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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 程序开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 贲培
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Rapid, Smart, Intuitive forms for Ember.js styled with Bootstrap & Validation ready.

This is a fork of the original over at https://github.com/indexiatech/ember-forms

Installation & Tutorial

With Ember-CLI:

ember install ember-truth-helpers
ember install ember-rapid-forms

Please visit the documentation for installation & usage documentations: http://piceatech.github.io/ember-rapid-forms

Version Support

The Plugin starting from version 1.0.0 doesn't support ember versions below 1.13. If you need support for this work with a version < 1.0.0 or alternativly use https://github.com/indexiatech/ember-forms. If you use ember 2.0, 2.1 or 2.3, you have to use ember-rapid-forms '1.0.0-beta10'.

Plugin Development


  • npm run lint:hbs
  • npm run lint:js
  • npm run lint:js -- --fix

Running tests

  • ember test – Runs the test suite on the current Ember version
  • ember test --server – Runs the test suite in "watch mode"
  • ember try:each – Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions

Running the dummy application

Running Tests

To test on all ember versions:ember try:each

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

Releasing a new version


Process of creating a PR

  1. Create PR
  2. Wait for one of the Team members to review change
  3. Respond to feedback
  4. Get changed merged

What a PR should include

A PR should include the following things:

  • Changed Files (duuh)
  • Test(s) showing what was fixed / added / deprecated
  • No failing tests
  • Added Documentation if needed


  • Make sure you test against master. It may already got fixed
  • Search for similiar issues
  • Provide a JSBin with an example if possible


  • Asaf Shakarchi (asaf)
  • Ben Limmer (blimmer)
  • Brandon Parsons (brandonparsons)
  • Felix Fichte (spruce)
  • Jack Matthews
  • Josemar Luedke (josemarluedke)
  • Josh Pfosi (joshpfosi)
  • Michael Latta (TechnoMage)
  • Patrick Ma (fivetwentysix)
  • Pedro Kiefer (pedrokiefer)

Building and updating the Documentation

  1. Build the docs: npm run update-page
  2. Upload the new pages git push origin gh-pages
  3. If you don't have push access create PR (see section about PR)
  • rapid-generator是一个生成器引擎,让你可以专注与代码生成器模板的编写, 可以生成如ibatis,ibatis3,hibernate,spring_mvc,struts2等等代码. 该项目是 Rapid Framework 框架的一部分。

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