Scientific computing in pure Crystal
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能、 机器学习/深度学习
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 祁高格
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Crystal CI is the core shard needed for scientific computing with Crystal

It provides:

  • An n-dimensional Tensor data structure
  • Efficient map, reduce and accumulate routines
  • GPU accelerated routines backed by OpenCL
  • Linear algebra routines backed by LAPACK and BLAS

Prerequisites aims to be a scientific computing library written in pure Crystal.All standard operations and data structures are written in Crystal. Certainroutines, primarily linear algebra routines, are instead provided by aBLAS or LAPACK implementation.

Several implementations can be used, including Cblas, Openblas, and theAccelerate framework on Darwin systems. For GPU accelerated BLAS routines,the ClBlast library is required. also supports Tensors stored on a GPU. This is currently limitedto OpenCL, and a valid OpenCL installation and device(s) are required.


Add this to your applications shard.yml

    github: crystal-data/

Several third-party libraries are required to use certain features of are:

  • BLAS
  • OpenCL
  • ClBlast

While not at all required, they provide additional functionality than isprovided by the basic library.

Just show me the code

The core data structure implemented by is the Tensor, an N-dimensionaldata structure. A Tensor supports slicing, mutation, permutation, reduction,and accumulation. A Tensor can be a view of another Tensor, and can supporteither C-style or Fortran-style storage.


There are many ways to initialize a Tensor. Most creation methods canallocate a Tensor backed by either CPU or GPU based storage.

[1, 2, 3].to_tensor
Tensor.from_array [1, 2, 3]
Tensor(UInt8).zeros([3, 3, 2])
Tensor.random(0.0...1.0, [2, 2, 2])

ClTensor(Float32).zeros([3, 2, 2])
ClTensor(Float64).full([3, 4, 5], 3.8)


A Tensor supports a wide variety of numerical operations. Many of theseoperations are provided by, but any operation can be mapped acrossone or more Tensors using sophisticated broadcasted mapping routines.

a = [1, 2, 3, 4].to_tensor
b = [[3, 4, 5, 6], [5, 6, 7, 8]].to_tensor

# Convert a Tensor to a GPU backed Tensor
acl = a.astype(Float64).gpu

puts Num.add(a, b)

# a is broadcast to b's shape
# [[ 4,  6,  8, 10],
#  [ 6,  8, 10, 12]]

When operating on more than two Tensors, it is recommended to use maprather than builtin functions to avoid the allocation of intermediateresults. All map operations support broadcasting.

a = [1, 2, 3, 4].to_tensor
b = [[3, 4, 5, 6], [5, 6, 7, 8]].to_tensor
c = [3, 5, 7, 9].to_tensor, c) do |i, j, k|
  i + 2 / j + k * 3.5

# [[12.1667, 20     , 27.9   , 35.8333],
#  [11.9   , 19.8333, 27.7857, 35.75  ]]


Tensors support flexible slicing and mutation operations. Many of theseoperations return views, not copies, so any changes made to the results mightalso be reflected in the parent.

a =[3, 2, 2]) { |i| i }

puts a.transpose

# [[[ 0,  4,  8],
#   [ 2,  6, 10]],
#  [[ 1,  5,  9],
#   [ 3,  7, 11]]]

puts a.reshape(6, 2)

# [[ 0,  1],
#  [ 2,  3],
#  [ 4,  5],
#  [ 6,  7],
#  [ 8,  9],
#  [10, 11]]

puts a[..., 1]

# [[ 2,  3],
#  [ 6,  7],
#  [10, 11]]

puts a[1..., {..., -1}]

# [[[ 6,  7],
#   [ 4,  5]],
#  [[10, 11],
#   [ 8,  9]]]

puts a[0, 1, 1].value

# 3

Linear Algebra

Tensors provide easy access to power Linear Algebra routines backed byLAPACK and BLAS implementations, and ClBlast for GPU backed Tensors.

a = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] &.to_f32

puts a.inv

# [[-2  , 1   ],
#  [1.5 , -0.5]]

puts a.eigvals

# [-0.372281, 5.37228  ]

acl = a.opencl
bcl = a.opencl

puts acl.gemm(bcl).cpu

# [[7 , 10],
#  [15, 22]]

puts a.matmul(a)

# [[7 , 10],
#  [15, 22]]

Machine Learning

Num::Grad provides a pure-crystal approach to find derivatives ofmathematical functions. Use a Num::Grad::Variable with a Num::Grad::Contextto easily compute these derivatives.

ctx = Num::Grad::Context(Tensor(Float64)).new

x = ctx.variable([3.0])
y = ctx.variable([2.0])

# f(x) = x ** y
f = x ** y
puts f # => [9]


# df/dx = y * x = 6.0
puts x.grad # => [6.0]

Num::NN contains an extension to Num::Grad that provides an easy-to-useinterface to assist in creating neural networks. Designing and creatinga network is simple using Crystal's block syntax.

ctx = Num::Grad::Context(Tensor(Float64)).new

x_train = [[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]].to_tensor
y_train = [[0.0], [1.0], [1.0], [0.0]].to_tensor

x = ctx.variable(x_train)

net = do
  input [2]
  # A basic network with a single hidden layer using
  # a ReLU activation function
  linear 3
  linear 1

  # SGD Optimizer
  sgd 0.7

  # Sigmoid Cross Entropy to calculate loss

500.times do |epoch|
  y_pred = net.forward(x)
  loss = net.loss(y_pred, y_train)
  puts "Epoch: #{epoch} - Loss #{loss}"

# Clip results to make a prediction
puts net.forward(x) { |el| el > 0 ? 1 : 0}

# [[0],
#  [1],
#  [1],
#  [0]]

Review the documentation for full implementation details, and if something is missing,open an issue to add it!

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  • 需要逐类对预测结果进行分析。 相关代码地址: 目录 一、结果读出 1.1 写出结果 1.2 结果读出 二、运算指标 2.1 指标与print 2.2 指标的运算 2.3 输出 三、precision,recall,F1 3.1 定义函数进行运算 3.2 函数的调用 3.3 运行结果 一、结果读出

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