This repository has been archived and is no longer maintained.
Copyright (c) 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Sceneform is a 3D framework with a physically based renderer that's optimizedfor mobile devices and that makes it easy for you to build augmented realityapps without requiring OpenGL.
As of ARCore release 1.16.0, Google open-sourced the implementation of Sceneformallowing you to extend Sceneform's features and capabilities. As part of the1.16.0 release, support for SFA
and SFB
assets was removed in favor ofadding glTF
You can continue to use Sceneform 1.15.0 (or earlier). There is no requirementthat you migrate to Sceneform 1.16.0.
Do not use Sceneform 1.17.0 as that release will not work correctly. (Sceneform1.17.1 can be used, but is otherwise identical to Sceneform 1.15.0.)
Sceneform SDK | Description |
Sceneform SDK versions 1.0.0 - 1.15.0 |
Sceneform SDK version 1.16.0 |
Sceneform SDK version 1.17.0 |
Do not use |
Sceneform SDK version 1.17.1 |
Identical to version 1.15.0 |
Use the following steps to include and build the Sceneform 1.16.0 SDK with yourapp:
from the Sceneform SDKreleasespage.sceneformsrc
and sceneformux
directories into your project'stop-level directory. The resulting directory structure should be similar tothe following:project
+-- app
| +-- build.gradle
| +-- ...
+-- sceneformsrc
+-- sceneformux
+-- build.gradle
+-- settings.gradle
+-- ...
to include the Sceneform projects:include ':app'
// Add these lines:
include ':sceneform'
project(':sceneform').projectDir=new File('sceneformsrc/sceneform')
include ':sceneformux'
project(':sceneformux').projectDir=new File('sceneformux/ux')
:dependencies {
api project(":sceneformux")
To get started with the Sceneform SDK, check out theSceneform sample.
Documentation for the Sceneform SDK for Android 1.15.0 is available from
The SDK release notes are available on thereleases page.
Please see theLICENSEfile.
The Sceneform trademark is a trademark of Google, and is not subject to thecopyright or patent license grants contained in the Apache 2.0-licensedSceneform repositories on GitHub. Any uses of the Sceneform trademark other thanthose permitted in these guidelines must be approved by Google in advance.
These guidelines exist to ensure that the Sceneform project can share itstechnology under open source licenses while making sure that the "Sceneform"brand is protected as a meaningful source identifier in a way that's consistentwith trademark law. By adhering to these guidelines, you help to promote thefreedom to use and develop high-quality Sceneform technology.
Because we are open-sourcing the Sceneform technology, you may use the Sceneformtrademark to refer to the project without prior written permission. Examples ofthese approved references include the following:
By downloading the Sceneform SDK for Android, you agree that theGoogle APIs Terms of Service governsyour use thereof.
You must disclose the use of Google Play Services for AR (ARCore) and how itcollects and processes data, prominently in your application, easily accessibleto users. You can do this by adding the following text on your main menu ornotice screen: "This application runs onGoogle Play Services for AR(ARCore), which is provided by Google LLC and governed by theGoogle Privacy Policy".
使用Sceneform时,Android上的ARCore的所有功能都可用 . 最常见的用例非常简单,例如在地板平面上处理对象 . 您可以通过调用Scene.setOnUpdateListener()然后在侦听器调用ArSceneView.getArFrame()中设置Scene侦听器来执行每帧操作 . 例如 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceS
Sceneform ARCore fbx gltf obj 3D转换成sfb格式,如何保证包围盒不变、不自动缩放 sceneform arcore convert fbx gltf obj to sfb,without box norecenter and keep scale 1, by command line. 更多问题讨论,可以联系: 微信(wechat) le3d618 QQ: 3716
arcore by Ayusch Jain 通过Ayusch Jain 如何使用ARCore和Android Studio构建增强现实Android应用 (How to build an Augmented Reality Android App with ARCore and Android Studio) This article was originally posted here 本文最初
Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 18 cannot be smaller than version 24 declared in library [xxx] C:\Users\a.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\xxx\0562430a754da47d1ed8f3d668be2648\Andr
每次我尝试为我的应用程序导入场景表单资产时,Android Studio都会崩溃。obj文件 我有一个文件夹sampledata,我必须在其中保存文件。mtl和。obj,当我尝试为我的应用程序导入Sceneform资产时。obj文件,IDE压碎并给出下面的错误 我该怎么做才能让它工作?
我一直得到我的屁股踢尝试得到一个垂直放置的三维模型GLB格式正确放置在垂直表面。 为了澄清一点,我指的不是识别垂直表面的困难,这本身是一个完全不同的问题。 删除设置的常用样板以最小化此帖子。 如果你想知道“启动和停止”AR体验的原因,是为了最大限度地利用GPU周期进行其他UX交互,而这些交互在这个覆盖屏幕上很重,所以我们等待启动或停止的基础上,其他事情正在发生的当前实时数据状态。 好吧继续。 让我
我正在试着翻译场景表单1.15。要与ARCore 1.18一起使用的0的增强图像示例。0和场景窗体1.16。0。(请注意,GitHub上的Sceneform 1.16.0存储库仅附带gltfio加载程序示例)。 我的目标是使用GLTFIO库加载动画GLTFs/GLBs以在图像上显示。(在Sceneform 1.16.0的早期版本中提供的Android Studio插件机制无法实现此功能)。 通过这
我目前正在尝试使用谷歌的ARCore库,特别是场景形式,来渲染一个导入的3D模型。我试图使用这个指南从谷歌做到这一点。 然而,当我去归档 我也尝试过从jetbrains页面手动下载和安装,但当我尝试从磁盘安装时,出现了错误: 插件Google Sceneform Tools(Beta)与此安装不兼容 我目前使用的是Android Studio 3.0.1和Android SDK 24.4.1。我唯
我一直在搜索通过Sceneform设置3D对象动画。我对AR很陌生。 有谁能提供一个3D动画的例子,比如一个移动的人?
假设我有三个锚,来自阿拉片段的命中结果。 锚定=命中结果。createAnchor(); 如何使用Sceneform绘制三角形并应用自定义纹理?