Based on Paolo Rotolo's Gitty Reporter
Is your Inbox full of bug reports and requests from your users?
android-issue-reporter is a new material designed library to report issues from your app directly to GitHub, even without an account.
A demo app is available on Google Play:
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
GitHub bot | Include device info | Demo |
android-issue-reporter is available on
Gradle dependency:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.heinrichreimersoftware:android-issue-reporter:1.3.1'
Get the latest dependency at
)Just start the issue reporter directly from your activity using the launcher builder:
IssueReporterLauncher.forTarget("HeinrichReimer", "android-issue-reporter")
// [Recommended] Theme to use for the reporter.
// (See #theming for further information.)
// [Optional] Auth token to open issues if users don't have a GitHub account
// You can register a bot account on GitHub and copy ist OAuth2 token here.
// (See #how-to-create-a-bot-key for further information.)
// [Optional] Force users to enter an email adress when the report is sent using
// the guest token.
// [Optional] Set a minimum character limit for the description to filter out
// empty reports.
// [Optional] Include other relevant info in the bug report (like custom variables)
.putExtraInfo("Test 1", "Example string")
.putExtraInfo("Test 2", true)
// [Optional] Disable back arrow in toolbar
)Just create a new Activity
that extends IssueReporterActivity
public class ExampleReporterActivity extends IssueReporterActivity {
// Where should the issues go?
// (
public GithubTarget getTarget() {
return new GithubTarget("username", "repository");
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// [Optional] Auth token to open issues if users don't have a GitHub account
// You can register a bot account on GitHub and copy ist OAuth2 token here.
// (See #how-to-create-a-bot-key for further information.)
// [Optional] Force users to enter an email adress when the report is sent using
// the guest token.
// [Optional] Set a minimum character limit for the description to filter out
// empty reports.
// [Optional] Include other relevant info in the bug report (like custom variables)
public void onSaveExtraInfo(ExtraInfo extraInfo) {
extraInfo.put("Test 1", "Example string");
extraInfo.put("Test 2", true);
Create a theme extending Theme.IssueReporter
theme and set it to the launcher using IssueReporterLauncher.theme(@StyleRes int theme)
or declare it in AndroidManifest.xml
if you have extended IssueReporterActivity
<style name="Theme.App.Light" parent="Theme.IssueReporter">
<item name="colorPrimary">...</item><!-- required -->
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">...</item><!-- required -->
<item name="colorAccent">...</item><!-- required -->
You can use Theme.IssueReporter.Light
or Theme.IssueReporter.Light.DarkActionBar
as replacement if you want a light theme.
Create a new GitHub account.
(You have to use a unique email address.)
Go to and create a new token using Generate new token.
(You only need to give the bot the public_repo
Copy the OAuth access token you get at the end of the setup.
Override getGuestToken()
in your reporter activity like this:
public String getGuestToken() {
return "<your token here>";
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