The first section is an intentionally brief, functional, data science centric introduction to Python. The assumption is a someone with zero experience in programming can follow this tutorial and learn Python with the smallest amount of information possible.
The sections after that, involve varying levels of difficulty and cover topics as diverse as Machine Learning, Linear Optimization, build systems, commandline tools, recommendation engines, Sentiment Analysis and Cloud Computing.
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Building Cloud Computing Solutions at Scale SpecializationLaunch Your Career in Cloud Computing. Master strategies and tools to become proficient in developing data science and machine learning (MLOps) solutions in the Cloud
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Local, non-hosted versions of these notebooks are here:
IBM Developerworks Series on Pyomo (Linear Optimization in Python)
Traveling Salesman (NP Hard Simulation Solution with Random, Greedy Start)
The text content of notebooks is released under the CC-BY-NC-ND license
基于python渗透测试 by Shashi Kumar Raja 由Shashi Kumar Raja Python中基于属性的测试简介 (Intro to property-based testing in Python) In this article we will learn a unique and effective approach to testing called proper
参考: Intro FX 是针对 torch.nn.module 而开发的工具,其能动态地获取 model 前向传播的执行过程,以便动态地增加、删除、改动、检查运算操作。其由三个主要组件组成:符号追踪器(Symbolic Tracer)、中间表示(Intermediate Representation, IR)和 P
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7. 函数式编程 函数式编程,即 Functional Programming,有以下几个特点: 没有副作用:对于任意一个函数,只要输入是确定的,输出就是确定的,这种纯函数没有副作用; 接近自然语言,易于理解:函数式编程的自由度很高,可以写出很接近自然语言的代码; 函数是“第一等公民”:函数与其他数据类型一样,处于平等地位,可以赋值给其他变量,也可以作为参数,传入另一个函数,或者作为别的函数的返回