This repo is a demo to show the power of NativeScript + RiveScript
npm i
tns run android (or ios)
Just chat with that bot, using the chat box.(try sending "rpg demo", for something cool, but remember to send "exit" in the endbecause same instance of the bot will be servered as long as username is same)(also, if you see the bot is acting unusual, it's a good idea to send "exit" once)
The server can be found at this repository
NativeScript 可以使用 Javascript,CSS, XML 创建真正的 Native 跨平台应用,支持 iOS Android,NativeScript 将您的跨平台代码翻译成目标平台的代码。 UI 使用 XML 描述,CSS 样式,在编译时将 UI 转化成本地原生代码,最终得到正在的 Native 原生应用。 Telerik 公开了用于创建安卓、iOS和Windows Unive
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