A sample project showcase of how to merge the coverage data from both androidTest
and test
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These are the GNU core utilities. This package is the union of the GNU fileutils, sh-utils, and textutils packages. Most of these programs have significant advantages over their Unix counterparts, suc
These are the GNU core utilities. This package is the union of the GNU fileutils, sh-utils, and textutils packages. Most of these programs have significant advantages over their Unix counterparts, suc
参考文档: 1、unified-test-coverage-report-in-android-with-jacoco-and-sonarqube 2、Developing Android unit and instrumentation tests 3、Analyzing with SonarQube Scanner for Gradle 4、JaCoCo Java Code Coverage
Code coverage tells you which lines of script (or set of scripts) have been executed during a request. With this information you can for example find out how good your unit tests are. Xdebug's code co
Compass Unified Parser 是为将多种不同框架的模型转化成一种浮点中间表示(IR)而设计的, 这种IR是由安谋中国设计的一种标准的IR,用于周易系列的神经网络编译器。 Parser 的处理流程和设计理念 Parser 的主要目标是将一个训练好的模型转换成浮点IR喂给OPT(优化器)。如下是Parser的主要处理流程: 一个模型通过统一的配置文件传给Parser。 配置解析器解析配
Coverage 收集相关页面使用的 JavaScript 和 CSS 部分的信息。 使用 JavaScript 和 CSS 覆盖率来获取初始百分比的例子 执行代码: // 启用 JavaScript 和 CSS 覆盖 await Promise.all([ page.coverage.startJSCoverage(), page.coverage.startCSSCoverage()
Unified Parallel C (UPC) 是 C 语言的扩展,主要设计用来在大规模的并行计算机中开发高性能的应用程序。该项目为集群中的单个节点、分区地址空间、内存做了统一的建模。UPC 使用单程序多数据模型(SPMD)。
jest-coverage-ratchet Raises jest's minimum coverage thresholds (per category) if current coverage is higher. What does it do? Lets say you have some jest coverage thresholds set in the package.json f
CloudFormation Public Coverage Roadmap The AWS CloudFormation Public Coverage Roadmap Introduction This is a public roadmap focused on upcoming coverage support for CloudFormation. It is focused on co