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开发语言 Java
所属分类 大数据、 数据查询
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 孙洋
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


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A terminating Apollo Link for Apollo Client that fetches a GraphQL multipart request if the GraphQL variables contain files (by default FileList, File, Blob, or ReactNativeFile instances), or else fetches a regular GraphQL POST or GET request (depending on the config and GraphQL operation).


To install with npm, run:

npm install apollo-upload-client

Remove any uri, credentials, or headers options from the ApolloClient constructor.

Apollo Client can only have 1 terminating Apollo Link that sends the GraphQL requests; if one such as HttpLink is already setup, remove it.

Initialize the client with a terminating Apollo Link using createUploadLink.

Also ensure the GraphQL server implements the GraphQL multipart request spec and that uploads are handled correctly in resolvers.


Use FileList, File, Blob or ReactNativeFile instances anywhere within query or mutation variables to send a GraphQL multipart request.

See also the example API and client.


import { gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client';

const MUTATION = gql`
  mutation ($files: [Upload!]!) {
    uploadFiles(files: $files) {

function UploadFiles() {
  const [mutate] = useMutation(MUTATION);

  function onChange({ target: { validity, files } }) {
    if (validity.valid) mutate({ variables: { files } });

  return <input type="file" multiple required onChange={onChange} />;


import { gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client';

const MUTATION = gql`
  mutation ($file: Upload!) {
    uploadFile(file: $file) {

function UploadFile() {
  const [mutate] = useMutation(MUTATION);

  function onChange({
    target: {
      files: [file],
  }) {
    if (validity.valid) mutate({ variables: { file } });

  return <input type="file" required onChange={onChange} />;


import { gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client';

const MUTATION = gql`
  mutation ($file: Upload!) {
    uploadFile(file: $file) {

function UploadFile() {
  const [mutate] = useMutation(MUTATION);

  function onChange({ target: { validity, value } }) {
    if (validity.valid) {
      const file = new Blob([value], { type: 'text/plain' });

      // Optional, defaults to `blob`.
      file.name = 'text.txt';

      mutate({ variables: { file } });

  return <input type="text" required onChange={onChange} />;


Consider polyfilling:


class ReactNativeFile

Used to mark React Native File substitutes as it’s too risky to assume all objects with uri, type and name properties are extractable files.

Parameter Type Description
file ReactNativeFileSubstitute A React Native File substitute.



Ways to import.

import { ReactNativeFile } from 'apollo-upload-client';
import ReactNativeFile from 'apollo-upload-client/public/ReactNativeFile.js';

Ways to require.

const { ReactNativeFile } = require('apollo-upload-client');
const ReactNativeFile = require('apollo-upload-client/public/ReactNativeFile.js');

A file in React Native that can be used in query or mutation variables.

const file = new ReactNativeFile({
  uri: uriFromCameraRoll,
  name: 'a.jpg',
  type: 'image/jpeg',

function createUploadLink

Creates a terminating Apollo Link for Apollo Client that fetches a GraphQL multipart request if the GraphQL variables contain files (by default FileList, File, Blob, or ReactNativeFile instances), or else fetches a regular GraphQL POST or GET request (depending on the config and GraphQL operation).

Some of the options are similar to the createHttpLink options.

Parameter Type Description
options object Options.
options.uri string? = /graphql GraphQL endpoint URI.
options.useGETForQueries boolean? Should GET be used to fetch queries, if there are no files to upload.
options.isExtractableFile ExtractableFileMatcher? = isExtractableFile Customizes how files are matched in the GraphQL operation for extraction.
options.FormData class? FormData implementation to use, defaulting to the FormData global.
options.formDataAppendFile FormDataFileAppender? = formDataAppendFile Customizes how extracted files are appended to the FormData instance.
options.fetch Function? fetch implementation to use, defaulting to the fetch global.
options.fetchOptions FetchOptions? fetch options; overridden by upload requirements.
options.credentials string? Overrides options.fetchOptions.credentials.
options.headers object? Merges with and overrides options.fetchOptions.headers.
options.includeExtensions boolean? = false Toggles sending extensions fields to the GraphQL server.

Returns: ApolloLink — A terminating Apollo Link.



Ways to import.

import { createUploadLink } from 'apollo-upload-client';
import createUploadLink from 'apollo-upload-client/public/createUploadLink.js';

Ways to require.

const { createUploadLink } = require('apollo-upload-client');
const createUploadLink = require('apollo-upload-client/public/createUploadLink.js');

A basic Apollo Client setup.

import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from '@apollo/client';
import createUploadLink from 'apollo-upload-client/public/createUploadLink.js';

const client = new ApolloClient({
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),
  link: createUploadLink(),

function formDataAppendFile

The default implementation for createUploadLink options.formDataAppendFile that uses the standard FormData.append method.

Type: FormDataFileAppender

Parameter Type Description
formData FormData FormData instance to append the specified file to.
fieldName string Field name for the file.
file * File to append.


Ways to import.

import { formDataAppendFile } from 'apollo-upload-client';
import formDataAppendFile from 'apollo-upload-client/public/formDataAppendFile.js';

Ways to require.

const { formDataAppendFile } = require('apollo-upload-client');
const formDataAppendFile = require('apollo-upload-client/public/formDataAppendFile.js');

function isExtractableFile

The default implementation for createUploadLink options.isExtractableFile.

Type: ExtractableFileMatcher

Parameter Type Description
value * Value to check.

Returns: boolean — Is the value an extractable file.



Ways to import.

import { isExtractableFile } from 'apollo-upload-client';
import isExtractableFile from 'apollo-upload-client/public/isExtractableFile.js';

Ways to require.

const { isExtractableFile } = require('apollo-upload-client');
const isExtractableFile = require('apollo-upload-client/public/isExtractableFile.js');

type ExtractableFileMatcher

A function that checks if a value is an extractable file.

Type: Function

Parameter Type Description
value * Value to check.

Returns: boolean — Is the value an extractable file.



How to check for the default exactable files, as well as a custom type of file.

import isExtractableFile from 'apollo-upload-client/public/isExtractableFile.js';

const isExtractableFileEnhanced = (value) =>
  isExtractableFile(value) ||
  (typeof CustomFile !== 'undefined' && value instanceof CustomFile);

type FetchOptions

GraphQL request fetch options.

Type: object

Property Type Description
headers object HTTP request headers.
credentials string? Authentication credentials mode.


type FormDataFileAppender

Appends a file extracted from the GraphQL operation to the FormData instance used as the fetch options.body for the GraphQL multipart request.

Parameter Type Description
formData FormData FormData instance to append the specified file to.
fieldName string Field name for the file.
file * File to append. The file type depends on what the ExtractableFileMatcher extracts.


type ReactNativeFileSubstitute

A React Native File substitute.

Be aware that inspecting network traffic with buggy versions of dev tools such as Flipper can interfere with the React Native FormData implementation, causing multipart requests to have network errors.

Type: object

Property Type Description
uri string Filesystem path.
name string? File name.
type string? File content type. Some environments (particularly Android) require a valid MIME type; Expo ImageResult.type is unreliable as it can be just image.



A camera roll file.

const fileSubstitute = {
  uri: uriFromCameraRoll,
  name: 'a.jpg',
  type: 'image/jpeg',
  • Apollo upload examples A full stack demo of file uploads via GraphQL mutations using GraphQL multipart request spec implementations: Example GraphQL API using graphql-upload. Example web app using apollo-upload-client.

  • 以下示例说明如何在使用Spring Web MVC框架的表单中使用文件上载控件。 首先,让我们使用一个可用的Eclipse IDE,并遵循以下步骤使用Spring Web Framework开发基于动态表单的Web应用程序。 步 描述 1 在Spring MVC - Hello World章节中解释,在com.wenjiangs包下创建一个名为HelloWeb的项目。 2 在com.wenjian

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