Why use ngx-errors, how to install and use.
Declarative validation error messages for reactive forms.
Typically you'd do something like this:
<!-- without ngxErrors -->
<input type="text" formControlName="foo">
<div *ngIf="form.get('foo').hasError('required') && form.get('foo').touched">
Field is required
<div *ngIf="form.get('foo').hasError('minlength') && form.get('foo').dirty">
Min length is 5
With ngxErrors, we've taken a simple declarative approach that cleans up your templates to make validation easier:
<!-- with ngxErrors -->
<input type="text" formControlName="foo">
<div ngxErrors="foo">
<div ngxError="required" when="touched">
Field is required
<div ngxError="minlength" when="dirty">
Min length is 5
Check out the documentation below for all the syntax we provide.
yarn add @ultimate/ngxerrors
# OR
npm i @ultimate/ngxerrors
Just add ngx-errors to your module:
import { NgxErrorsModule } from '@ultimate/ngxerrors';
@NgModule({ imports: [ NgxErrorsModule ] })
The ngxErrors
directive works by dynamically fetching your FormControl under-the-hood, so simply take your formControlName
value and pass it into ngxErrors
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username">
// ...
This needs to be on a parent container that will encapsulate child ngxError
The ngxError
directive takes either a string
or array
as arguments. The argument you pass in corresponds to any active errors exposed on your control, such as "required" or "minlength":
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username">
<div ngxError="minlength">
Min length is 5
Note: when using array syntax,
bindings are needed
Using the array syntax, when any condition in the array is true the error will be shown:
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username">
<div [ngxError]="['minlength', 'maxlength']">
Min length is 5, max length is 10
The when
directive takes either a string
or array
as arguments. It allows you to specify when you wish to display the error based on the control state, such as "dirty" or "touched":
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username">
<div ngxError="minlength" when="dirty">
Min length is 5
It also comes in array format for multiple rules:
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username">
<div ngxError="minlength" [when]="['dirty', 'touched']">
Min length is 5
You can optionally data-bind and dynamically create validation errors with ngxErrors:
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="person.username">
<div *ngFor="let error of errors" [ngxError]="error.name" [when]="error.rules">
{{ error.text }}
With corresponding component class:
export class MyComponent {
errors = [
{ name: 'required', text: 'This field is required', rules: ['touched', 'dirty'] },
{ name: 'minlength', text: 'Min length is 5', rules: ['dirty'] }
ngxErrors also supports FormGroups with control names using dot notation:
<div formGroupName="person">
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="person.username">
<div ngxError="minlength" [when]="['dirty', 'touched']">
Min length is 5
ngx-errors exports itself as ngxErrors
, which means you can access information about your control error states elsewhere in your template using a template reference, such as #foo
Basic usage:
<div ngxErrors="username" #myError="ngxErrors"></div>
The getError
method returns the object associated with your error. This can be useful for dynamically displaying error rules.
Example: Adds
Min length is 5
when value is less than 5 characters (based onValidators.minLength(5)
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username" #myError="ngxErrors">
<div ngxError="minlength" when="dirty">
Min length should be {{ myError.getError('minlength')?.requiredLength }}
The error returned is identical to Angular's FormControl API
The hasError
method informs you if your control has the given error. This can be useful for styling elsewhere in your template based off the control's error state.
Example: Adds
when "myError" has therequired
<div [class.required]="myError.hasError('required')">
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username" #myError="ngxErrors">
<div ngxError="required" when="dirty">
Field is required
You can optionally pass in conditions in which to activate the error.
Example: Adds
when "myError" has therequired
error and the states are'dirty'
<div [class.required]="myError.hasError('required', ['dirty', 'touched'])">
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username" #myError="ngxErrors">
<div ngxError="required" when="dirty">
Field is required
You can also use the "catch-all" selector to get the state of your entire control's validity, alongside on an optional state collection.
<div [ngClass]="{
invalid: myError.hasError('*'),
invalidTouchedDirty: myError.hasError('*', ['touched', 'dirty'])
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username" #myError="ngxErrors">
<div ngxError="required" when="dirty">
Field is required
The isValid
method informs you if a your control is valid, or a property is valid. This can be useful for styling elsewhere in your template based off the control's validity state.
Example: Adds
when "myError" has norequired
<div [class.valid]="myError.isValid('required')">
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username" #myError="ngxErrors">
<div ngxError="required" when="dirty">
Field is required
You can optionally pass in conditions in which to evaluate alongside the property you're checking is valid.
Example: Adds
when "myError" has norequired
error and the states are'dirty'
<div [class.valid]="myError.isValid('required', ['dirty', 'touched'])">
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username" #myError="ngxErrors">
<div ngxError="required" when="dirty">
Field is required
You can also use the "catch-all" selector to check if the control is valid, with no specific error properties, alongside on an optional state collection.
<div [ngClass]="{
valid: myError.isValid('*'),
validTouchedDirty: myError.isValid('*', ['touched', 'dirty'])
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username" #myError="ngxErrors">
<div ngxError="required" when="dirty">
Field is required
The hasErrors
property returns true
if your control has any number of errors. This can be useful for styling elsewhere in your template on a global control level rather than individual errors.
Example: Adds
when "myError" has any errors.
<div [class.errors]="myError.hasErrors">
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username" #myError="ngxErrors">
<div ngxError="required" when="dirty">
Field is required
<div ngxError="minlength" when="dirty">
Min length is 5
The errors
property returns the object associated with any active errors. This can be used to access any error properties on your control.
Example: Adds
Max length is 10, you typed (n)
when value is more than 10 characters (based onValidators.maxLength(10)
<input type="text" formControlName="username">
<div ngxErrors="username" #myError="ngxErrors">
<div ngxError="minlength" when="dirty">...</div>
<div ngxError="maxlength" when="dirty">...</div>
<div *ngIf="myError.errors?.maxlength">
Max length is 10, you typed {{ myError.errors.maxlength.actualLength }}
The errors returned are identical to Angular's FormControl API
Please see the contributing guidelines.
ngx_lua模块的原理: 1、每个worker(工作进程)创建一个Lua VM,worker内所有协程共享VM; 2、将Nginx I/O原语封装后注入 Lua VM,允许Lua代码直接访问; 3、每个外部请求都由一个Lua协程处理,协程之间数据隔离; 4、Lua代码调用I/O操作等异步接口时,会挂起当前协程(并保护上下文数据),而不阻塞worker; 5、I/O等异步操作完成时还原相关协程上下
ngx_lua模块的原理: 1、每个worker(工作进程)创建一个Lua VM,worker内所有协程共享VM; 2、将Nginx I/O原语封装后注入 Lua VM,允许Lua代码直接访问; 3、每个外部请求都由一个Lua协程处理,协程之间数据隔离; 4、Lua代码调用I/O操作等异步接口时,会挂起当前协程(并保护上下文数据),而不阻塞worker; 5、I/O等异步操作完成时还原相关协程上下
ngx_http_upstream_t数据结构的意义 typedef struct ngx_http_upstream_s ngx_http_upstream_t; struct ngx_http_upstream_s { // 处理读事件的回调函数 ngx_http_upstream_handler_pt read_event_handler; // 处理写
ngx_lua模块的原理: 1、每个worker(工作进程)创建一个Lua VM,worker内所有协程共享VM; 2、将Nginx I/O原语封装后注入 Lua VM,允许Lua代码直接访问; 3、每个外部请求都由一个Lua协程处理,协程之间数据隔离; 4、Lua代码调用I/O操作等异步接口时,会挂起当前协程(并保护上下文数据),而不阻塞worker; 5、I/O等异步操作完成时还原相关协程上下
nginx源码解析-ngx_strerror()/ngx_strerror_init() 将所有的错误码errno以及错误描述strerror(errno)提前存储到ngx_sys_errlist中,用于解决异步信号安全的问题。 /* * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc. */ #include <ngx_confi
目的 博主在树莓派4B上使用nginx+rtmp搭建音频直播流媒体服务器 安装步骤 参见博客:树莓派使用nginx+rtmp搭建音频直播流媒体服务器 编译时出错 编译时输入代码 make 出现以下错误 ...... ../nginx-rtmp-module-master/ngx_rtmp_eval.c: In function ‘ngx_rtmp_eval’: ../nginx-rtmp-mo
ngx_lua 模块提供的指令和API等: 指令名称 说明 lua_use_default_type 是否使用default_type指令定义的Content-Type默认值 lua_code_cache *_by_lua_file文件是否cache lua_regex_cache_max_entries lua_regex_match_limit lua_package_path 用Lua写的l
ngx_lua模块的原理: 1、每个worker(工作进程)创建一个Lua VM,worker内所有协程共享VM; 2、将Nginx I/O原语封装后注入 Lua VM,允许Lua代码直接访问; 3、每个外部请求都由一个Lua协程处理,协程之间数据隔离; 4、Lua代码调用I/O操作等异步接口时,会挂起当前协程(并保护上下文数据),而不阻塞worker; 5、I/O等异步操作完成时还原相关协程上下
lua ngx模块提供的指令和API: 转载:http://www.cnblogs.com/wangxusummer/p/4309007.html 指令名称 说明 lua_use_default_type 是否使用default_type指令定义的Content-Type默认值 lua_code_cache *_by_lua_file文件是否cac
ngx_lua模块的原理: 1、每个worker(工作进程)创建一个Lua VM,worker内所有协程共享VM; 2、将Nginx I/O原语封装后注入 Lua VM,允许Lua代码直接访问; 3、每个外部请求都由一个Lua协程处理,协程之间数据隔离; 4、Lua代码调用I/O操作等异步接口时,会挂起当前协程(并保护上下文数据),而不阻塞worker; 5、I/O等异步操作完成时还原相关协程上下
ngx_http_split_clients_module 示例配置 指令 split_clients ngx_http_split_clients_module 模块用于创建适用于 A/B 测试的变量,也称为拆分测试。 示例配置 http { split_clients "${remote_addr}AAA" $variant { 0.5%
翻译自: ngx.ssl - Lua API for controlling NGINX downstream SSL handshakes 1. 概要 # 注意:如果你使用的是 OpenResty,则不需要该行 lua_package_path "/path/to/lua-resty-core/lib/?.lua;;"; server { listen 443 ssl
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