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Curated List of Ruby Machine Learning Links and Resources
Machine Learning is a field of Computational Science -often nested under AI research - with many practicalapplications due to the ability of resulting algorithms tosystematically implement a specific solution without explicitprogrammer's instructions. Obviously many algorithms need a definitionof features to look at or a biggish training set of data to derive thesolution from.
This curated list comprises awesome libraries,data sources, tutorials and presentations about Machine Learningutilizing the Ruby programming language.
A lot of useful resources on this list come from the development byThe Ruby Science Foundation, our contributors andour own day to day work on various ML applications.
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hash tag!
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Machine Learning algorithms in pure Ruby or written in otherprogramming languages with appropriate bindings for Ruby.
If you're going to implement your own ML algorithms you're probably interestedin storing your feature sets efficiently. Look for appropriatedata structuresin our Data Science with Ruby list.
Please refer to the Data Visualizationsection on the Data Science with Ruby list.
Awesome ML with Ruby
by Andrei Beliankou andContributors.
To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 withAwesome ML with Ruby
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rightsto Awesome ML with Ruby
You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with thiswork. If not, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.
Python Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks (ML website) Dr. Tirthajyoti Sarkar, Fremont, California (Please feel free to connect on LinkedIn here) Also check out these super-useful Repos that I curated
Practical Machine Learning with Python A Problem-Solver's Guide to Building Real-World Intelligent Systems "Data is the new oil" is a saying which you must have heard by now along with the huge intere
学习意味着通过学习或经验获得知识或技能。 基于此,我们可以定义机器学习(ML)如下 - 它可以被定义为计算机科学领域,更具体地说是人工智能的应用,其为计算机系统提供了学习数据和从经验改进而无需明确编程的能力。 基本上,机器学习的主要焦点是允许计算机自动学习而无需人为干预。 现在问题是如何开始和完成这种学习? 它可以从数据的观察开始。 数据可以是一些示例,指令或一些直接经验。 然后在此输入的基础上,
Machine Learning This project provides a web-interface,as well as a programmatic-apifor various machine learning algorithms. Supported algorithms: Support Vector Machine (SVM) Support Vector Regressio
深度学习 我们可以在Personal Computer上完成庞大的任务 深度学习是一种适应于各类问题的万能药 神经网络 神经网络出现于80年代,但当时计算机运行慢,数据集很小,神经网络不适用 现在神经网络回来了,因为能够进行GPU计算,可用使用的数据集也变大 分类 分类的一些讨论可以在这个项目里看到 Machine Learning不仅是Classification!但分类是机器学习的核心。 学会
Machine Learning Projects This repository contains mini projects in machine learning with jupyter notebook files.Go to the projects folder and see the readme for detailed instructions about the projec