Because there is no sense to download video a lot of times while streaming!AndroidVideoCache
allows to add caching support to your VideoView/MediaPlayer
, ExoPlayer or any another player with help of single line!
Note AndroidVideoCache
works only with direct urls to media file, it doesn't support any streaming technology like DASH, SmoothStreaming, HLS.
Just add dependency (AndroidVideoCache
is available in jcenter):
dependencies {
compile 'com.danikula:videocache:2.7.1'
and use url from proxy instead of original url for adding caching:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
HttpProxyCacheServer proxy = getProxy();
String proxyUrl = proxy.getProxyUrl(VIDEO_URL);
private HttpProxyCacheServer getProxy() {
// should return single instance of HttpProxyCacheServer shared for whole app.
To guarantee normal work you should use single instance of HttpProxyCacheServer
for whole app.For example you can store shared proxy in your Application
public class App extends Application {
private HttpProxyCacheServer proxy;
public static HttpProxyCacheServer getProxy(Context context) {
App app = (App) context.getApplicationContext();
return app.proxy == null ? (app.proxy = app.newProxy()) : app.proxy;
private HttpProxyCacheServer newProxy() {
return new HttpProxyCacheServer(this);
or use simple factory.More preferable way is use some dependency injector like Dagger.
By default HttpProxyCacheServer
uses 512Mb for caching files. You can change this value:
private HttpProxyCacheServer newProxy() {
return new HttpProxyCacheServer.Builder(this)
.maxCacheSize(1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 1 Gb for cache
or can limit total count of files in cache:
private HttpProxyCacheServer newProxy() {
return new HttpProxyCacheServer.Builder(this)
or even implement your own DiskUsage
private HttpProxyCacheServer newProxy() {
return new HttpProxyCacheServer.Builder(this)
.diskUsage(new MyCoolDiskUsageStrategy())
Use HttpProxyCacheServer.registerCacheListener(CacheListener listener)
method to set listener with callback onCacheAvailable(File cacheFile, String url, int percentsAvailable)
to be aware of caching progress. Do not forget to to unsubscribe listener with help of HttpProxyCacheServer.unregisterCacheListener(CacheListener listener)
method to avoid memory leaks.
Use HttpProxyCacheServer.isCached(String url)
method to check was url's content fully cached to file or not.
See sample
app for more details.
By default AndroidVideoCache
uses MD5 of video url as file name. But in some cases url is not stable and it can contain some generated parts (e.g. session token). In this case caching mechanism will be broken. To fix it you have to provide own FileNameGenerator
public class MyFileNameGenerator implements FileNameGenerator {
// Urls contain mutable parts (parameter 'sessionToken') and stable video's id (parameter 'videoId').
// e. g.
public String generate(String url) {
Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
String videoId = uri.getQueryParameter("videoId");
return videoId + ".mp4";
HttpProxyCacheServer proxy = HttpProxyCacheServer.Builder(context)
.fileNameGenerator(new MyFileNameGenerator())
You can add custom headers to requests with help of HeadersInjector
public class UserAgentHeadersInjector implements HeaderInjector {
public Map<String, String> addHeaders(String url) {
return Maps.newHashMap("User-Agent", "Cool app v1.1");
private HttpProxyCacheServer newProxy() {
return new HttpProxyCacheServer.Builder(this)
.headerInjector(new UserAgentHeadersInjector())
You can use exoPlayer
with AndroidVideoCache
. See sample
app in exoPlayer
branch. Note exoPlayer supports cache as well.
See sample
See Release Notes here
If it's a feature that you think would need to be discussed please open an issue first, otherwise, you can follow this process:
Copyright 2014-2017 Alexey Danilov
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
对于视频播放,如果需要用到缓存,AndroidVideoCach是一个不错的选择,该项目地址: 优缺点: 优点:1、使用简单,支持设置缓存视频的大小或个数; 2、支持断点缓存(一段视频缓存一部分后,退出关闭视频后,下次再看
首先简单讲下AndroidVideoCache的缓存机制-LruCache. 缓存策略主要包含缓存的添加、获取和删除这三类操作。 LruCache就是利用了LinkedHashMap的访问模式 设置LinkedHashMap 的构造参数是accessOrder = true, 所以每次使用缓存时,都会将数据移至队尾。 因为最新访问的数据都在队尾,如果容量大于一开始设置的max,就删除队首的元素,知
1. 边播放边缓存 视频播放时边播放边缓存,这样用户再次播放时可以节省流量,提高用户体验,这是视频播放很常见的需求。但是,Android的VideoView是没有提供这样的功能的。 有个开源库比较好用,github地址: 2. 简述一下AndroidVideoCache的大体实现原理 大家都知道,Vi
好久没有更新博客了,一个是因为太忙,业务是在太多,另外一个就是也比较懒,所以拖着就有接近两个月的时间没有写博客了,实在是罪过。今天分享一个开源库 AndroidVideoCache 。这个库主要是做视频缓存管理功能,支持边下边播,离线播放,缓存管理等。用过MediaPlayer的小伙伴都知道,可以支持在线播放和播放本地资源,但是不支持缓存,这样很消耗用户流量,这个时候AndroidVideoCac
一、关于AndroidVideoCache AndroidVideoCache是一个音视频缓存库,用于支持VideoView/MediaPlayer, ExoPlayer ,IJK等播放器的边下载边播放,按照github列出支持的特性如下: 1、音视频播放的时候会将多媒体数据存储于磁盘上面 2、如果播放的数据已经缓存,支持离线播放 3、支持部分加载(该特性未知) 4、可以设置缓存配置,如缓存的大小
一、关于AndroidVideoCache AndroidVideoCache是一个音视频缓存库,用于支持VideoView/MediaPlayer, ExoPlayer ,IJK等播放器的边下载边播放,按照github列出支持的特性如下: 1、音视频播放的时候会将多媒体数据存储于磁盘上面 2、如果播放的数据已经缓存,支持离线播放 3、支持部分加载(该特性未知) 4、可以设置缓存配置,如缓存的大小