The Graph is a protocol for building decentralized applications (dApps) quickly on Ethereum and IPFS using GraphQL.
Graph Node is an open source Rust implementation that event sources the Ethereum blockchain to deterministically update a data store that can be queried via the GraphQL endpoint.
For detailed instructions and more context, check out the Getting Started Guide.
To build and run this project you need to have the following installed on your system:
For Ethereum network data, you can either run your own Ethereum node or use an Ethereum node provider of your choice.
This is a quick example to show a working Graph Node. It is a subgraph for Gravatars.
ipfs init
followed by ipfs daemon
.initdb -D .postgres
followed by pg_ctl -D .postgres -l logfile start
and createdb graph-node
.sudo apt-get install -y clang libpq-dev libssl-dev pkg-config
yarn codegen
cargo build
.Once you have all the dependencies set up, you can run the following:
cargo run -p graph-node --release -- \
--postgres-url postgresql://USERNAME[:PASSWORD]@localhost:5432/graph-node \
--ethereum-rpc [URL] \
Try your OS username as USERNAME
. For details on settingthe connection string, check the Postgresdocumentation.graph-node
uses a few Postgres extensions. If the Postgres user with whichyou run graph-node
is a superuser, graph-node
will enable theseextensions when it initalizes the database. If the Postgres user is not asuperuser, you will need to create the extensions manually since onlysuperusers are allowed to do that. To create them you need to connect as asuperuser, which in many installations is the postgres
psql -q -X -U <SUPERUSER> graph-node <<EOF
create extension pg_trgm;
create extension pg_stat_statements;
create extension btree_gist;
create extension postgres_fdw;
grant usage on foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw to <USERNAME>;
This will also spin up a GraphiQL interface at
yarn create-local
Then you can deploy the subgraph:
yarn deploy-local
This will build and deploy the subgraph to the Graph Node. It should start indexing the subgraph immediately.
graph-node [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --ethereum-ipc <NETWORK_NAME:FILE> --ethereum-rpc <NETWORK_NAME:URL> --ethereum-ws <NETWORK_NAME:URL> --ipfs <HOST:PORT> --postgres-url <URL>
--debug Enable debug logging
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--admin-port <PORT> Port for the JSON-RPC admin server [default: 8020]
--elasticsearch-password <PASSWORD>
Password to use for Elasticsearch logging [env: ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD]
--elasticsearch-url <URL>
Elasticsearch service to write subgraph logs to [env: ELASTICSEARCH_URL=]
--elasticsearch-user <USER> User to use for Elasticsearch logging [env: ELASTICSEARCH_USER=]
Ethereum network name (e.g. 'mainnet'), optional comma-seperated capabilities (eg full,archive), and an Ethereum IPC pipe, separated by a ':'
--ethereum-polling-interval <MILLISECONDS>
How often to poll the Ethereum node for new blocks [env: ETHEREUM_POLLING_INTERVAL=] [default: 500]
Ethereum network name (e.g. 'mainnet'), optional comma-seperated capabilities (eg 'full,archive'), and an Ethereum RPC URL, separated by a ':'
Ethereum network name (e.g. 'mainnet'), optional comma-seperated capabilities (eg `full,archive), and an Ethereum WebSocket URL, separated by a ':'
--http-port <PORT> Port for the GraphQL HTTP server [default: 8000]
--ipfs <HOST:PORT> HTTP address of an IPFS node
--node-id <NODE_ID> a unique identifier for this node [default: default]
--postgres-url <URL> Location of the Postgres database used for storing entities
--subgraph <[NAME:]IPFS_HASH> name and IPFS hash of the subgraph manifest
--ws-port <PORT> Port for the GraphQL WebSocket server [default: 8001]
The command line arguments generally are all that is needed to run agraph-node
instance. For advanced uses, various aspects of graph-node
can further be configured through environmentvariables. Verylarge graph-node
instances can also split the work of querying andindexing across multiple databases.
— A local Graph Node.graph
— A library providing traits for system components and types forcommon data.core
— A library providing implementations for core components, used by allnodes.chain/ethereum
— A library with components for obtaining data fromEthereum.graphql
— A GraphQL implementation with API schema generation,introspection, and more.mock
— A library providing mock implementations for all system components.runtime/wasm
— A library for running WASM data-extraction scripts.server/http
— A library providing a GraphQL server over
— A Postgres store with a GraphQL-friendly interfaceand audit logs.
Feature | Status |
Ethereum | |
Indexing smart contract events |
Handle chain reorganizations |
Mappings | |
WASM-based mappings |
TypeScript-to-WASM toolchain |
Autogenerated TypeScript types |
GraphQL | |
Query entities by ID |
Query entity collections |
Pagination |
Filtering |
Entity relationships |
Subscriptions |
Please check for development flow and conventions we use.Here's a list of good first issues.
Copyright © 2018-2019 Graph Protocol, Inc. and contributors.
The Graph is dual-licensed under the MIT license and the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
graph托管服务目前支持的主网 Ethereum mainnet Kovan Rinkeby Ropsten Goerli PoA-Core PoA-Sokol xDAI Matic Mumbai Fantom Binance Smart Chain Clover Avalanche Fuji Celo Celo-Alfajores Fuse Moonbeam Arbitrum One Arbi
前言 最近在学习区域卷积神经网络(RCNN)时,候选框产生使用了选择搜索(selective search),选择搜索中第一步图像分割又使用了基于图的图像分割(Effective graph-based image segmentation)。所以从底层开始研究基于图的图像分割(Effective graph-based image segmentation)。 简介 该图像分割算法的详细介绍可以
Clone Graph 描述 Clone an undirected graph. Each node in the graph contains a label and a list of its neighbours. OJ's undirected graph serialization: Nodes are labeled uniquely. We use # as a separator
Graph Valid Tree 描述 Given n nodes labeled from 0 to n-1 and a list of undirected edges (each edge is a pair of nodes), write a function to check whether these edges make up a valid tree. Example 1: In
graph是存储绘图数据的组件。graph组件 接收transfer组件推送上来的监控数据,同时处理api组件的查询请求、返回绘图数据。 服务部署 服务部署,包括配置修改、启动服务、检验服务、停止服务等。这之前,需要将安装包解压到服务的部署目录下。 # 修改配置, 配置项含义见下文 mv cfg.example.json cfg.json vim cfg.json # 启动服务 ./open-f
Graph# 是一个图形布局绘制框架,包含很多布局算法,适用于 WPF 程序。
图的表示通常使用邻接矩阵和邻接表,前者易实现但是对于稀疏矩阵会浪费较多空间,后者使用链表的方式存储信息但是对于图搜索时间复杂度较高。 编程实现 邻接矩阵 设顶点个数为 V, 那么邻接矩阵可以使用 V × V 的二维数组来表示。 g[i][j]表示顶点i和顶点j的关系,对于无向图可以使用0/1表示是否有连接,对于带权图则需要使用INF来区分。有重边时保存边数或者权值最大/小的边即可。 Python