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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Kotlin
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 越文康
操作系统 Android
适用人群 未知


A minimal SDK that lets an integrator add a Monero Miner using the Javascript miner created by CoinHive.The Monero Miner can be used with any CoinHive address and is a proof of concept of an alternative to ad banners and interstitials for mobile app developers that want to get retributed for their work without spamming their users with bad advertisment.


You must create a CoinHive account


Get then your public Site key


This will be used to initialize your Monero Miner in Android.

How it works

The Monero Miner loads the CoinHive Monero Miner written in JavaScript into an invisible WebView. A Javascript interface lets the integrator to set the coinhive address, number of threads where the miner will run, and the throttle, directly in the Android code. The instructions are then injected into the Javascript code.


The MoneroMiner follows the Singleton pattern.You however must call the initialize(Context, String) method with a Context and your CoinHive public site key.You can do this in the onCreate() method of your Application

MoneroMiner.INSTANCE.initialize(getApplicationContext(), COINHIVE_ADDRESS);

Use the Monero Miner

Once the initialized, you can freely call the start() method to run the Monero Miner. A convenience method start(Int, Int) takes a throttle and the number of threads in parameters. When not used anymore, call the stop() method.


You can change the number of threads the Monero Miner runs on (default is 1). Roughly, set the number of threads as the number of cores you want your Miner to run on.


You can change the throttle of the Monero Miner (default is 20). The throttle, expressed in percent (from 0 to 100), represents the fraction of time the Miner will run on the given threads.


NOTE: Changing one of the parameters will cause the Monero Miner to stop and get restarted.




Known Issues

Windows Defender is known to block the use of the Monero Miner script onto your Windows distribution. If you get an error when starting or initializing the miner stating that it cannot find a reference to coinhive.js, make sure you have desactivated Windows Defender first.

Further improvements

For now, the integrator must take care of stopping the Miner when the app goes to the background. A further improvement may be to make this automatically. Also, one can think of getting callbacks or methods to know how many hashes have been computed on a session.


This SDK is under the MIT license.


This Monero Miner was proudly made at Smart&Soft, Paris FRANCE

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