android 揭示动画_文件揭示了苹果公司在定义维修权方面的努力


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Internal emails between Apple employees reveal the company struggling to defend its position on Right to Repair, a movement that encourages people to fix their own devices. Ahead of yesterday’s Congressional antitrust hearing, which saw testimonies from CEOs Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Sundar Pichai, Apple submitted a trove of emails to the House Judiciary Committee that show spokespersons carefully crafting its “repair strategy.”

苹果员工之间我 nternal电子邮件揭示了公司疲于防守上右的位置,以修理,鼓励人们来解决他们自己的设备的运动。 在昨天举行的国会反托拉斯听证会之前,苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克,马克·扎克伯格,杰夫·贝佐斯和桑达尔·皮查伊都作了证词,苹果向众议院司法委员会提交了许多电子邮件 ,表明发言人在认真制定其“维修策略”。

The emails were first reported on Thursday by iFixit, a DIY website that publishes guides to fixing gadgets and sells repair equipment. “These internal discussions reveal that what looks like Apple’s united front against Right to Repair is really an internal debate, rife with uncertainty,” wrote iFixit co-founder Kyle Weins.

电子邮件由DIY网站iFixit于周四首次报道的 ,该网站是DIY网站,发布修理小工具的指南并出售维修设备。 “这些内部讨论表明,苹果反对维修权的统一战线实际上是内部辩论,充满不确定性,” iFixit联合创始人凯尔·韦恩斯(Kyle Weins)写道。

Apple has long opposed Right to Repair, claiming that “unauthorized” repairs are a threat to security, its intellectual property, and consumer safety. Its crusade against DIY was interrogated by the New York Times editorial board in April 2019. Citing Apple’s high repair costs and various attempts to subvert third-party access to manuals, tools, and diagnostics, the Times concluded that Apple’s tactics were “unfair to consumers who might be able to obtain, or perform, lower-priced repairs.”

苹果公司长期以来一直反对 “维修权”, 声称 “未经授权”的维修对安全性,其知识产权和消费者安全构成威胁。 纽约时报编辑委员会在2019年4月审问了其对DIY的争夺。该报援引苹果的高昂维修费用以及各种试图颠覆第三方获取手册,工具和诊断程序的尝试,认为《苹果时报》的策略“对消费者不公平”。谁能够获得或进行价格较低的维修。”

When the Times’ editorial board member Binyamin Appelbaum reached out to Apple for comment at that time, Apple’s press team fought to influence the story’s narrative. Steve Dowling, formerly vice president of communications at Apple, suggested they “emphasize safety over economics.”

当时, 《泰晤士报》编辑委员会成员Binyamin Appelbaum向Apple征求意见时,Apple的新闻团队竭力影响该故事的叙述。 苹果公司前通信副总裁史蒂夫·道林(Steve Dowling)表示,他们“强调安全而非经济”。

“Look at what happened when a Wired reporter tried to open his iPhone with a screwdriver,” Dowling wrote in an email thread to Lori Lodes, former director of corporate communications at Apple, and Apple spokesperson Kristin Huguet. (The note was a possible reference to a series of Wired stories about Apple’s obscure screw-head shape.) “Explosions happen at landfills and recycling centers all the time because of improper disposal of electronics. Anecdotally, many of the safety incidents reported with mobile phones are related to faulty repairs.”

“看看有线记者试图用螺丝刀打开iPhone时发生了什么,”道林在一封电子邮件中写给苹果公司前企业传播总监洛里·洛德斯(Lori Lodes)和苹果发言人克里斯汀·休格(Kristin Huguet)。 (该注释可能是有关Apple晦涩的螺丝头形状的一系列Wired故事的参考。)“由于电子设备处置不当,爆炸事件始终发生在垃圾填埋场和回收中心。 有趣的是,手机报告的许多安全事件都与维修不当有关。”

“The larger issue is that our strategy around all of this is unclear,” responded Huguet. “Right now we’re talking out of both sides of our mouth and no one is clear on where we’re headed.”

休格特回应说:“更大的问题是,我们围绕这一切的战略尚不明确。” “目前,我们是从嘴巴两边说话,没人知道我们要去哪里。”

Days before the Times’ story was published, iFixit reporter Whitson Gordon noticed that two service manuals for 2019 iMacs had been posted to Apple’s support site. Whitson reached out to Apple for comment, asking if they were uploaded by mistake, but did not receive a response.

在《 泰晤士报》报道发表的前几天,iFixit记者Whitson Gordon注意到, 2019年iMac的服务 手册已发布到苹果的支持网站。 惠特森(Whitson)向苹果(Apple)征求意见,询问它们是否被错误上传,但未收到回复。

However, Thursday’s email dump revealed Apple scrambling to explain how the manuals wound up on their website. In an email to Dowling and Huguet, Lodes wrote that the “iMac manuals became available on on Wednesday without any sort of clearance.” Lodes learned that Apple’s Environmental Technology team had posted the documents, and there was an internal discussion over whether to remove them.

但是,周四的电子邮件转储显示,苹果公司争先恐后地解释手册如何在其网站上发布。 在给Dowling和Huguet的电子邮件中,Lodes写道:“ iMac手册于周三在Apple.com上上市,没有任何许可。” Lodes了解到Apple的环境技术团队已经发布了这些文件,并且就是否删除这些文件进行了内部讨论。

“Right now, it’s pretty clear things are happening in a vacuum and there is not an overall strategy,” Lodes added. “Plus, with one hand we are making these changes and the other is actively fighting Right to Repair legislation moving in 20 states without real coordination for how updated policies could be used to leverage our position.”

洛德斯补充说:“目前,很明显,事情是在真空中进行的,没有整体战略。” “此外,一方面,我们正在做出这些更改,另一方面,我们正在积极与在20个州中实施的修复权立法进行斗争,而没有就如何使用更新的政策来利用我们的立场进行真正的协调。”

These two incidents are a departure from Apple’s typical hardline stance on Right to Repair, the movement it’s aggressively lobbied against for several years — making only a few concessions when it comes to third-party repair shops.



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