新定义:A computer program is said to learn from **experience E** with respect to *(关于,至于)*some class of **tasks T** and performance **measure P**, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.
机器学习可以分为**无监督学习** 和 **有监督学习** 两种。
二.Supervised Learning 监督学习
Supervised Learning 分为 回归(regression)与 分类(classification)两种。
三.Unsupervised Learning 非监督学习
训练数据是无标签(no label)的,训练目标是提取特征,并根据特征对观察值进行分类或者区分。
Unsupervised Learning的聚类(Clustering)较为常见。