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NativeScript ❤️ Android TV


Unsurprisingly Android TV is very much like the Android you know and love,and since NativeScript already runs like a champ on Android, you can easilysupport Android TV as well!


I found the easiest way to support TV devices is adding this line to your AndroidManifest.xmland figuring out at runtime which UI to load.

Wait.. does that mean I have to duplicate code?

You don't have to duplicate anything, but you really don't want to reuse phone layouts on your TVfor obvious reasons. So what this PoC does, is using a main-page.xml for Phone / Tablet, and main-page-tv.xmlfor TV to accomodate for the additional screen real estate - but they share the same main-view-model.ts.

Can I use Angular or Vue as well?

Sure you can, as those eventually render the same UI widgets as regular NativeScript does.

And what about iOS?

Nothing special there - iOS is powered by the same code that makes the Android Phone / Tablet version tick.

Sorry, I meant Apple TV

Ah, OK, ehm, please refer to this blog.

Lemme try

Create an Android TV emulator with the AVD manager inside Android Studio (if you're not so lucky to own a real device), then:

git clone https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-android-tv
cd nativescript-android-tv
npm i
tns run android
  • 一、下载VLC源码: git clone https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-android.git 编译apk:   sh compile.sh -a armeabi-v7a生成路径:vlc-android/build/outputs/apk/vanillaARMv7/debug 编译aar:   sh compile.sh -l -a armeabi-

  • 个人博客 http://www.milovetingting.cn 前言 记录NDK交叉编译及so库导入Android项目的简单步骤,以备后续用到时查看。 环境 在Linux和Mac环境下,分别编译输出so库。 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 64 位 使用GCC编译(也可以用CLANG,这里演示用GCC) macOS Big Sur 11.3.1 使用CLANG编译(也可以

  • http://blog.csdn.net/elsdnwn/article/details/48651585 热更新介绍 什么是热更新? 客户端启动时,主动请求服务端检查版本号,并更新资源到本地。 应用场景: 情况一:客户端已经发布了,但突然发现有个比较严重的bug需要修复。这时需要更新客户端的代码(Lua代码)。 情况二:情人节到了,需要搞个活动,在客户端中营造一个节日氛围。这时,需要更新客户端资

  • 1111111111111111android与lua相互通信 --在android项目中使用lua,需要两个步骤 --加载lua脚本解析引擎 --以native API方式调用引擎接口 直接以JNI方式调用lua解析引擎的接口十分麻烦 开源项目LuaJava(https://github.com/mkottman/AndroLua)对这些JNI接口进行了很好的封装 它是一个包含了LuaJava的

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