
Minified version of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript
授权协议 View license
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 颜新
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


A minified, unbuilt version of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript AMD modules.


You can install these modules via npm and create your own custom builds, for example, with Webpack, RequireJS or the Dojo Toolkit.


Additional instructions and examples are available in the SDK's Build with AMD modules Guide page.

npm install arcgis-js-api

TypeScript Typings

You can use the typings included with arcgis-js-api two ways. The first way is to include a /// directive in your main TypeScript file:


/// <reference types="arcgis-js-api" />

Or, add a reference to the declaration file in the include of your tsconfig.json:


  "include": [


Use of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript is subject to the terms described in the product-specific terms of use. Learn more about licensing here.




COPYRIGHT © 2021 Esri

All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United Statesand applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.

This material is licensed for use under the Esri Master LicenseAgreement (MLA), and is bound by the terms of that agreement.You may redistribute and use this code without modification,provided you adhere to the terms of the MLA and include thiscopyright notice.

For additional information, contact:Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.Attn: Contracts and Legal Services Department380 New York StreetRedlands, California, USA 92373USA


  • 开发环境: arcgis jsapi版本4.9 由于我们这套代码是基于vue,webpack开发的,会有少数vue代码,但总体不影响 里面还有些我们公司的js库和html css,给出的代码不能百分百直接运行,主要还是接口的总体介绍   代码中常见且不知来源的变量说明: this.map和this.mapView:就是地图的map和mapView this.apiInstance:这是公司框架封装

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  • 1.引用资源 1.1引用ArcGIS API for JavaScript 首先引用ArcGIS API for JavaScript,采用script标签,注:里面的数字为版本号,可以等到版本更新时,更换对应的版本号即可。代码如下: 1.2引用样式 标签引用main.css样式表,其中包含特定于Esri窗口小部件和组件的样式。代码如下: 2.加载模块 2.1require()函数 在创建地图对象

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