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The hands-on NLTK tutorial for NLP in Python
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 柴耀
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Hands-On NLTK Tutorial

The hands-on NLTK tutorial in the form of Jupyter notebooks

NLTK is one of the most popular Python packages for Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Index of Jupyter Notebooks

1.1 Downloading Libs and Testing That They Are Working
Getting ready to start!
1.2 Text Analysis Using nltk.text
Extracting interesting data from a given text
2.1 Deriving N-Grams from Text
Creating n-grams (for language classification)
2.2 Detecting Text Language by Counting Stop Words.ipynb
A simple way to find out what language a text is written in
2.3 Language Identifier Using Word Bigrams
State-of-the-art language classifier
3.1 Bigrams, Stemming and Lemmatizing
NLTK makes bigrams, stemming and lemmatization super-easy
3.2 Finding Unusual Words in Given Language
Which words do not belong with the rest of the text?
3.3 Creating a POS Tagger
Creating a Parts Of Speech tagger
3.4 Parts of Speech and Meaning
Exploring awesome features offered by WordNet
4.1 Name Gender Identifier
Building a classifier that guesses the gender of a name
4.2 Classifying News Documents into Categories
Building a classifier that guesses the category of a news item
5.1 Sentiment Analysis
Is a movie review positive or negative?
5.2 Sentiment Analysis with nltk.sentiment.SentimentAnalyzer and VADER tools
More sentiment analysis!
6.1 Twitter Stream (and Cleaning Tweets)
Live-stream tweets from Twitter
6.2 Twitter Search
Search through past tweets
7.1 NLTK with the Greek Script
Using NLTK with foreign scripts
8.1 The langdetect and langid Libraries
Useful libraries for language identification
8.2 Word2Vec (gensim)
Google's Word2vec


H. Z. Sababa — hb20007 — hzsababa@outlook.com

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

  • The source to this hands on project, and all projects in this book, can be found here. Note that in this chapter we will load code directly from the local hard drive rather than through a webserver. Y

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  • NLTK 会被自然地看作是具有栈结构的一系列层,这些层构建于彼此基础之上。那些熟悉人工语言(比如 Python)的文法和解析的读者来说,理解自然语言模型中类似的 —— 但更深奥的 —— 层不会有太大困难。 尽管 NLTK 附带了很多已经预处理(通常是手工地)到不同程度的全集,但是概念上每一层都是依赖于相邻的更低层次的处理。首先是断词;然后是为单词加上 标签;然后将成组的单词解析为语法元素,比如名词

  • 在本章中,我们将学习如何开始使用Natural Language Toolkit Package。 先决条件(Prerequisite) 如果我们想用自然语言处理来构建应用程序,那么上下文的变化会使其变得非常困难。 上下文因素影响机器如何理解特定句子。 因此,我们需要使用机器学习方法开发自然语言应用程序,以便机器也能理解人类理解上下文的方式。 要构建这样的应用程序,我们将使用名为NLTK(Natu

  • NLTK库安装 pip install nltk 执行python并下载书籍: [root@centos #] python Python 2.7.11 (default, Jan 22 2016, 08:29:18) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81)] on darwin Type "help", "copyrig