koa 2 middleware for React server side rendering and routing with react-router 5.
Looking for React Router 3 support see v1 docs.Try React Router 5 though it's awesome!
To install koa-react-router
npm install koa-react-router react react-dom react-router --save
are allpeerDependencies
can be mounted easily in a koa 2 application like so:
// index.js
import Koa from 'koa';
import reactrouter from 'koa-react-router';
import App from './App';
import Container from './containers/PageContainer';
const app = new Koa();
onError: (ctx, err) => console.log('I Have failed!!!!'),
onRedirect: (ctx, redirect) => console.log('I have redirected!'),
onRender: (ctx) => ({ Container })
requires the following parameters:
The App
config prop should be a react component that contains one or more React Router 4 Route
components to be rendered.For example:
// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router';
import Home from '../containers/Home';
import Article from '../containers/Article';
const App = () =>
<h1>This is my App!</h1>
<Route path="/" component={Home} exact />
<Route path="/article" component={Article} exact />
// index.js
// ...imports
import App from './App';
// ... koa app setup
// Other callbacks
Callback function called before rendering App
.This callback can either be a normal function which returns a valid component or it can return a Promise
which then resolves and returns a valid component.The function accepts the following parameters:
- The StaticRouter
wrapped around the App
.This callback could be used to wrap the
with any other higher-order component before it gets rendered
Callback function called when an error occurs whilst route matching or rendering.
The function accepts the following parameters:
- The Koa Context
- The error that was caught when matching routes.onRedirect
Callback function called if a Redirect
route is matched.
The function accepts the following parameters:
- The Koa Context
- The url to redirect to.onRender
Callback function called before sending a response to the client.This function must be supplied, and must return an object that contains the following property:
This should be a React component that wraps around the rendered route.
Typically this will be the template for the page, however this is not mandatory.
As such this component is rendered using renderToStaticMarkup
The component must accept the children
prop and insert it when rendered.For example:
// ./containers/Container
import React from 'react';
const Container = (props) =>
<html lang="en">
<title>Hello Container</title>
<div id="app">
export default Container;
This would then be supplied to koa-react-router
via the onRender
callback like so:
// index.js
import Koa from 'koa';
import reactrouter from 'koa-react-router';
import App from './App';
import Container from './containers/Container';
const app = new Koa();
onRender: (ctx) => ({ Container })
As well as the Container
property this callback can optionally return:
Optional function for handling the rendering of a container component.
This function has one argument which is view
. This argument is the currently rendered view of the app.
This function may be used if some custom props need to be injected into the container component, such as an initial Redux state.
This function should be used instead of the Container
property when returning from onRender
For example you may want to render the container as follows:
// index.js
import Koa from 'koa';
import reactrouter from 'koa-react-router';
// ...other imports
const app = new Koa();
const state = // Create state.
onRender: (ctx) => ({
containerRenderer: (view) =>
<html lang="en">
<script dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: state}} />
<p>hello container</p>
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: view }} />
The final page render would look something like:
<html lang="en">
<script>//State config</script>
<p>hello container</p>
<!-- View html in here -->
Optional id for React to use as the base of the app. Default: app
In order for React to re-hydrate the DOM on the client it needs to know where it should attach itself. In a previous version of koa-react-router
this was not possible. This property allows you to add a custom root id to the DOM. For example, if you set this to root
, the output would look something like.
<html lang="en">
<script>//State config</script>
<div id="root">
<!-- View html in here -->
React Router 4 added support for a static router context this context can be used in your application, to pass values from your router to other middleware and drive behaviour for routes.koa-react-router
makes this context available on the koa ctx
in the following location:
One example of using this context is setting a status
in the route context so a later middleware can set that as this response code.The common use case of status is already taken care of. So if one of your routes sets a status
prop whilst rendering that will be set as the response status See Not found in the FAQ section for an example.
Use the routerContext
for whatever you want in your app, some common recipes will be added to this repo at a later date.
This release includes some deprecated props. As React Router has come with some major changes so has koa-react-router
The routes
prop has gone in favour of the App
config prop. Where you would have passed in your static routes before you can now pass in your App
component that contains the React Router routes. For example:
// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router';
import Home from '../containers/Home';
import Article from '../containers/Article';
const App = () =>
<h1>This is my App!</h1>
<Route path="/" component={Home} exact />
<Route path="/article" component={Article} exact />
React Router 4 gives you the flexibility to define your routes wherever you want in your app, and so does koa-react-router
The previous version of koa-react-router
supported a onNotFound
callback. This has been deprecated in favour of defining a status
prop on the React Router static context and using a Switch
component in your app. For example, our App
component may be written as:
import React from 'react';
import { Route, Switch } from 'react-router';
import Home from '../containers/Home';
import Article from '../containers/Article';
const NotFound = ({ status }) =>
render={({ staticContext }) => {
if (staticContext) staticContext.status = status;
return <div>This route has not been found Soz!</div>;
const App = () =>
<h1>This is my App!</h1>
<Route path="/" component={Home} exact />
<Route path="/article" component={Article} exact />
<NotFound status={404} />
If not other routes are matched the NotFound
component will be rendered, and koa-react-router
will set the response code status.
前言 这篇文章讲述如何整合koa,react,nunjacks,koa-router实现一个服务端渲染的工程 koa搭建服务器 // index.js const Koa = require('koa') const app = new Koa() app.use(async(ctx, next) => { ctx.body = 'hello world!' next() }) a
如果你想搭建个项目,一般都是有脚手架的,比如vue的脚手架 vue-cli , react的脚手架 create-react-app ,还有一些其他的,像AntD Admin等。如果想使用koa2 , 也是有一些脚手架的,我常用的就是 koa-generator , 安装它也是很简单: 1.首先需要全局安装 npm install -g koa-generator 2.创建项目 koa2 -e
提示:文章写完后,目录可以自动生成,如何生成可参考右边的帮助文档 前言 提示:这里可以添加本文要记录的大概内容: 学习图片上传和保存的过程中,发现post过来的FormData数据无法获取,经过漫长的踩坑过程,实现FormData上传图片,学习文档,仅限于共同进步,大神请绕行。 提示:以下是本篇文章正文内容,下面案例可供参考 一、koa-body 使用koa-body解析post数据,实现Form
概述 前端路由与后端路由的结合一直是一个难题。koa-static这个中间件能够把静态资源“搬到”后端路由上面去,react-create-app在不解构的情况下只会把资源打包到build文件夹,怎么协调koa-static,react-create-app和react-router-dom?我摸索出了一个解决方案,记录下来,供以后开发时参考,相信对其他人也有用。 源码可以参考我的github。
koa2 模板引擎模块 koa-views 的使用 我通过koa-generator脚手架构建一个项目用于学习koa2, 现遇到的问题是脚手架官配koa-views,虽说支持很多模板引擎,但没有指出那些模板引擎的高级用法该怎么做? 代码如下: var app = require('koa')() , koa = require('koa-router')() , logger = require(
前端:create-react-app antd axios react 后端:node koa sequelize mysql 作为一个前端小新手,在尝试了一段时间的react前端工作后,就想尝试用node编写web服务,假装自己很厉害。在看了一段时间的node教程+express教程+koa教程等,就开始准备自己写一个小demo。 前端效果图(react+ antd + create-reac
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