
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能、 机器学习/深度学习
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 谢华彩
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

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ML.NET Samples

ML.NET is a cross-platform open-source machine learning framework that makes machine learning accessible to .NET developers.

In this GitHub repo, we provide samples which will help you get started with ML.NET and how to infuse ML into existing and new .NET apps.

Note: Please open issues related to ML.NET framework in the Machine Learning repository. Please create the issue in this repo only if you face issues with the samples in this repository.

There are two types of samples/apps in the repo:

  • Getting Started : ML.NET code focused samples for each ML task or area, usually implemented as simple console apps.

  • End-End apps : End-user sample web and desktop apps infused with Machine Learning models based on ML.NET.

The official ML.NET samples are divided in multiple categories depending on the scenario and machine learning problem/task, accessible through the following tables:

Binary classification

Sentiment Analysis
C#     F#

Spam Detection
C#     F#

Credit Card Fraud Detection
(Binary Classification)
C#    F#

Heart Disease Prediction
Multi-class classification

Issues Classification
C#  F#

Iris Flowers Classification
C#    F#


Product Recommendation

Movie Recommender
(Matrix Factorization)

Movie Recommender
(Field Aware Factorization Machines)

Price Prediction
C#     F#

Sales Forecasting (Regression)

Demand Prediction
C#    F#
Time Series Forecasting

Sales Forecasting (Time Series)

Anomaly Detection

Sales Spike Detection
 C#       C#

Power Anomaly Detection

Credit Card Fraud Detection
(Anomaly Detection)

Customer Segmentation
C#     F#

IRIS Flowers Clustering
C#     F#

Rank Search Engine Results
Computer Vision

Image Classification Training
(High-Level API)
 C# F#      

Image Classification Predictions
(Pretrained TensorFlow model scoring)
 C#   F#        C#

Image Classification Training
(TensorFlow Featurizer Estimator)
 C#   F#

Object Detection
(ONNX model scoring)
 C#       C#

Cross Cutting Scenarios

Scalable Model on WebAPI

Scalable Model on Razor web app

Scalable Model on Azure Functions

Scalable Model on Blazor web app

Large Datasets

Loading data with DatabaseLoader

Loading data with LoadFromEnumerable

Model Explainability

Export to ONNX

Automate ML.NET models generation (Preview state)

The previous samples show you how to use the ML.NET API 1.0 (GA since May 2019).

However, we're also working on simplifying ML.NET usage with additional technologies that automate the creation of the model for you so you don't need to write the code by yourself to train a model, you simply need to provide your datasets. The "best" model and the code for running it will be generated for you.

These additional technologies for automating model generation are in PREVIEW state and currently only support Binary-Classification, Multiclass Classification and Regression. In upcoming versions we'll be supporting additional ML Tasks such as Recommendations, Anomaly Detection, Clustering, etc..

CLI samples: (Preview state)

The ML.NET CLI (command-line interface) is a tool you can run on any command-prompt (Windows, Mac or Linux) for generating good quality ML.NET models based on training datasets you provide. In addition, it also generates sample C# code to run/score that model plus the C# code that was used to create/train it so you can research what algorithm and settings it is using.

CLI (Command Line Interface) samples
Binary Classification sample
MultiClass Classification sample
Regression sample

AutoML API samples: (Preview state)

ML.NET AutoML API is basically a set of libraries packaged as a NuGet package you can use from your .NET code. AutoML eliminates the task of selecting different algorithms, hyperparameters. AutoML will intelligently generate many combinations of algorithms and hyperparameters and will find high quality models for you.

AutoML API samples
Binary Classification sample
MultiClass Classification sample
Ranking sample
Regression sample
Advanced experiment sample

Additional ML.NET Community Samples

In addition to the ML.NET samples provided by Microsoft, we're also highlighting samples created by the community showcased in this separated page:ML.NET Community Samples

Those Community Samples are not maintained by Microsoft but by their owners.If you have created any cool ML.NET sample, please, add its info into this REQUEST issue and we'll publish its information in the mentioned page, eventually.

Translations of Samples:

Learn more

See ML.NET Guide for detailed information on tutorials, ML basics, etc.

API reference

Check out the ML.NET API Reference to see the breadth of APIs available.


We welcome contributions! Please review our contribution guide.


Please join our community on Gitter

This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community.For more information, see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct.


ML.NET Samples are licensed under the MIT license.

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