
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发、 Android UI 组件
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 司空玮
操作系统 Android
适用人群 未知

logo Material Motion for JavaScript

This repo houses the JavaScript implementation of Material Motion. For more information about the project as a whole, check the Starmap.

High-level Goals

  • To make gestural interactions as easy to reuse across applications as UI components already are.

  • To enable the motions and gestures described in the Material Spec to be easily implemented by application authors in the JS ecosystem.

  • To make prototyping new animated experiences simpler.

  • To yield a system that feels robust by default. Fragile interactions erode user trust in the overall system: “should I enter my password in a glitchy app?”

  • To allow interactions to be inspected and tweaked with visual tools.

  • To allow interactions to be easily ported across platforms.

  • To allow authors to write views in terms of URLs, and have the system guide the transitions between them.

    • Note: This is an eventual goal. In the near term, Material Motion is focused specifically on aiding the creation of reusable gestural interactions.


Want to contribute? Awesome - thanks for helping!

To get started, just run these commands:

git clone
cd material-motion-js
$( yarn bin )/lerna bootstrap

They will check out the repo, install the dependencies for each package, and link the packages to one another. Then, find the package you want to work on in packages and start coding!


Apache 2.0

  • RectAreaLight是矩形面光源,光源类似一个平面,整个面会均匀的发光,这种光源可以用来模拟明亮的窗户,和发光的条状照明灯。 示例: 1、示例: 使用矩形面光源,需要注意以下事项 RectAreaLight光源不支持阴影效果。 仅仅Mesh

  • 这是名为 Motion 的 Javascript 动画组件。它能够帮助您不依赖 Javascript 框架即可简单、高效地完成复杂的动画效果。 特性 高效率、不依赖任何 Javascript 框架 经过严格的测试,可信赖 苗条、只有 3KB 注:压缩后 支持回调(callback),扩展容易 支持多浏览器,让您摆脱复杂的动画效果、重新关注业务本身 遵循 MIT 协议,自由使用

  • This plugin provides access to the device's accelerometer. The accelerometer is a motion sensor that detects the change (delta) in movement relative to the current device orientation, in three dimensi

  • Foundation提供了用于创建UI过渡和动画的Motion UI库,并由Foundation组件(如Toggler , Reveal和Orbit 。 安装Motion UI 您可以使用npm或bower在项目中安装Motion UI库,如以下代码行所示 - $ npm install motion-ui --save-dev bower install motion-ui --save-dev

  • Ant Motion 是从蚂蚁金服的 Ant Design 中提炼出来的动效语言。它不仅仅是动效语言,同时也是一套 React 框架动效解决方案,提供了单项,组合动画,以及整套解决方案,帮助开发者更容易的在项目中使用动效。 Ant Motion 能做什么 ? 通过 React 标签,以简单的配置即可完成想要的动画,可以快速的实现不同组合的动画效果,更好的提高你的工作效率。 动效 Demo 列表的增

  • TypePad Motion是一个多媒体微博客,除了文字内容,您还可以分享图片(GIF/JPE/PNG)、视频(YouTube/Vimeo)和音频(MP3),附属媒体文件均可以在线播放。 TypePad Motion基于TypePad的API,不论任人通过TypePad Motion架设的网站,其数据都是统一存贮在TypePad的数据库。TypePad Motion平台虽然支持通过各种帐户(Ope

  • React Motion 是一个 React 弹性动画库,使用 0-10 的弹性参数进行动画处理: import {Motion, spring} from 'react-motion';// In your render...<Motion defaultStyle={{x: 0}} style={{x: spring(10)}}>  {value => <div>{value.x}</div>