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A pragmatic styleguide for Django API Projects
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 大数据、 数据查询
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 欧博简
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

⚠️ Currently stable and unlikely to change much, provide feedback here ⚠️

Django API Domains

Style guides for the API age

Version Author(s) Date
1.2.1 Paul Hallett paulandrewhallett@gmail.com 25-09-2019
1.2 Paul Hallett paulandrewhallett@gmail.com 10-06-2019
1.1 Paul Hallett paulandrewhallett@gmail.com 09-04-2019
1.0 Paul Hallett paulandrewhallett@gmail.com 01-02-2019


This styleguide combines domain-driven design principles and Django's apps pattern to provide a pragmatic guide for developing scalable API services with the Django web framework.

This styleguide tries to tackle two big problems:

  1. Design philosophies and design patterns work in "ideal" situations, and most real life problems do not represent this ideal world. Therefore we need to develop a flexible pattern that can adjust to support different situations.
  2. The original design and documentation of Django is geared heavily towards server-side-rendered-view applications, yet most modern Django applications are built to serve APIs for a separate frontend application. Therefore, Django's patterns are outdated for today's trends.

In order to overcome these problems, this styleguide tries to achieve the following five goals:

  1. Treat Django's apps more like software domains.
  2. Extend Django's apps implementation to support strong bounded context patterns between domains.
  3. Enable separation of domains to happen when it makes sense for increased development velocity, not just for business value.
  4. Design a styleguide that reduces the effort involved in extracting the code for large domains into separate application servers.
  5. Make sure the styleguide compliments API-based applications.

Read the styleguide

The styleguide is now published as a readable documentation site. You can view it at https://phalt.github.io/django-api-domains/ or view the docs folder directly.

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