'yarn' # Defaults to npm
    packagerOptions: {} # Optional, depending on the selected packager

You should select the packager, that you use to develop your projects, because onlythen locked versions will be handled correctly, i.e. the plugin uses the generated(and usually committed) package lock file that is created by your favorite packager.

Each packager might support specific options that can be set in the packagerOptionsconfiguration setting. For details see below.


By default, the plugin uses NPM to package the external modules. However, if you use npm,you should use any version <5.5 >=5.7.1 as the versions in-between have some nasty bugs.

Right now there are no packagerOptions that can be set with NPM.


Using yarn will switch the whole packaging pipeline to use yarn, so does it use a yarn.lock file.

The yarn packager supports the following packagerOptions:

Option Type Default Description
ignoreScripts bool false Do not execute package.json hook scripts on install
noFrozenLockfile bool false Do not require an up-to-date yarn.lock
networkConcurrency int Specify number of concurrent network requests
Common packager options

There are some settings that are common to all packagers and affect the packaging itself.

Custom scripts

You can specify custom scripts that are executed after the installation of the function/service packageshas been finished. These are standard packager scripts as they can be used in any package.json.

Warning: The use cases for them are very rare and specific and you should investigate first,if your use case can be covered with webpack plugins first. They should never access filesoutside of their current working directory which is the compiled function folder, if any.A valid use case would be to start anything available as binary from node_modules.

        - npm rebuild grpc --target=6.1.0 --target_arch=x64 --target_platform=linux --target_libc=glibc

Forced inclusion

Sometimes it might happen that you use dynamic requires in your code, i.e. yourequire modules that are only known at runtime. Webpack is not able to detectsuch externals and the compiled package will miss the needed dependencies.In such cases you can force the plugin to include certain modules by settingthem in the forceInclude array property. However the module must appear inyour service's production dependencies in package.json.

# serverless.yml
        - module1
        - module2

Forced exclusion

You can forcefully exclude detected external modules, e.g. if you have a modulein your dependencies that is already installed at your provider's environment.

Just add them to the forceExclude array property and they will not be packaged.

# serverless.yml
        - module1
        - module2

If you specify a module in both arrays, forceInclude and forceExclude, theexclude wins and the module will not be packaged.

Local modules

You can use file: version references in your package.json to use a node modulefrom a local folder (e.g. "mymodule": "file:../../myOtherProject/mymodule").With that you can do test deployments from the local machine with differentmodule versions or modules before they are published officially.

Exclude Files with similar names

If you have a project structure that uses something like index.js and aco-located index.test.js then you have likely seen an error like:WARNING: More than one matching handlers found for index. Using index.js

This config option allows you to exclude files that match a glob from functionresolution. Just add: excludeFiles: **/*.test.js (with whatever glob you wantto exclude).

# serverless.yml
    excludeFiles: **/*.test.js

This is also useful for projects that use TypeScript.

Exclude Files with Regular Expression

This config option allows you to filter files that match a regex pattern beforeadding to the zip file. Just add: excludeRegex: \.ts|test|\.map (with whateverregex you want to exclude).

# serverless.yml
    excludeRegex: \.ts|test|\.map

Keep output directory after packaging

You can keep the output directory (defaults to .webpack) from being removedafter build.

Just add keepOutputDirectory: true

# serverless.yml
    keepOutputDirectory: true

This can be useful, in case you want to upload the source maps to your Errorreporting system, or just have it available for some post processing.

Nodejs custom runtime

If you are using a nodejs custom runtime you can add the property allowCustomRuntime: true.

  handler: path/to/your/handler.default
  runtime: provided
  allowCustomRuntime: true

⚠️ Note: this will only work if your custom runtime and function are written in JavaScript.Make sure you know what you are doing when this option is set to true


You can find an example setups in the examples folder.

Service level packaging

If you do not enable individual packaging in your service (serverless.yml), theplugin creates one ZIP file for all functions (the service package) that includesall node modules used in the service. This is the fastest packaging, but not theoptimal one, as node modules are always packaged, that are not needed by somefunctions.

Optimization / Individual packaging per function

A better way to do the packaging, is to enable individual packaging in yourservice:

# serverless.yml
  individually: true

This will switch the plugin to per function packaging which makes use of the multi-compilerfeature of Webpack. That means, that Webpack compiles and optimizes eachfunction individually, removing unnecessary imports and reducing code sizessignificantly. Tree-Shaking only makes sense with this approach.

Now the needed external node modules are also detected by Webpack per functionand the plugin only packages the needed ones into the function artifacts. As aresult, the deployed artifacts are smaller, depending on the functions andcold-start times (to install the functions into the cloud at runtime) are reducedtoo.

The individual packaging will automatically apply the automatic entry resolution (see above) andyou will not be able to configure the entry config in webpack. An error will be thrownif you are trying to override the entry in webpack.config.js with other unsupported values.

The individual packaging needs more time at the packaging phase, but you'llget that paid back twice at runtime.

Individual packaging concurrency

# serverless.yml
    concurrency: 5 # desired concurrency, defaults to the number of available cores
    serializedCompile: true # backward compatible, this translates to concurrency: 1

Will run each webpack build one at a time which helps reduce memory usage and in some cases impoves overall build performance.

Support for Docker Images as Custom Runtimes

AWS Lambda and serverless started supporting the use of Docker images as custom runtimes in 2021. See the serverless documentation for details on how to configure a serverless.yml to use these features.

NOTE: You must provide an override for the Image CMD property in your function definitions.See Dockerfile documentation for more information about the native Docker CMD property.

In the following example entrypoint is inherited from the shared Docker image, while command is provided as an override for each function:

# serverless.yml
        - app.handler1
        - app.handler2

If you want to use a remote docker image but still need the webpack process before doing so, you can specify it as indicated below:

# serverless.yml


Automatic bundling

The normal Serverless deploy procedure will automatically bundle with Webpack:

  • Create the Serverless project with serverless create -t aws-nodejs
  • Install Serverless Webpack as above
  • Deploy with serverless deploy

Run a function locally

The plugin fully integrates with serverless invoke local. To run your bundled functionslocally you can:

$ serverless invoke local --function <function-name>

All options that are supported by invoke local can be used as usual:

  • --function or -f (required) is the name of the function to run
  • --path or -p (optional) is a JSON file path used as the function input event
  • --data or -d (optional) inline JSON data used as the function input event

The old webpack invoke command has been disabled.

Run a function with an existing compiled output (--no-build)

On CI systems it is likely that you'll run multiple integration tests with invoke localsequentially. To improve this, you can do one compile and run multiple invokes on thecompiled output - it is not necessary to compile again before each and every invoke.

$ serverless webpack
$ serverless invoke local --function <function-name-1> --no-build
$ serverless invoke local --function <function-name-2> --no-build

Run a function locally on source changes

Or to run a function every time the source files change use the --watch optiontogether with serverless invoke local:

$ serverless invoke local --function <function-name> --path event.json --watch

Everytime the sources are changed, the function will be executed again with thechanged sources. The command will watch until the process is terminated.

If you have your sources located on a file system that does not offer events,you can enable polling with the --webpack-use-polling=<time in ms> option.If you omit the value, it defaults to 3000 ms.

All options that are supported by invoke local can be used as usual:

  • --function or -f (required) is the name of the function to run
  • --path or -p (optional) is a JSON file path used as the function input event
  • --data or -d (optional) inline JSON data used as the function input event

The old webpack watch command has been disabled.

Usage with serverless run (Serverless Event Gateway)

The serverless run command is supported with the plugin. To test a localservice with the Serverless Emulator, you can use the serverless runcommand as documented by Serverless. The command will compile the code beforeit uploads it into the event gateway.

Serverless run with webpack watch mode

You can enable source watch mode with serverless run --watch. The plugin willthen watch for any source changes, recompile and redeploy the code to the eventgateway. So you can just keep the event gateway running and test new code immediately.

Usage with serverless-offline

The plugin integrates very well with serverless-offline tosimulate AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway locally.

Add the plugins to your serverless.yml file and make sure that serverless-webpackprecedes serverless-offline as the order is important:

plugins: ...
  - serverless-webpack
  - serverless-offline

Run serverless offline or serverless offline start to start the Lambda/API simulation.

In comparison to serverless offline, the start command will fire an init and a end lifecycle hook which is needed for serverless-offline and e.g. serverless-dynamodb-local to switch off resources (see below).

You can find an example setup in the examples folder.

By default the plugin starts in watch mode when triggered through serverless offline, automatically recompiles your code if it detects a change in the used sources.After a change it might take some seconds until the emulated endpoints are updated.

If you have your sources located on a file system that does not offer events,e.g. a mounted volume in a Docker container, you can enable polling with the--webpack-use-polling=<time in ms> option. If you omit the value, it defaultsto 3000 ms.

If you don't want the plugin to build when using serverless-offline, select the --no-build option.

Custom paths

If you do not use the default path and override it in your Webpack configuration,you have use the --location option.


Configure your service the same as mentioned above, but additionally add the serverless-dynamodb-localplugin as follows:

  - serverless-webpack
  - serverless-dynamodb-local
  - serverless-offline

Run serverless offline start.

Other useful options

You can reduce the clutter generated by serverless-offline with --dontPrintOutput anddisable timeouts with --noTimeout.

If you use serverless offline to run your integration tests, you might want todisable the automatic watch mode with the --webpack-no-watch switch.

Bundle with webpack

To just bundle and see the output result use:

$ serverless webpack --out dist

Options are:

  • --out or -o (optional) The output directory. Defaults to .webpack.

Simulate API Gateway locally

The serve command has been removed. See above how to achieve thesame functionality with the serverless-offline plugin.

vscode debugging

To debug your functions using serverless invoke local or serverless-offlinecheck this .vscode/launch.json example.

Example with Babel

In the examples folder there is a Serverless project using thisplugin with Babel. To try it, from inside the example folder:

  • npm install to install dependencies
  • serverless invoke local -f hello to run the example function

Provider Support

Plugin commands are supported by the following providers. ⁇ indicates that command has not been tested with that provider.

AWS Lambda Apache OpenWhisk Azure Functions Google Cloud Functions
webpack ✔︎ ✔︎
invoke local ✔︎ ✔︎
invoke local --watch ✔︎ ✔︎

Plugin support

The following serverless plugins are explicitly supported with serverless-webpack

Plugin NPM

For developers

The plugin exposes a complete lifecycle model that can be hooked by other plugins to extendthe functionality of the plugin or add additional actions.

The event lifecycles and their hookable events (H)

All events (H) can be hooked by a plugin.

-> webpack:validate
   -> webpack:validate:validate (H)
-> webpack:compile
   -> webpack:compile:compile (H)
   -> webpack:compile⌚compile (H)
-> webpack:package
   -> webpack��packExternalModules (H)
   -> webpack��packageModules (H)

Integration of the lifecycles into the command invocations and hooks

The following list shows all lifecycles that are invoked/started by theplugin when running a command or invoked by a hook.

-> before��createDeploymentArtifacts
   -> webpack:validate
   -> webpack:compile
   -> webpack:package

-> before:deploy:function:packageFunction
   -> webpack:validate
   -> webpack:compile
   -> webpack:package

-> before:invoke:local:invoke
   -> webpack:validate
   -> webpack:compile

-> webpack
   -> webpack:validate
   -> webpack:compile
   -> webpack:package

-> before:offline:start
   -> webpack:validate
   -> webpack:compile

-> before:offline:start:init
   -> webpack:validate
   -> webpack:compile


Special thanks go to the initial author of serverless-webpack, Nicola Peduzzi, who allowedme to take it over and continue working on the project. That helped to revive it and lead it to new horizons.

Release Notes


  • 背景 想做一个手机浏览器插件,双击收藏好看的图片。用serverless做后端,leancloud做数据库。在部署serverless时发现,默认是要上传node_modules的,那也太夸张了吧。我随便装几个依赖,就70M了,这不行。于是想到了用webpack打包来实现,说干就干。 主要坑 target target需要设置为node,小坑 libraryTarget 开始没设置这个属性,然后打

  • plugin list 用于显示Serverless plugin registry提供的所有plugin serverless plugin list plugin search 用于根据指定的字符串搜索plugin serverless plugin search --query query plugin install 用于安装一个plugin,默认安装最新版本的plugin,可以通过<pl

  • AMAZON and serverless(2)TypeScript Current serverless version > serverless --version 1.26.1 We are not using this plugin Follow this example,

  • 云原生应用开发 回顾过去二十年,应用开发有以下几个显著的特点: 以应用服务器为中心,典型应用服务器包括 tomcat,JBoss,WebLogic,WebSphere,应用服务器提供了丰富的技术堆栈和系统构建范式,对应用开发人员友好 JavaEE/Spring,JavaEE/Spring 是应用开发的基本技能,这项技能有广泛的开发者基础,过去二十年中 JavaEE/Spring 的技术发展/版本的

  • The Serverless Framework (无服务器架构)允许你自动扩展、按执行付费、将事件驱动的功能部署到任何云。 目前支持 AWS Lambda、Apache OpenWhisk、Microsoft Azure,并且正在扩展以支持其他云提供商。 Serverless 降低了维护应用程序的总成本,能够更快地构建更多逻辑。它是一个命令行工具,提供脚手架、工作流自动化和开发部署无服务器架构的最佳实践。它也可以通过插件完全扩展。

  • Serverless Prisma [Archived] — New projects should consider using Prisma2 Minimal Serverless + Prisma Project Template Getting Started Be sure to have Docker and Make installed on your machine. Docker

  • serverless-bundle serverless-bundle is a Serverless Framework plugin that optimally packages your ES6 or TypeScript Node.js Lambda functions with sensible defaults so you don't have to maintain your o

  • Serverless Express by Vendia Run REST APIs and other web applications using your existing Node.js application framework (Express, Koa, Hapi, Sails, etc.), on top of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.

  • serverless-chrome Serverless Chrome contains everything you need to get started running headlessChrome on AWS Lambda (possibly Azure and GCP Functions soon). The aim of this project is to provide the