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授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 云霖
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

WARNING: This software is no longer actively developed.We will still apply security fixes where reported, and do basic maintenance work, but no new features or will be worked on.We will try to consider and merge contributions where possible.

OpenKeychain (for Android)

OpenKeychain is an OpenPGP implementation for Android.
For a more detailed description and installation instructions go to https://www.openkeychain.org .


  • The development of OpenKeychain happens in the "master" branch.
  • For every release a new branch, e.g., "3.2-fixes" is created to backport fixes from "master"

How to help the project?

Translate the application

Translations are managed at Transifex, please contribute there at https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/open-keychain/

Contribute Code

  1. Lookout for interesting issues on Github. We have tagged issues were we explicitly like to see contributions: https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/labels/help%20wanted
  2. Read this README, especially the notes about coding style
  3. Fork OpenKeychain and contribute code (the best part �� )
  4. Open a pull request on Github. We will help with occurring problems and merge your changes back into the main project.

For bigger changes

  1. Join the development mailinglist at https://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/openkeychain
  2. Propose bigger changes and discuss the consequences

I am happy about every code contribution and appreciate your effort to help us developing OpenKeychain!


Development mailinglist at https://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/openkeychain

Build with Gradle

  1. Clone the project from GitHub
  2. Get all external submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Have Android SDK "tools", "platform-tools", and "build-tools" directories in your PATH (http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html)
  4. Open the Android SDK Manager (shell command: android).Expand the Tools directory and select "Android SDK Build-tools (Version 27.0.3)".Expand the Extras directory and install "Android Support Library", as well as "Local Maven repository for Support Libraries"Select SDK Platform for API levels 27.
  5. Export ANDROID_HOME pointing to your Android SDK
  6. Execute ./gradlew assembleFdroidDebug
  7. You can install the app with adb install -r OpenKeychain/build/outputs/apk/OpenKeychain-fdroid-debug.apk

The "google" flavor is only used to include donations via Play Store, for development the "fdroid" flavor should be used.

Run Tests

  1. Use OpenJDK instead of Oracle JDK
  2. Execute ./gradlew clean testFdroidDebugUnitTest --continue

Run Jacoco Test Coverage

  1. Use OpenJDK instead of Oracle JDK
  2. Execute ./gradlew clean testFdroidDebugUnitTest jacocoTestReport
  3. Report is here: OpenKeychain/build/reports/jacoco/jacocoTestReport/html/index.html

Development with Android Studio

We are using the newest Android Studio for development. Development with Eclipse is currently not possible because we are using the new project structure.

  1. Clone the project from Github
  2. Get all external submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. From Android Studio: File -> Import Project -> Select the cloned top folder


Bouncy Castle

OpenKeychain uses a forked version with some small changes. These changes will been sent to Bouncy Castle.


Bouncy Castle resources


Build System

We try to make our builds as reproducible/deterministic as possible.

Update Gradle version

  • Always use a fixed Android Gradle plugin version not a dynamic one, e.g. 0.7.3 instead of 0.7.+ (allows offline builds without lookups for new versions, also some minor Android plugin versions had serious issues, i.e. 0.7.2 and 0.8.1)
  • Update every build.gradle file with the new gradle version and/or gradle plugin version
    • build.gradle
    • OpenKeychain/build.gradle
  • run ./gradlew wrapper twice to update gradle and download the new gradle jar file
  • commit the corresponding Gradle wrapper to the repository (allows easy building for new contributors without the need to install the required Gradle version using a package manager)

Update SDK and Build Tools

  • Change SDK and Build Tools in git submodules "openkeychain-api-lib" and "openpgp-api-lib" manually. They should also build on their own without the ext variables.

Update library

  • You can check for library updates with ``./gradlew dependencyUpdates -Drevision=release

Add new library

  • You can add the library as a Maven dependency or as a git submodule (if patches are required) in the "extern" folder.
  • You can get all transitive dependencies with ./gradlew -q dependencies OpenKeychain:dependencies
  • If added as a git submodule, change the compileSdkVersion in build.gradle to use the variables from the root project:
android {
    compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion
  • You can check for wrong compileSdkVersion by find -name build.gradle | xargs grep compileSdkVersion

Slow Gradle?

Error:Configuration with name 'default' not found.

Gradle project dependencies are missing. Do a git submodule init && git submodule update

Build on Mac OS X fails?

Try exporting JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF8"


Translations are hosted on Transifex, which is configured by ".tx/config".

  1. To pull newest translations install transifex client (e.g. apt-get install transifex-client)
  2. Config Transifex client with "~/.transifexrc"
  3. Go into root folder of git repo
  4. execute tx pull -af --skip

see http://help.transifex.net/features/client/index.html#user-client

Coding Style


  • Indentation: 4 spaces, no tabs.
  • Maximum line width for code and comments: 100.
  • Opening braces don't go on their own line.
  • Field names: Non-public, non-static fields start with m.
  • Acronyms are words: Treat acronyms as words in names, yielding !XmlHttpRequest, getUrl(), etc.
  • Fully Qualify Imports: Do not use wildcard-imports such as import foo.*;
  • Android Studio warnings should be fixed, or suppressed if they are incorrect.

The full coding style can be found at http://source.android.com/source/code-style.html

Automated syntax check with CheckStyle


  1. Paste the tools/checkstyle.xml file to ~/.AndroidStudioPreview/config/codestyles/
  2. Go to Settings > Code Style > Java, select OpenPgpChecker, as well as Code Style > XML and select OpenPgpChecker again.
  3. Start code inspection and see the results by selecting Analyze > Inspect Code from Android-Studio or you can directly run checkstyle via cli with .tools/checkstyle. Make sure it's executable first.


  1. Paste the tools/checkstyle.xml file to ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudioPreview/codestyles
  2. Go to Preferences > Code Style > Java, select OpenPgpChecker, as well as Code Style > XML and select OpenPgpChecker again.
  3. Start code inspection and see the results by selecting Analyze > Inspect Code from Android-Studio or you can directly run checkstyle via cli with .tools/checkstyle. Make sure it's executable first.


  1. Paste the tools/checkstyle.xml file to C:\Users\<UserName>\.AndroidStudioPreview\config\codestyles
  2. Go to File > Settings > Code Style > Java, select OpenPgpChecker, as well as Code Style > XML and select OpenPgpChecker again.
  3. Start code inspection and see the results by selecting Analyze > Inspect Code from Android-Studio.


Copyright 2017 Schürmann & Breitmoser GbR

Licensed under the GPLv3.

Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.

  • 一、问题的由来: 在上一章中的ssh密钥登陆的状况下: user1---------|                                      |-----------server1                     |                                      | user2---------|                       

  • sqlite3 *database; int openResult = sqlite3_open("/var/Keychains/keychain-2.db", &database); if (openResult == SQLITE_OK) {     int execResult = sqlite3_exec(database, "DELETE FROM genp WHERE agrp <>

  • 介绍 ssh-agent   ssh-agent 是专为既令人愉快又安全的处理 RSA 和 DSA 密钥而设计的特殊程序,它包括在OpenSSH分发内(请参阅 本系列文章的第 1 部分以得到关于 RSA 和 DSA 认证的介绍)。不同于 ssh , ssh-agent 是个长时间持续运行的守护进程(daemon),设计它的唯一目的就是对解密的专用密钥进行高速缓存。   ssh 包含的内建支持允许它

  • 最近需要在Android平台写一个处理视频帧的Demo,于是在网上下了很多的Demo代码,奇怪的是下载的很多通过Camera提取视频帧的程序在Android Studio中都能通过编译,但是每次一放到真机上一测试程序就闪退崩掉了。 我的开发环境为Android Studio 2.1,编译时的SDK选的是API 23,测试机为华为P9。 网上搜了很多资料说要在AndroidManifest文件中添加

  • 安装go语言的编译环境,在安装到 delve时候出现如下错误: If reporting this issue please do so at (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core): https://github.com/go-delve/homebrew-delve/issues These open issues may also help: Upgrad

  • 描述 (Description) 此函数使用指定的文件句柄打开文件。 文件句柄可以是表达式,结果值用作句柄。 如果没有指定文件名,则使用与所使用的文件句柄同名的变量(这应该是一个标量变量,其字符串值引用文件名)。 特殊文件名' - '表示STDIN,'> - '表示STDOUT。 语法 (Syntax) 以下是此函数的简单语法 - open FILEHANDLE, EXPR, LIST open

  • open(打开文件) 相关函数 read,write,fcntl,close,link,stat,umask,unlink,fopen 表头文件 #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/stat.h> #include<fcntl.h> 定义函数 int open( const char * pathname, int flags); int open( const

  • open 打开文件 相关函数 read,write,fcntl,close,link,stat,umask,unlink,fopen 表头文件 #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/stat.h> #include<fcntl.h> 定义函数 int open( const char *pathname, int flags); int open( const c

  • 主要内容:open()是否需要缓冲区,open()文件对象常用的属性在Python 中,如果想要操作文件,首先需要创建或者打开指定的文件,并创建一个文件对象,而这些工作可以通过内置的 open() 函数实现。 open()  函数用于创建或打开指定文件,该函数的常用语法格式如下: file = open(file_name [, mode='r' [ , buffering=-1 [ , encoding = None ]]]) 此格式中,用 [] 括起来的部分为

  • 因为智能合约往往涉及金钱,保证Soldity代码没有错误,以及足够的安全是非常根本的。Zeppelin Solutions,一个智能合约审查服务商,已经意识到相关的需求。建立在他们的合约审查经验之上,他们把一些最佳实践整理到了OpenZeppelin。

  • 基于文件描述符的文件打开方式 函数原型 #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> int open(const char* pathname,int flags); int open(const char* pathname,int flags,mode_t mode); int creat(const char