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Animated Investment Management Research at — Sponsoring open source AI, Machine learning, and Data Science initiatives.
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Snow, D (2020). Machine Learning in Asset Management—Part 1: Portfolio Construction—Trading Strategies. The Journal of Financial Data Science, Winter 2020, 2 (1) 10-23.
This is the first in a series of articles dealing with machine learning in asset management. Asset management can be broken into the following tasks: (1) portfolio construction, (2) risk management, (3) capital management, (4) infrastructure and deployment, and (5) sales and marketing. This article focuses on portfolio construction using machine learning. Historically, algorithmic trading could be more narrowly defined as the automation of sell-side trade execution, but since the introduction of more advanced algorithms, the definition has grown to include idea generation, alpha factor design, asset allocation, position sizing, and the testing of strategies. Machine learning, from the vantage of a decision-making tool, can help in all these areas.
Editors: Frank J. Fabozzi | Marcos Lopéz de Prado | Joseph Simonian
This paper investigates various machine learning trading and portfolio optimisation models and techniques. The notebooks to this paper are Python based. By last count there are about 15 distinct trading varieties and around 100 trading strategies. Code and data are made available where appropriate. The hope is that this paper will organically grow with future developments in machine learning and data processing techniques. All feedback, contributions and criticisms are highly encouraged. You can find my contact details on the website, FirmAI.
1. Tiny CTA
See this paper and blog for further explanation.
Data, Code
2. Tiny RL
See this paper and/or blog for further explanation.
Data, Code
3. Tiny VIX CMF
Data, Code
4. Quantamental
Web-scrapers, Data, Code, Interactive Report, Paper.
5. Earnings Surprise
Code, Paper
6. Bankruptcy Prediction
Data, Code, Paper
7. Filing Outcomes
8. Credit Rating Arbitrage
9. Factor Investing:
Paper, Code, Data
10. Systematic Global Macro
Data, Code
11. Mixture Models
Data, Code
12. Evolutionary
Code, Repo
13. Agent Strategy
Code, Repo
14. Stacked Trading
Code, Blog
15. Deep Trading
Code, Repo
Snow, D (2020). Machine Learning in Asset Management—Part 2: Portfolio Construction—Weight Optimization. The Journal of Financial Data Science, Spring 2020, 2 (1) 10-23.
This is the second in a series of articles dealing with machine learning in asset management. This article focuses on portfolio weighting using machine learning. Following from the previous article (Snow 2020), which looked at trading strategies, this article identifies different weight optimization methods for supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning frameworks. In total, seven submethods are summarized with the code made available for further exploration.
1. Deep Portfolio
Data, Code, Paper
2. Linear Regression
Code, Paper
3. Bayesian Sentiment
4. PCA and Hierarchical
6. Network Graph
7. RL Deep Deterministic
1. Online Portfolio Selection (OLPS)
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Other FirmAI projects include AtsPy automating Python's best time series models,PandaPy a data structure solutions that has the speed of NumPy and the usability of Pandas (10x to 50x faster), FairPut a holistic approach to implement fair machine learning outputs at the individual and group level, PandasVault a package for advanced pandas functions and code snippets, and ICR an interactive and fully automated corporate report built with Python.
作者:chen_h 微信号 & QQ:862251340 微信公众号:coderpai LESSON 2 的课程主要是三个方面: CAPM 的学习 均线的使用 EMH 的学习 主动投资优化理论 第二课的内容比较简单,重点在 sharpe ratio 的学习和投资组合的学习,我找了一些课外资料,可以看一下。 CAPM:
What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning is the science(and art) of programming computers so they can learn from data. ML is the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without bein
课程相关问题汇总 暂时没有时间写博客,先简单罗列一下本人实际碰到的python安装的问题。 1。numpy,matplotlib,scipy等安装时,最好是先找到相关的.whl文档下载到本机,然后再用pip安装; 2。matplotlib有一堆前置安装的.whl文件,需要网上搜到后单个下载到本机,挨个安装。见下表,括号中是版本号。 Python (>= 3.6) FreeType (>= 2.3)
一.什么是机器学习? 新定义:A computer program is said to learn from **experience E** with respect to *(关于,至于)*some class of **tasks T** and performance **measure P**, if its performance at tasks in T, as meas
学习意味着通过学习或经验获得知识或技能。 基于此,我们可以定义机器学习(ML)如下 - 它可以被定义为计算机科学领域,更具体地说是人工智能的应用,其为计算机系统提供了学习数据和从经验改进而无需明确编程的能力。 基本上,机器学习的主要焦点是允许计算机自动学习而无需人为干预。 现在问题是如何开始和完成这种学习? 它可以从数据的观察开始。 数据可以是一些示例,指令或一些直接经验。 然后在此输入的基础上,
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Machine Learning and Data Science Applications in Industry Research Lab (Sponsorship) Animated Investment Management Research at — Sponsoring open source AI, Machine learning, and Data S