ArcGIS Runtime API for Android v100.12.0 samples. The main
branch of this repository contains sample app modules for the latest available version of the ArcGIS Runtime API for Android. Samples released under older versions can be found through the git tags. Please read our wiki for help with working with this repository.
compileSdkVersion 30
Please read our developer instructions wiki page to set up your developer environment with Android Studio. Instructions include forking and cloning the repository for those new to Git.
Accessing Esri location services, including basemaps, routing, and geocoding, requires authentication using either an API Key or an ArcGIS identity:
The Android samples in this repository have been structured to use an API key, set once, which will run in all samples. Set your API key in the
file located in the /.gradle
folder within your home directory (/Users/<user_name>/.gradle/
). The API_KEY property should contain quotes around the key itself: API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY"
Once you have set up your developer environment you can run any sample from within Android Studio by selecting the app module from the Edit Configurations drop down and clicking the Run button from the toolbar.
You can execute all the build tasks using the Gradle Wrapper command line tool. It's available as a batch file for Windows (gradlew.bat) and a shell script for Linux/Mac ( and it is accessible from the root of the project.
$ ./gradlew assembleDebug
adb -d install path/to/sample.apk
Built APK's are saved to arcgis-runtime-samples-android/[module-name]/build/outputs/apk/. More information about running apps on devices can be found here.
The samples in this repository can also be viewed in a single sample viewer app. It can be found on the Play Store or on ArcGIS Online. If downloading from ArcGIS Online, follow these instructions to run the app locally on your device:
adb -d install path/to/ArcGIS_Runtime_Sample_Viewer_Android_10010.apk
Have a question about functionality in the ArcGIS Runtime API for Android? Want to ask other users for development advice, discuss a workflow, ask Esri staff and other users about bugs in the API? Use GeoNet for any general questions like this, so others can learn from and contribute to the discussion.
Do you have something to contribute? Send a pull request! New Samples, bug fixes and documentation fixes are welcome.
Have a problem running one of the samples in this repo? Does the sample not work on a specific device? Have questions about how the code in this repo is working? Want to request a specific sample? In that case, submit a new issue.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute. We do accept pull requests.
Please see our guidelines for contributing doc
Copyright 2021 Esri
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
A copy of the license is available in the repository's license.txt file.
ArcGIS产品线为用户提供一个可伸缩的,全面的GIS平台。ArcObjects包含了大量的可编程组件,从细粒度的对象(例如,单个的几何对象)到粗粒度的对象(例如与现有ArcMap文档交互的地图对象)涉及面极广,这些对象为开发者集成了全面的GIS功能。每一个使用ArcObjects建成的ArcGIS产品都为开发者提供了一个应用开发的容器,包括桌面GIS(ArcGIS Desktop),嵌入式GIS
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