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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
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Koa React Universal


This project is dedicated to build simple yet powerful Koa-React-Universal boilerplate.

Less is More: All key ingredients are in src/developmentsrc/production and webpack configurations, easy to understand、set-up and extend. We promise to use the most recent & official packages(as much as we can), no weird or tricky stuffs, keeping this project clean and fully customizable.

Fully functional: HMR for client and server side, code splitting for both javascript and css, async/await universal programming support for koa2 server-side and redux-thunk client-side...

Universal: We are using react-universal-componentwebpack-flush-chunks. It simplifies universal development with code-splitting(js、css) and is also compatible with the latest react-router-v4.

Production: We are using webpack to build client(target: web) and server(target: node).

Development: We are using koa-webpack-server (which simplifies development env set-ups), it also webpacks client and server(with client & server hot-load), so we can stay as much as the same with production.


DEMO: Search Github Repositories.

Noted: Github search API has Rate Limitation of 10 reqs/min (without credentials).



  • koa2
  • react
  • react-router4
  • redux-thunk
  • react-universal-component
  • es2015 + async/await
  • less、postcss(autoprefixer)
  • webpack
  • koa-webpack-server
  • webpack-flush-chunks
  • axios
  • ejs
  • jest
  • eslint(airbnb)
  • docker
  • wallaby


  • graphql(Github API v3 -> v4)
  • flow
  • enzyme
  • immutable
  • vendor




  • yarn / npm
  • node ≥ 7.0


  • docker ≥ 1.13


yarn prod

or with docker

docker build -t koa-react-universal .
docker run -d -p 3006:3006 koa-react-universal


yarn dev


yarn test

also supports wallaby.js live test reports view

CMD + SHIFT + R -> R (vscode)




Issues are welcome :)

PRs are welcome (if you can help to make things more concise and simple!).

  • 本项目github地址 react-koa2-ssr 所用到技术栈 react16.x + react-router4.x + koa2.x 前言 前段时间业余做了一个简单的古文网 ,但是项目是使用React SPA 渲染的,不利于SEO,便有了服务端渲染这个需求。后面就想写个demo把整个过程总结一下,同时也加深自己对其的理解,期间由于工作,过程是断断续续 。总之后来就有了这个项目吧。关于服务端

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  • Koa

    Koa art-template view render middleware. support all feature of art-template. Install npm install --save art-template npm install --save koa-art-template Example const Koa = require('koa'); const ren