HyperExpress aims to be a simple yet perfomant HTTP & Websocket Server. Combined with the power of uWebsockets.js, a Node.js binding of uSockets written in C++, HyperExpress allows developers to unlock higher throughput for their web applications with their existing hardware. This can allow many web applications to become much more performant on optimized data serving endpoints without having to scale hardware.
Some of the prominent features implemented are:
While there may be other uWebsockets.js based packages available, HyperExpress differentiates itself in the following ways:
HyperExpress can be installed using node package manager (npm
npm i hyper-express
> [Examples & Snippets]
for small and easy-to-use snippets with HyperExpress.> [Server]
for creating a webserver and working with the Server component.> [Middlewares]
for working with global and route-specific Middlewares in HyperExpress.> [Router]
for working with the modular Router component.> [Request]
for working with the Request component made available through handlers.> [Response]
for working with the Response component made available through handlers.> [Websocket]
for working with Websockets in HyperExpress.> [SessionEngine]
for working with cookie based web Sessions in HyperExpress.Below benchmark results were derived using the autocannon HTTP benchmarking utility. The benchmark source code is included in this repository in the benchmarks folder.
This command simulates a high stress situation where 2500 unique visitors visit your website at the same time and their browsers on average make 4 pipelined requests per TCP connection sustained for 30 seconds.
autocannon -c 2500 -d 30 -p 4 http://HOST:PORT/benchmark
. See more in HTML Test.Note! uWebsockets.js and HyperExpress were bottlenecked by the network speed of the Vultr instance. While, Fastify and Express were bottlenecked by high CPU usage resulting in a much lower throughput with relatively higher latency numbers. For average use cases, all webservers below can serve requests at lower than 50ms latency.
Version | Requests/s | Latency | Throughput/s | |
uWebsockets.js | 20.0.0 | 196,721 | 435 ms | 106 Mb/s |
HyperExpress | 5.0.2 | 196,833 | 413 ms | 106 Mb/s |
NanoExpress | 5.1.1 | 195,728 | 423 ms | 106 Mb/s |
Fastify | 3.22.0 | 40,898 | 565 ms | 25 Mb/s |
Express | 4.17.1 | 5,791 | 1740 ms | 3.8 Mb/s |
通过PowerShell Script修改Hyper-V虚拟机的BIOS GUID 测试中总会遇到客户各种奇怪的需求和使用场景,这不又遇到了一个,客户Hyper-v虚拟机的BIOS GUID为空值导致产品出现异常。因此需要查找命令或者脚本修改Hyper-v虚拟机的BIOS GUID 脚本 很可惜,没有找到命令可以去直接修改Hyper-v Virtual Machine的guest BiosGuid
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Rafael Rivera Forward engineer by day, reverse engineer by night. Technical contributor at Thurrott.com Home How To: Get Consumer GPUs Working In Hyper-V Virtual Machines June 6, 2020 Changelog 06/06/
Hyper 是一种 App-Centric 的虚拟化技术,我们完全摒弃了传统虚机上必须和物理机一样,运行一个完整 OS 这种看似显然的假设,我们让Docker Image 直接运行在 Hypervisor 上。我们让一组容器直接启动在 hypervisor 上的时间达到 350 毫秒,并且还在进一步优化。而且所有这些,都是“开箱即得的”。 当然有人会问,有了容器为什么还要虚机。诚然,虚机并不是所有
Awesome Hyper A curated list of sweet Hyper packages, themes, and resources. Inspired by the awesome list thing. You might also like awesome-node and awesome-npm, which both have CLI stuff you can use
HTTP 规范在不久之后就会升级,从 HTTP/1.1 升级到 HTTP/2.0。新的规范包括了许多很棒的新机制,HTTP/1.1 将无法处理这些特性。 Hyper 就是个纯 Python 实现的当前 HTTP/2.0 规范的 draft(9)。(HPACK 规范的 draft5)。 现在,Hyper 几乎可以嵌入式的替代 Python 的标准库 http.client。
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