Flask + Vue.js Web Application Template
If this setup is not what you are looking for, here are some similar projects:
This template was updated to use a flatter folder structure and use yarn instead of npm.You can now run yarn serve
as well as other yarn commands from the template root directory.The old template will be kept in the npm-template branch but will not be maintained.
Prefer Django? Checkout the gtalarico/django-vue-template
The template uses Flask & Flask-RestPlus to create a minimal REST style API,and let's VueJs + vue-cli handle the front end and asset pipline.Data from the python server to the Vue application is passed by making Ajax requests.
The Api is served using a Flask blueprint at /api/
using Flask RestPlus class-basedresource routing.
A Flask view is used to serve the index.html
as an entry point into the Vue app at the endpoint /
The template uses vue-cli 3 and assumes Vue Cli & Webpack will manage front-end resources and assets, so it does overwrite template delimiter.
The Vue instance is preconfigured with Filters, Vue-Router, Vuex; each of these can easilly removed if they are not desired.
Location | Content |
/app |
Flask Application |
/app/api |
Flask Rest Api (/api ) |
/app/client.py |
Flask Client (/ ) |
/src |
Vue App . |
/src/main.js |
JS Application Entry Point |
/public/index.html |
Html Application Entry Point (/ ) |
/public/static |
Static Assets |
/dist/ |
Bundled Assets Output (generated at yarn build |
Before getting started, you should have the following installed and running:
Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/gtalarico/flask-vuejs-template.git
Setup virtual environment, install dependencies, and activate it:
$ pipenv install --dev
$ pipenv shell
Install JS dependencies
$ yarn install
Run Flask Api development server:
$ python run.py
From another tab in the same directory, start the webpack dev server:
$ yarn serve
The Vuejs application will be served from localhost:8080
and the Flask Apiand static files will be served from localhost:5000
The dual dev-server setup allows you to take advantage ofwebpack's development server with hot module replacement.
Proxy config in vue.config.js
is used to route the requestsback to Flask's Api on port 5000.
If you would rather run a single dev server, you can run Flask'sdevelopment server only on :5000
, but you have to build build the Vue app firstand the page will not reload on changes.
$ yarn build
$ python run.py
This template is configured to work with Heroku + Gunicorn and it's pre-configuredto have Heroku build the application before releasing it.
Heroku's nodejs buidlpack will handle install for all the dependencies from the packages.json
file.It will then trigger the postinstall
command which calls yarn build
.This will create the bundled dist
folder which will be served by whitenoise.
The python buildpack will detect the Pipfile
and install all the python dependencies.
Here are the commands we need to run to get things setup on the Heroku side:
$ heroku apps:create flask-vuejs-template-demo
$ heroku git:remote --app flask-vuejs-template-demo
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 2 heroku/python
$ heroku config:set FLASK_ENV=production
$ heroku config:set FLASK_SECRET=SuperSecretKey
$ git push heroku
本文记录了从零开始入门flask与vue开发。 后端接受API并返回数据。返回的数据可以从数据库中查询修改 前端构建和展示页面,一些交互通过ajax等库向后端发送API请求,然后对返回的结果进行处理 如果是vue,则通过axios从后端取需要的数据 产品基础 E-R图又称实体关系图 start 我主要是参考文章[1]进行环境准备。[1]应该是参考了英文文章[2],两篇多看几遍的话,可以非常浅薄的入
适合对象: 对flask有一定基础,做过简单的flask项目。但是之前每个页面都是通过render_template来渲染的。没有前后端分离的项目经历。 整理了网上“非梦nj”童鞋的9篇文章: Vue 2.0 起步(1) 脚手架工具vue-cli + Webstorm 2016 + webpack : https://www.jianshu.com/p/ab778fde3b99 Vue 2.0 起
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