
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 束帅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Is-Vegan helps you to find out which food ingredients are vegan / non-vegan. It can answer that on 1 ingredient or on a list of ingredients. It uses a 850+ entries list of non-vegan ingredients.

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How to use?

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We are aware that 'veganism' and the definition of it can be a hot topic. We created the non-vegan list keeping in mind that veganism in dietary terms, it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.

Our first step is the approach to help people understand, which products, and where applicable its ingredients, do not involve, or have involved, the use of any animal product, by-product or derivative. It is not driven about any vegan lifestyle choice or stereotype.We welcome and appreciate any help and concerence regarding the nonvegan/canbevegan list.

Currently we are unfortunatly not adressing any other forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for clothing, cosmetics or any other purpose.

Thank you all for your comments, we appreciate the discussion, as we grow and learn from your input.

All comments on Hacker News


We want to make sure that you understand how is-vegan is implemented. We analyzed as many good information websites for vegan / non-vegan ingredients as we found to get a very accurate list of ingredients. However, feel free to send a pull request with an updated version of the list.

Websites we parsed:

and we added also a few ourselves...



yarn add is-vegan


npm install is-vegan --save


const isVegan = require('is-vegan');

// or

import * as isVegan from 'is-vegan';

// example for single ingredient
isVegan.isVeganIngredient('soy'); // true
isVegan.isVeganIngredient('milk'); // false

// example for list of ingredients
isVegan.isVeganIngredientList(['aspic', 'albumin']); // false
isVegan.isVeganIngredientList(['soy', 'cacao butter']); // true

// example for list of ingredients
isVegan.containsNonVeganIngredients(['aspic', 'albumin', 'soy']); // ['aspic', 'albumin']
isVegan.containsNonVeganIngredients(['soy', 'cacao butter']); // []

// example for list of ingredients wich contain flagged and non-vegan ingredients
isVegan.checkIngredients(['soy', 'cacao butter', 'pork', 'beef', 'glycine']);
// returns
// {
//   nonvegan: ['pork', 'beef'],
//   flagged: ['glycine']
// }

// example for list of ingredients in Italian language
isVegan.setIngredientsLanguage('it'); // 'it' is the two-letter ISO 639-1 code for the Italian language
// returns
// {
//   nonvegan: ['manzo', 'maiale'],
//   flagged: ['glicina', 'biotina']
// }

// or

import { checkIngredients } from 'is-vegan';

// example for list of ingredients wich contain flagged and non-vegan ingredients
checkIngredients(['soy', 'cacao butter', 'pork', 'beef', 'glycine']);

// returns
// {
//   nonvegan: ['pork', 'beef'],
//   flagged: ['glycine']
// }

real world example

Products searched on USDA Food Composition Databases

const isVegan = require('is-vegan');

]); // returns true

Checkout: RunKit "is-vegan-playground" for more examples

Free API


yarn test

Thanks for translating the lists to italian


Alfred Workflow by Kyle Brumm (kjbrum)



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