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授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 程和畅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


���� 中文

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MUST READ https://txthinking.github.io/brook/#/README
Install CLI https://txthinking.github.io/brook/#/install-cli
Install GUI (macOS, Windows, iOS, Android, OpenWrt) https://txthinking.github.io/brook/#/install-gui-client
OpenWrt CLI https://txthinking.github.io/brook/#/brook-tproxy
�� ✍️
Blog https://talks.txthinking.com
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/txthinking
Discussions https://github.com/txthinking/brook/discussions
Telegram Channel https://t.me/brookchannel

What is Brook

Brook is a cross-platform strong encryption and not detectable proxy.
Brook's goal is to keep it simple, stupid and not detectable.

❤️ A project by txthinking.com

Install CLI

curl -L https://github.com/txthinking/brook/releases/latest/download/brook_linux_amd64 -o /usr/bin/brook
chmod +x /usr/bin/brook

[Recommend] Install CLI via nami, run brook wsserver with joker

�� Just copy and paste these four lines of commands, you can call this �� one-click script ��

source <(curl -L https://git.io/getnami)
nami install github.com/txthinking/joker
nami install github.com/txthinking/brook
joker brook wsserver --listen :9999 --password hello

Then, your brook wsserver is ws://YOUR_SERVER_IP:9999, password is hello

Read Document

Install GUI

Read Document


   Brook - A cross-platform strong encryption and not detectable proxy

   brook [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   Cloud <cloud@txthinking.com>

   server          Run as brook server, both TCP and UDP
   client          Run as brook client, both TCP and UDP, to start a socks5 proxy, [src <-> socks5 <-> brook client <-> brook server <-> dst]
   wsserver        Run as brook wsserver, both TCP and UDP, it will start a standard http server and websocket server
   wsclient        Run as brook wsclient, both TCP and UDP, to start a socks5 proxy, [src <-> socks5 <-> brook wsclient <-> brook wsserver <-> dst]
   wssserver       Run as brook wssserver, both TCP and UDP, it will start a standard https server and websocket server
   wssclient       Run as brook wssclient, both TCP and UDP, to start a socks5 proxy, [src <-> socks5 <-> brook wssclient <-> brook wssserver <-> dst]
   relayoverbrook  Run as relay over brook, both TCP and UDP, this means access [from address] is equal to [to address], [src <-> from address <-> brook server/wsserver/wssserver <-> to address]
   dns             Run as dns server over brook, both TCP and UDP, [src <-> brook dns <-> brook server/wsserver/wssserver <-> dns] or [src <-> brook dns <-> dnsForBypass]
   tproxy          Run as transparent proxy, both TCP and UDP, only works on Linux, [src <-> brook tproxy <-> brook server/wsserver/wssserver <-> dst]
   link            Print brook link
   qr              Print brook server QR code
   connect         Connect via standard sharing link (brook server & brook wsserver & brook wssserver)
   relay           Run as standalone relay, both TCP and UDP, this means access [from address] is equal to access [to address], [src <-> from address <-> to address]
   socks5          Run as standalone standard socks5 server, both TCP and UDP
   socks5tohttp    Convert socks5 to http proxy, [src <-> listen address(http proxy) <-> socks5 address <-> dst]
   hijackhttps     Hijack domains and assume is TCP/TLS/443. Requesting these domains from anywhere in the system will be hijacked . [src <-> brook hijackhttps <-> socks5 server] or [src <-> direct]
   pac             Run as PAC server or save PAC to file
   servers         Run as multiple brook servers
   relays          Run as multiple standalone relays
   map             Run as mapping, both TCP and UDP, this means access [from address] is equal to [to address], [src <-> from address <-> brook <-> to address]
   howto           Print some useful tutorial resources
   help, h         Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --debug, -d               Enable debug (default: false)
   --listen value, -l value  Listen address for debug (default: ":6060")
   --help, -h                show help (default: false)
   --version, -v             print the version (default: false)


Read Document


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md first


Licensed under The GPLv3 License

  • wget -N --no-check-certificate wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ToyoDAdoubi/doubi/master/brook.sh chmod +x brook.sh ./brook.sh wget --no-check-certificate https://gi

  • brook brook是一个针对大规模web开发的Javascript框架,而不是一个工具集。 brook引用了UNIX下的pipe概念,轻松把所有的处理都串联起来以共同完成任务。前一个处理的输出作为后一个处理的输入来完成参数的传递。通过brook你可以以MVC的方式来写你的javascript程序。 http://hirokidaichi.github.com/brook/ brook框架使用n

  • ¿Te apetecen hamburguesas? Brook. ¿Unos nachos? Chito ¿Un brunch? Urban bar. Y todo ¡Desde casa! Desde Brook hacemos hincapié en la busca de lo auténtico. Y es que en la era del postureo y el selfie b

  • Brooklin 是一种近实时的大规模数据流分布式服务,LinkedIn 自 2016 年以来一直在使用这项服务,支撑每天数千个数据流和超过 2 万亿条消息。 为什么要开发 Brooklin? 由于对可扩展、低延迟数据处理管道的需求不断在增长,LinkedIn 的数据基础设施也一直在不断演化。以一种可信赖的方式高速传输大量数据并非易事,除此之外,他们还要解决其他问题——为快速增长的数据存储类型和消

  • Apache Brooklyn 简化了企业级应用的发布和运行管理。可通过简单的点击将应用发布到常用的云平台上。



