Online chat based on web sockets and ratchet php
![Demo] (doc/demo.gif)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist joni-jones/yii2-wschat
or add
"joni-jones/yii2-wschat": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
The chat extension can use any database storage supported by yii.
If mongodb
extension specified the chat will be try to use it as message history storage, otherwise extensionwill be use specified in application config db component.
The simple example how to use mongodb storage is listed below.Install MongoDB and yii2-mongodbextension to store messages history and you need just specify connection in console
'components' => [
'mongodb' => [
'class' => '\yii\mongodb\Connection',
'dsn' => 'mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/dbname'
In created mongodb database you need to create collection named as history
IMPORTANT: if you use db component - you need to create table history
in your database.The simple examples postgresql and mysql you can see in tests/codeception
To start chat server need to create console command and setup it as demon:
Create controller which extends yii\console\Controller
ServerController extends \yii\console\Controller
Create action to start server:
namespace app\commands;
use jones\wschat\components\Chat;
use jones\wschat\components\ChatManager;
use Ratchet\Server\IoServer;
use Ratchet\Http\HttpServer;
use Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer;
class ServerController extends \yii\console\Controller
public function actionRun()
$server = IoServer::factory(new HttpServer(new WsServer(new Chat(new ChatManager()))), 8080);
If you want to use chat for auth users, you must to specify userClassName
property for ChatManager
instance.For example:
$manager = Yii::configure(new ChatManager(), [
'userClassName' => '\yii\db\ActiveRecord' //allow to get users from MySQL or PostgreSQL
Now, you can run chat server with yii
console command:
yii server/run
To add chat on page just call:
<?php echo ChatWidget::widget();?>
or if you want to use chat for auth users just add config as parameter:
<?php echo ChatWidget::widget([
'auth' => true,
'user_id' => '' // setup id of current logged user
List of available options:
auth - boolean, default: false
user_id - mixed, default: null
port - integer, default: 8080
chatList - array (allow to set list of preloaded chats), default: [
id => 1,
title => 'All'
add_room - boolean, default: true (allow to user create new chat rooms)
You can also store added chat, just specify js callback for vent events:
Chat.vent('chat:add', function(chatModel) {
This code snipped may be added in your code, but after chat widget loading. In the callback you will get access to Chat.Models.ChatRoom
backbone model. Now, you need add your code to save chat room instead console.log()
is enabled - all js scripts will be loaded separately.
Also by default chat will try to load two images:/avatar_16.png
and /avatar_32.png
from assets folder.
If you don't see any messages in console log, check flushInterval
and exportInterval
of your log configuration component. The simple configuration may looks like this:
'log' => [
'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ? 3 : 0,
'flushInterval' => 1,
'targets' => [
'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget',
'levels' => ['error', 'warning', 'info'],
'logVars' => [],
'exportInterval' => 1
If you use https
protocol chat will try to connect to wss
instead ws
. But Ratchet PHP does not support work via SSL, soyou need to use some proxy like stunnel.
创建测试文件 ./vendor/bin/codecept g:test unit Topic #创建一个名为TopicTest的单元测试类 ./vendor/bin/codecept g:cest functional TopicCest #创建名为TopicCest的功能测试类 运行测试 vendor/bin/codecept run #运行所有测试 vendor/bin/codecept
<?= DetailView::widget([ 'model' => $model, 'attributes' => [ 'id', 'name', //'status', //要显示状态名称,不是数字,改成下面这样: [ 'label
数据模型层 models/ZsDynasty.php [php] view plain copy <?php namespace app\models; use yii\db\ActiveRecord; class ZsDynasty extends ActiveRecord { } ZsDynasty 对应数据库表 zs_dynasty 控制器
Yii2-workerman框架是基于 Yii2 和 PHPSocket.IO 做的二次开发 gitgub地址:
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