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Ember Component for Bootstrap 3 Pagination & Pager components

  @change={{fn (mut this.page)}}

Here's a demo, and these are the original Bootstrap Components: Pagination and Pager.


  • Ember.js v3.12 or above
  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above
  • Node.js v10 or above

Getting Started

First install the addon.

ember install pagination-pager

Then use it in your app with <PaginationPager /> with the optionsin the following section.

Available Options

To switch to the pager UI, set the pager attribute to true, see the optional section.

By default the first page is 1, and the last is the value of count, you can change these by setting firstPage and lastPage.


  • @count -- The number of pages in total, required
  • @current -- The current page number, required


  • @pager -- Switches to the pager component, defaults to false
  • @urlTemplate -- Url template for supporting opening pages in new windows, defaults to '#'.@urlTemplate should be in the form of http://myurl.com/#/posts?page={current}.
  • @hide -- Hide the component for any reason, defaults to false.
  • @autoHide -- Hide the component if count is <= 1, defaults to true.
  • @disabled -- Disable changing the pages, defaults to false.

Pagination Only

  • @paginationNext -- The text to display for pagination next button
  • @paginationPrevious -- The text to display for pagination previous button
  • @paginationSize -- The size of the element, default is '', available options include lg and sm.
  • @countOut -- The number of page links in the begin and end of whole range
  • @countIn -- The number of page links on each side of current page

Pager Only

  • @pagerNext -- The text to display for the pager next button
  • @pagerPrevious -- The text to display for the pager previous button
  • @pagerFirst -- The text to display for the pager first button (no button is shown if not specified)
  • @pagerLast -- The text to display for the pager last button (no button is shown if not specified)
  • @pagerSpread -- Pager buttons spaced out, defaults to false
<PaginationPager @pager={{true}} @count={{this.count}} @current={{this.current}}>
  <!-- This will show up between the two buttons. -->
  Page {{current}} of {{count}}


  • @change -- Action that returns currentPage and previousPage, e.g.
// clicking on '2' after '5'
pageChanged(current, previous) {
  console.log(current, previous);
  // => 2, 5

Note: If changed is defined, then current isn't updated automatically, it's your job to update it.


ember test works just fine, plus ember serve and then visit 'http://localhost:4200/pagination-pager/' to see the dummy app.

Building Demo (Github Pages)

Build by checking out the relevant branch, since the test dummy appis actually the demo app.

Run the following command:

See the Contributing guide for details.

ember github-pages:commit --message <message describing demo release>
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  • /** * pagination - jQuery EasyUI * * Licensed under the GPL: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt * * Copyright 2010 stworthy [ stworthy@gmail.com ] * * Dependencies: * linkbutton * *

  • 标签属性 <el-pagination @size-change="handleSizeChange" @current-change="handleCurrentChange" background layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="total" :page-size="10" :page-sizes="[

  • 项目背景: vue项目+elementUI 直接上代码 新建一个组件components/Pagination/index.js <template> <div :class="{'hidden':hidden}" class="pagination-container"> <el-pagination :background="background" :cur

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  • 描述 (Description) 分页,无序列表由基金会处理,就像许多其他界面元素一样。 下表描述了分页的功能以及描述。 Sr.No. 功能和描述 1 Basic 它是一种导航类型,可将内容划分为一系列相关页面。 2 Centered 分页列表在页面中心创建。 3 SASS参考 使用SASS变量和mixins更改组件的样式。

  • 描述 (Description) 分页是一种将内容划分为一系列相关页面的导航。 例子 (Example) 以下示例演示了在基础中使用pagination - <!doctype html> <head> <meta charset = "utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv = "x-ua-compatible" content = "ie = edg

  • 类名: Imi\Util\Pagination 分页计算类 方法 构造方法 public function __construct($page, $count) $page 当前页码 $count 每页数量 getPage 字面意思 setPage 字面意思 getCount 字面意思 setCount 字面意思 getLimitOffset 获取偏移量,如 limit 20, 10 中的 20

  • // 自动处理分页逻辑 Model::paginate(15); Model::where('cars', 2)->paginate(15); // 使用简单模板 - 只有 "上一页" 或 "下一页" 链接 Model::where('cars', 2)->simplePaginate(15); // 手动分页 Paginator::make($items, $totalItems, $perPa

  • Pagination 是一个基于 jQuery 实现的一个简单的 JavaScript 分页组件,主要实现以下功能: 1. 方便在 JavaScript 中对后端分页数据进行展示 2. 自动生成分页组件,包括首页、页码、末页、页码切换、跳页 3. 可根据 "class" 或 "id" 作为指定容器,通过 "class" 可以实现多个分页组件同时生成 预览页面:https://liverwang.g

  • Pagination 是一个基于 jQuery 实现的一个简单的 JavaScript 分页组件,主要实现以下功能: 1. 方便在 JavaScript 中对后端分页数据进行展示 2. 自动生成分页组件,包括首页、页码、末页、页码切换、跳页 3. 可根据 "class" 或 "id" 作为指定容器,通过 "class" 可以实现多个分页组件同时生成 预览页面:https://liverwang.g