Loona is a state management library built on top of Apollo Client. It brings the simplicity of managing remote data with Apollo, to your local state. Instead of maintaining a second store for your local data with tools like Redux, MobX or NGRX, use Loona to keep data in just one space and make it a single source of truth.
With Loona you get all the benefits of Apollo, like caching, offline persistence and more. On top of that you gain all the other benefits like stream of actions, better sepatation between mutation and store updates.
Loona works with React and Angular:
All of the documentation for Loona including usage articles and helpful recipes lives on loonajs.com.
Loona can be described by few core concepts. First two of them are related to GraphQL:
It also uses a concept of:
By having it all, Loona helps you to keep every piece of your data's flow separated.
This project uses Lerna.
yarn install
Running tests locally:
yarn test
Formatting code:
yarn format
This project uses TypeScript for static typing. You can get it built into your editor with no configuration by opening this project in Visual Studio Code, an open source IDE which is available for free on all platforms.
Loonandroid是一个注解框架,不涉及任何UI效果,目的是一个功能一个方法,以方法为最小颗粒度对功能进行拆解。把功能傻瓜化,简单化,去掉重复性的代码,隐藏复杂的实现。以便团队合作或者后期修改变得简单。说框架是夸大了,主要是因为我比较喜欢偷懒,对于一个码农来说,能够偷懒,并且在不影响项目质量的情况下,是不容易的。 很多朋友看到注解就就要吐槽,会影响性能什么的。注解,确实会影响性能。通过注解自
框架的说明 如果你想看ui方面的东西,这里没有,想要看牛逼的效果这里也没有。这只是纯实现功能的框架,它的目标是节省代码量,降低耦合,让代码层次看起来更 清晰。整个框架一部分是网上的,一部分是我改的,为了适应我的编码习惯,还有一部分像orm完全是网上的组件。在此感谢那些朋友们。 整个框架式的初衷是为了偷懒,之前都是一个功能一个jar,做项目的时候拉进去,这样对于我来说依然还是比较麻烦。最后就导致我把