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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript TypeScript
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 艾翼
操作系统 iOS
适用人群 未知


NativeScript plugin for using android device sensors that run on a background thread.


NativeScript 7+:

ns plugin add nativescript-android-sensors

NativeScript version lower than 7:

tns plugin add nativescript-android-sensors@1.5.0

Android Sensors: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Sensor.html


import { AndroidSensors, AndroidSensorListener, SensorDelay } from 'nativescript-android-sensors';

const sensors = new AndroidSensors();
const accelerometerSensor: android.hardware.Sensor;
const gyroScope: android.hardware.Sensor;

const sensorListener = new AndroidSensorListener({
    onAccuracyChanged: (
        sensor: android.hardware.Sensor,
        accuracy: number
      ) => {
        console.log('accuracy', accuracy);
    onSensorChanged: (result: string) => {
        // result is being returned as a string currently
        const parsedData = JSON.parse(result);
        const rawSensorData = parsedData.data;
        const sensor = parsedData.sensor;
        const time = parsedData.time;


someFunction() {
    accelerometerSensor = sensors.startSensor(android.hardware.Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION, SensorDelay.FASTEST);

    // here we are using the android const 4 which is for the TYPE_GYROSCOPE sensor
    // https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Sensor.html#TYPE_GYROSCOPE
    // we are passing the third argument to `startSensor` which is for maxReportLatency, if the sensor is able to support FIFO this will register the sensor with the reporting latency value, if not, the sensor registers on the background thread as normal
    const gyroScope =  sensors.startSensor(4, SensorDelay.NORMAL, 4000000);

    // maybe you wanna use a timeout and stop it after 8 seconds
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 8000)

functionToStopTheSensorData() {



AndroidSensors (liteData: boolean = false)

The boolean argument for liteData changes the JSON returned from the sensor event changes. This is helpful when you are storing large amounts of dataset by reducing the redundant data from the sensor changed event.

import {
} from 'nativescript-android-sensors';

const sensors = new AndroidSensors(true);


  • setListener(listener: AndroidSensorListener): void
    • Set the event listener which returns data when the sensors change.
  • startSensor(sensor: android.hardware.Sensor, delay: SensorDelay, maxReportingDelay?: number): android.hardware.Sensor
    • Registers the sensor with the provided reporting delay. Returns the instance of the sensor so it can be passed to the stopSensor(sensor) method to unregister when finished with it. The third argument to startSensor is for maxReportLatency, if the sensor is able to support FIFO this will register the sensor with the reporting latency value, if not, the sensor registers on the background thread as normal
  • stopSensor(sensor: android.hardware.Sensor): void
    • Unregisters the sensor.
  • getDeviceSensors(): android.hardware.Sensor[]
    • Returns an array of the devices sensors.
  • flush(): boolean
    • Will flush event data from the listener. Returns true if successful in flushing.
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