Samples demonstrating how to useMaps SDK for Android.
This repo contains the following samples:
Alternatively, use the gradlew build
command to build the project directly or download an APKunder releases.
If you have discovered an issue with the Google Maps Platform SDK for Android v2, please seethe resources here:
If you've found an error in these samples, please file an issue:
Patches are encouraged, and may be submitted according to the instructions
(See each sample directory for details.)
Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project
Copyright 2015 Google, Inc.
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributorlicense agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work foradditional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses thisfile to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may notuse this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy ofthe License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUTWARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See theLicense for the specific language governing permissions and limitations underthe License.
按照官方网站上的import samples,在windows下成功导入项目; 当然前提是翻墙,并且设置自动代理;(setting->system set->http proxy) linux下没有成功, 下载例子: 一个是官方网站的samples 下的右侧 有 project|download 能下载项目; 另一种是直接在github上下载: 搜索google samples就可以了;
很多学习android的朋友都想看看安装目录里面sample的效果,但是使用file-->import ... 选择了root directory 后 下面的project没有项目选择.试试这样做:File-->new-->android project -->选择create project from existing source ...-->选择目录,如果目录选择后Build target没
想查看官方的实例,但是new或者import都工程都不行: File-->new-->android project -->选择create project from existing source ...-->选择目录,如果目录选择后Build target没有选择,自己勾选一下-->finish. 导入后如果程序有错误,clean一下就行了。
ActionBar实际上是用来替换导航菜单的一个选项,主要的作用是: ActionBar是一个显示在屏幕顶部的控件,它包括了在左边显示的应用的logo图标和右边操作菜单的可见项。 我们可以选择可见的操作菜单可见项,不可见项会以下拉列表的形式呈现出来。 ActionBar为Fragment之间提供标签导航 ok,接下来我们查看源码: AndroidManifest.xml文件中我们看到设置了appl
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Android 4.3 BLE 开发samples for SDK单独下载 自己在开发的时候,用SDK Manager下载samples有些问题,简单办法就是单独下载Android 4.3 samples for SDK,链接如下: 类似的可以参见:http://w
public class MemoryManager extends Manager { private ActivityManager mActivityManager; public MemoryManager(Config config) { super(config); //获得ActivityManager服务的对象。
最近帮别人写了一个东西需要用到蓝牙共享数据,发现Android SDK里的例子里的BluetoothChat——蓝牙聊天软件代码写得不错,就学习分析了一下。 项目java文件3个:BluetoothChat:主界面,显示聊天信息BluetoothChatService:里面有3个主要线程类,AcceptThread:蓝牙服务端socket监听线程.。ConnectThread:蓝牙socket连接
Android的SDK中有一个$(Android_SDK)/samples/目录,目录下根据不同SDK版本附带了很多自带的例子程序。这一个系列中将会对每一个例子的源代码进行剖析。 本篇文章分析AccelerometerPlay例子: 首先我们看看AndroidManifest.xml文件: <manifest xmlns:android="
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