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Nativescript library for algolia search
授权协议 View license
开发语言 JavaScript TypeScript
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 葛阳
操作系统 iOS
适用人群 未知

This plugin is now maintained under the NativeScript Community.



NativeScript plugin for Algolia search.

This plugin is designed to mirror, as closely as possible, the structure of Algolia’s JavaScript client. You don't have to change or add any extra logic for existing applications, it will work for NativeScript.


This plugin is licensed under the MIT license by Arpit Srivastava


To install, type

tns plugin add nativescript-algolia

Table of Contents

  1. Install

  2. Quick Start

Getting Started



tns plugin add nativescript-algolia

Quick Start

In 30 seconds, this quick start tutorial will show you how to index and search objects.

Initialize the client

You first need to initialize the client. For that, you will need your Application ID and API Key.You can find both of them on your Algolia account.

import {Algolia} from "nativescript-algolia";
var client = new Algolia('applicationID', 'apiKey');
var index = client.initIndex('contacts');

Push data

Without any prior configuration, you can start indexing 500 contacts in the contacts index using the following code:

var index = client.initIndex('contacts');
var contactsJSON = require('./contacts.json');

index.addObjects(contactsJSON, function(content, err) {
  if (err) {


With these tasks complete, you can now search for contacts by querying fields such as firstname, lastname, company and more. As Algolia is typo tolerant, common misspellings can be handled with ease:

// firstname
index.search('jimmie', function(content, err) {

// firstname with typo
index.search('jimie', function(content, err) {

// a company
index.search('california paint', function(content, err) {

// a firstname & company
index.search('jimmie paint', function(content, err) {


Settings can be customized to tune the search behavior. For example, you can add a custom sort by number of followers to the already great built-in relevance:

  'customRanking': ['desc(followers)']
}, function(err, content) {

You can also configure the list of attributes you want to index by order of importance (ex: firstname = most important):

Note: Since the engine is designed to suggest results as you type, you'll generally search by prefix.In this case the order of attributes is very important to decide which hit is the best:

  'searchableAttributes': [
}, function(content, err) {
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