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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 乐寒
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

�� Universal React

Simple universal React application with server side rendering.

Built using latest version of React (v16), React Router (v5+), Redux (v7+), Express (v5+), Webpack (v4+), Babel Preset ES6

�� Features

  • List blogs (async API call using axios)
  • View single blog
  • Add blog
  • Container Components (read here)
  • Server Side Rendering
  • Cache data in client state to prevent re-fetch

▶️ Running

  • Clone repo git clone git@github.com:atulmy/universal-react.git universal-react
  • Install NPM modules cd universal-react and npm install
  • Run npm run start

�� Packages Used


  • react (Library for building user interfaces)
  • react-dom (React package for working with the DOM)
  • react-router-dom (A complete routing library for React)
  • redux (Predictable state container for JavaScript apps)
  • redux-thunk (Thunk middleware for Redux)
  • react-redux (Official React bindings for Redux)
  • react-helmet (Manage all of your changes to the document head)
  • express (Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework)
  • axios (Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js)

�� Resources

  • Universal JavaScript Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino (YouTube)
  • Container Components - (Medium Post)
  • React Router 4 SSR example - Ryan Florence (Gist)
  • Start learning by looking at sample codes: #LearnByExamples


Following projects have been built with or inspired from universal-react

  • Crate - Get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories - GitHub
  • HIRESMART - Application to streamline hiring process - GitHub
  • Would really appreciate if you add your project to this list by sending a PR

�� Author

Atul Yadav - GitHubTwitter

�� License

Copyright (c) 2017 Atul Yadav http://github.com/atulmy

The MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)

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