setGenericPassword(username, password, [{ accessControl, accessible, accessGroup, service, securityLevel }])
getGenericPassword([{ authenticationPrompt, service, accessControl }])
resetGenericPassword([{ service }])
setInternetCredentials(server, username, password, [{ accessControl, accessible, accessGroup, securityLevel }])
getInternetCredentials(server, [{ authenticationPrompt }])
(iOS only)setSharedWebCredentials(server, username, password)
(iOS only)canImplyAuthentication([{ authenticationType }])
(iOS only)getSupportedBiometryType()
getSecurityLevel([{ accessControl }])
(Android only)Run yarn add react-native-keychain
1 a. Only for React Native <= 0.59: $ react-native link react-native-keychain
and check
to verify the package was added. See manual installation below if you have issues with react-native link
Run pod install
in ios/
directory to install iOS dependencies.
If you want to support FaceID, add a NSFaceIDUsageDescription
entry in your Info.plist
Re-build your Android and iOS projects.
import * as Keychain from 'react-native-keychain';
async () => {
const username = 'zuck';
const password = 'poniesRgr8';
// Store the credentials
await Keychain.setGenericPassword(username, password);
try {
// Retrieve the credentials
const credentials = await Keychain.getGenericPassword();
if (credentials) {
'Credentials successfully loaded for user ' + credentials.username
} else {
console.log('No credentials stored');
} catch (error) {
console.log("Keychain couldn't be accessed!", error);
await Keychain.resetGenericPassword();
See KeychainExample
for fully working project example.
Both setGenericPassword
and setInternetCredentials
are limited to strings only, so if you need to store objects etc, please use JSON.stringify
when you store/access it.
setGenericPassword(username, password, [{ accessControl, accessible, accessGroup, service, securityLevel }])
Will store the username/password combination in the secure storage. Resolves to {service, storage}
or rejects in case of an error. storage
- is a name of used internal cipher for saving secret; service
- name used for storing secret in internal storage (empty string resolved to valid default name).
getGenericPassword([{ authenticationPrompt, service, accessControl }])
Will retrieve the username/password combination from the secure storage. Resolves to { username, password, service, storage }
if an entry exists or false
if it doesn't. It will reject only if an unexpected error is encountered like lacking entitlements or permission.
resetGenericPassword([{ service }])
Will remove the username/password combination from the secure storage. Resolves to true
in case of success.
Will retrieve all known service names for which a generic password has been stored (e.g., setGenericPassword
Note: on iOS this will actully read the encrypted entries, so it will trigger an authentication UI if you have encrypted any entries with password/biometry.
setInternetCredentials(server, username, password, [{ accessControl, accessible, accessGroup, securityLevel }])
Will store the server/username/password combination in the secure storage. Resolves to { username, password, service, storage }
Will check if the username/password combination for server is available in the secure storage. Resolves to true
if an entry exists or false
if it doesn't.
getInternetCredentials(server, [{ authenticationPrompt }])
Will retrieve the server/username/password combination from the secure storage. Resolves to { username, password }
if an entry exists or false
if it doesn't. It will reject only if an unexpected error is encountered like lacking entitlements or permission.
Will remove the server/username/password combination from the secure storage.
(iOS only)Asks the user for a shared web credential. Requires additional setup both in the app and server side, see Apple documentation. Resolves to { server, username, password }
if approved and false
if denied and throws an error if not supported on platform or there's no shared credentials.
setSharedWebCredentials(server, username, password)
(iOS only)Sets a shared web credential. Resolves to true
when successful.
canImplyAuthentication([{ authenticationType }])
(iOS only)Inquire if the type of local authentication policy is supported on this device with the device settings the user chose. Should be used in combination with accessControl
option in the setter functions. Resolves to true
if supported.
On iOS: Get what type of hardware biometry support the device can use for biometric encryption. Resolves to a Keychain.BIOMETRY_TYPE
value when supported and enrolled, otherwise null
On Android: Get what type of Class 3 (strong) biometry support the device has. Resolves to a Keychain.BIOMETRY_TYPE
value when supported, otherwise null
. In most devices this will return FINGERPRINT
(except for Pixel 4 or similar where fingerprint sensor is not present).
This method returns
, if the device haven't enrolled into fingerprint/FaceId. Even though it has hardware for it.
getSecurityLevel([{ accessControl }])
(Android only)Get security level that is supported on the current device with the current OS. Resolves to Keychain.SECURITY_LEVEL
enum value.
Key | Platform | Description | Default |
accessControl |
All | This dictates how a keychain item may be used, see possible values in Keychain.ACCESS_CONTROL . |
None |
accessible |
iOS only | This dictates when a keychain item is accessible, see possible values in Keychain.ACCESSIBLE . |
accessGroup |
iOS only | In which App Group to share the keychain. Requires additional setup with entitlements. | None |
authenticationPrompt |
All | What to prompt the user when unlocking the keychain with biometry or device password. | See authenticationPrompt Properties |
authenticationType |
iOS only | Policies specifying which forms of authentication are acceptable. | Keychain.AUTHENTICATION_TYPE.DEVICE_PASSCODE_OR_BIOMETRICS |
service |
All | Reverse domain name qualifier for the service associated with password. | App bundle ID |
storage |
Android only | Force specific cipher storage usage during saving the password | Select best available storage |
rules |
Android only | Force following to a specific security rules | Keychain.RULES.AUTOMATIC_UPGRADE |
PropertiesKey | Platform | Description | Default |
title |
All | Title of the authentication prompt when requesting a stored secret. | Authenticate to retrieve secret |
subtitle |
Android only | Subtitle of the Android authentication prompt when requesting a stored secret. | None. Optional |
description |
Android only | Description of the Android authentication prompt when requesting a stored secret. | None. Optional |
cancel |
Android only | Negative button text of the Android authentication prompt when requesting a stored secret. | Cancel |
enumKey | Description |
Constraint to access an item with either Touch ID or passcode. |
Constraint to access an item with Touch ID for any enrolled fingers. |
Constraint to access an item with Touch ID for currently enrolled fingers. |
Constraint to access an item with a passcode. |
Constraint to use an application-provided password for data encryption key generation. |
Constraint to access an item with Touch ID for any enrolled fingers or passcode. |
Constraint to access an item with Touch ID for currently enrolled fingers or passcode. |
Note #1:
- recognized by Android as a requirement for Biometric enabled storage (Till we got a better implementation);Note #2: For Android we support only two states:
(default) andFingerprint
(use only biometric protected storage);Face
recognition fails with "User not authenticated" exception, see issue #318
enumKey | Description |
The data in the keychain item can be accessed only while the device is unlocked by the user. |
The data in the keychain item cannot be accessed after a restart until the device has been unlocked once by the user. |
The data in the keychain item can always be accessed regardless of whether the device is locked. |
The data in the keychain can only be accessed when the device is unlocked. Only available if a passcode is set on the device. Items with this attribute never migrate to a new device. |
The data in the keychain item can be accessed only while the device is unlocked by the user. Items with this attribute do not migrate to a new device. |
The data in the keychain item cannot be accessed after a restart until the device has been unlocked once by the user. Items with this attribute never migrate to a new device. |
The data in the keychain item can always be accessed regardless of whether the device is locked. Items with this attribute never migrate to a new device. |
enumKey | Description |
Device owner is going to be authenticated by biometry or device passcode. |
Device owner is going to be authenticated using a biometric method (Touch ID or Face ID). |
enumKey | Description |
Device supports authentication with Touch ID. (iOS only) |
Device supports authentication with Face ID. (iOS only) |
Device supports authentication with Fingerprint. (Android only) |
Device supports authentication with Face Recognition. (Android only) |
Device supports authentication with Iris Recognition. (Android only) |
enum (Android only)If set, securityLevel
parameter specifies minimum security level that the encryption key storage should guarantee for storing credentials to succeed.
Key | Description |
no security guarantees needed (default value); Credentials can be stored in FB Secure Storage; |
requires for the key to be stored in the Android Keystore, separate from the encrypted data; |
requires for the key to be stored on a secure hardware (Trusted Execution Environment or Secure Environment). Read this article for more information. |
enum (Android only)Key | Description |
FB |
Facebook compatibility cipher |
Encryptions without human interaction. |
Encryption with biometrics. |
enum (Android only)Key | Description |
No rules. Be dummy, developer control everything |
Upgrade secret to the best available storage as soon as it is available and user request secret extraction. Upgrade not applied till we request the secret. |
As a rule library try to apply the best possible encryption and access method for storing secrets.
What does it mean in practical use case?
Scenario #1: User has a new phone and run on it an application with this module and store secret on device.Several days later user configures biometrics on the device and run application again. When the user will try to access the secret, the library will detect security enhancement and will upgrade secret storage to the best possible.
Q: What will happen if user disables/drops biometric usage?
A: User will lose ability to extract secret from storage. On re-enable biometric access to the secret will be possible again.
Q: Is it possible to implement automatic downgrading?
A: From security perspective any Automatic downgrading is treated as "a loss of the trust" point.Developer should implement own logic to allow downgrade and deal with "security loss". (My recommendation - never do that!)
Q: How to disable automatic upgrade?
A: Do call getGenericPassword({ ...otherProps, rules: "none" })
with extra property rules
set to none
string value.
Q: How to force a specific level of encryption during saving the secret?
A: Do call setGenericPassword({ ...otherProps, storage: "AES" })
with forced storage.
Note: attempt to force storage
when biometrics is not available will force code to reject call with errors specific to device biometric configuration state.
.pod 'RNKeychain'
is not in your Podfile
Add the following to your Podfile
and run pod update
pod 'RNKeychain', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-keychain'
Keychain Sharing
entitlement for iOS 10+For iOS 10 you'll need to enable the Keychain Sharing
entitlement in the Capabilities
section of your build target. (See screenshot). Otherwise you'll experience the error shown below.
Error: {
code = "-34018";
domain = NSOSStatusErrorDomain;
message = "The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (OSStatus error -34018.)";
to look like this (without the +) = 'MyApp'
include ':app'
+ include ':react-native-keychain'
+ project(':react-native-keychain').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-keychain/android')
(note: app folder) to look like this:apply plugin: ''
android {
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation ''
implementation 'com.facebook.react:react-native:0.19.+'
+ implementation project(':react-native-keychain')
(deep in android/app/src/main/java/...
) to look like this (note two places to edit):package com.myapp;
+ import com.oblador.keychain.KeychainPackage;
public class MainActivity extends extends ReactActivity {
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
+ new KeychainPackage()
On Android builds that use proguard (like release), you may see the following error:
RNKeychainManager: no keychain entry found for service:
JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: JNI FindClass called with pending exception java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: no "J" field "mCtxPtr" in class "Lcom/facebook/crypto/cipher/NativeGCMCipher;" or its superclasses
If so, add a proguard rule in
-keep class com.facebook.crypto.** {
The keychain manager relies on interfacing with the native application itself. As such, it does not successfully compile and run in the context of a Jest test, where there is no underlying app to communicate with. To be able to call the JS functions exposed by this module in a unit test, you should mock them in one of the following two ways:
First, let's create a mock object for the module:
const keychainMock = {
setGenericPassword: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(),
getGenericPassword: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(),
resetGenericPassword: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(),
DirectoryRead the jest docs for initial setup
Create a react-native-keychain
folder in the __mocks__
directory and add index.js
file in it. It should contain the following code:
export default keychainMock;
In your Jest config, add a reference to a setup file
Inside your setup file, set up mocking for this package:
jest.mock('react-native-keychain', () => keychainMock);
Now your tests should run successfully, though note that writing and reading to the keychain will be effectively a no-op.
The module will automatically use the appropriate CipherStorage implementation based on API level:
Encrypted data is stored in SharedPreferences.
The setInternetCredentials(server, username, password)
call will be resolved as call to setGenericPassword(username, password, server)
. Use the server
argument to distinguish between multiple entries.
Android implementation has behavioural specifics incurred by existing inconsistency between implementations by different vendors. E.g., some Samsung devices show very slow startup of crypto system. To alleviate this, a warm-up strategy is introduced in Android implementation of this library.
Using default constructor you get default behaviour, i.e. with the warming up on.
private List<ReactPackage> createPackageList() {
return Arrays.asList(
new KeychainPackage(), // warming up is ON
Those who want finer control are required to use constructor with a builder which can be configured as they like:
private List<ReactPackage> createPackageList() {
return Arrays.asList(
new KeychainPackage(
new KeychainModuleBuilder()
.withoutWarmUp()), // warming up is OFF
If you need Keychain Sharing in your iOS extension, make sure you use the same App Group and Keychain Sharing group names in your Main App and your Share Extension. To then share the keychain between the Main App and Share Extension, use the accessGroup
and service
option on setGenericPassword
and getGenericPassword
, like so: getGenericPassword({ accessGroup: 'group.appname', service: 'com.example.appname' })
This package supports macOS Catalyst.
On API levels that do not support Android keystore, Facebook Conceal is used to en/decrypt stored data. The encrypted data is then stored in SharedPreferences. Since Conceal itself stores its encryption key in SharedPreferences, it follows that if the device is rooted (or if an attacker can somehow access the filesystem), the key can be obtained and the stored data can be decrypted. Therefore, on such a device, the conceal encryption is only an obscurity. On API level 23+ the key is stored in the Android Keystore, which makes the key non-exportable and therefore makes the entire process more secure. Follow best practices and do not store user credentials on a device. Instead use tokens or other forms of authentication and re-ask for user credentials before performing sensitive operations.
![]() Joel Arvidsson Author |
![]() Vojtech Novak Maintainer |
![]() Pelle Stenild Coltau Maintainer |
![]() Oleksandr Kucherenko Contributor |
MIT © Joel Arvidsson 2016-2020
苹果官方对于iOS设备唯一标识的官方文档链接: 近日因为公司app有“一账号一设备”的需求,外包已完成此功能,个人也研究了一下,但发现和外包获取的不一样。所以想在此说明一下,以便大家参考。 设备唯一标识简介: IDFV: 全拼:ident
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1.注意:生成签名密钥过程中不要用中文 官网链接: 2.生成一个签名密钥 你可以用keytool命令生成一个私有密钥。在Windows上keytool命令放在JDK的bin目录中(比如C:\Program Files\Java\jdkx.x.x_x\bin),你可能需
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React-Native打包签名Android.Apk 1.生成一个签名密钥 你可以用keytool命令生成一个私有密钥。在Windows上keytool命令放在JDK的bin目录中(比如C:\ProgramFiles\Java\jdkx.x.x_x\bin),你可能需要在命令行中先进入那个目录才能执行此命令。 $ keytool -genkey -v -keystoremy-release-ke
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前言 大部分内容是复制过来的,主要做了一下整理,方便自己查阅。 打包发布 Android 要求所有应用都有一个数字签名才会被允许安装在用户手机上,所以在把应用发布到应用市场之前,你需要先生成一个签名的 AAB 或 APK 包(Google Play 现在要求 AAB 格式,而国内的应用市场目前仅支持 APK 格式。但无论哪种格式,下面的签名步骤是一样的)。Android 开发者官网上的如何给你的应
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The React Native environment has a lot of little quirks, so this documentation is aimed at helping smooth those over. Please feel free to create issues on GitHub for recommendations and additions to t
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WARNING: This software is no longer actively developed.We will still apply security fixes where reported, and do basic maintenance work, but no new features or will be worked on.We will try to conside
keychain-swift 是一组函数,能够帮助将文本和数据存入到 Keychain。 使用示例: 如果你使用 Carthage 或者 CocoaPods 安装方法,将 import KeychainSwift 添加到你的源代码 KeychainSwift.set("hello world", forKey: "my key")KeychainSwift.get("my key")Keychai