AndroidVideoCache是一个音视频缓存库,用于支持VideoView/MediaPlayer, ExoPlayer ,IJK等播放器的边下载边播放,按照github列出支持的特性如下:
6、不支持DASH, SmoothStreaming, HLS之类的流媒体协议
repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { compile 'com.danikula:videocache:2.6.3' } |
if (mProxy == null) { mProxy = new HttpProxyCacheServer(mContext.getApplicationContext()); } String proxyUrl = mProxy.getProxyUrl(mUri.toString()); mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(mContext, Uri.parse(proxyUrl)); |
private HttpProxyCacheServer(Config config) { InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(PROXY_HOST); this.serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0, 8, inetAddress); this.port = serverSocket.getLocalPort(); CountDownLatch startSignal = new CountDownLatch(1); this.waitConnectionThread = new Thread(new WaitRequestsRunnable(startSignal)); this.waitConnectionThread.start(); startSignal.await(); // freeze thread, wait for server starts this.pinger = new Pinger(PROXY_HOST, port); } |
while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();//该步逻辑对于同一个url地址请求源,允许有多个请求客户端链接 socketProcessor.submit(new SocketProcessorRunnable(socket)); } |
public String getProxyUrl(String url, boolean allowCachedFileUri) { if (allowCachedFileUri && isCached(url)) { File cacheFile = getCacheFile(url); touchFileSafely(cacheFile); return Uri.fromFile(cacheFile).toString(); } return isAlive() ? appendToProxyUrl(url) : url; } |
3、使用第二部生成的代理url地址进行MediaPlayer.setDataSource(mContext, Uri.parse(proxyUrl));该播放器使用代理url播放数据源,会建立到本地代理服务的socket连接。1步骤WaitRequestsRunnable的serverSocket.accept()返回Socket,执行
socketProcessor.submit(new SocketProcessorRunnable(socket)); |
private void processSocket(Socket socket) { GetRequest request = GetRequest.read(socket.getInputStream()); String url = ProxyCacheUtils.decode(request.uri); if (pinger.isPingRequest(url)) { pinger.responseToPing(socket); } else { HttpProxyCacheServerClients clients = getClients(url); clients.processRequest(request, socket); } } |
public void processRequest(GetRequest request, Socket socket) throws ProxyCacheException, IOException { startProcessRequest(); try { clientsCount.incrementAndGet(); proxyCache.processRequest(request, socket); } finally { finishProcessRequest(); } } |
private HttpProxyCache newHttpProxyCache() throws ProxyCacheException { HttpUrlSource source = new HttpUrlSource(url, config.sourceInfoStorage); FileCache cache = new FileCache(config.generateCacheFile(url), config.diskUsage); HttpProxyCache httpProxyCache = new HttpProxyCache(source, cache); httpProxyCache.registerCacheListener(uiCacheListener); return httpProxyCache; } |
public void processRequest(GetRequest request, Socket socket) throws IOException, ProxyCacheException { OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); String responseHeaders = newResponseHeaders(request); out.write(responseHeaders.getBytes("UTF-8")); long offset = request.rangeOffset; if (isUseCache(request)) { responseWithCache(out, offset); } else { responseWithoutCache(out, offset); } } |
private String newResponseHeaders(GetRequest request) throws IOException, ProxyCacheException { String mime = source.getMime(); boolean mimeKnown = !TextUtils.isEmpty(mime); int length = cache.isCompleted() ? cache.available() : source.length(); boolean lengthKnown = length >= 0; long contentLength = request.partial ? length - request.rangeOffset : length; boolean addRange = lengthKnown && request.partial; return new StringBuilder() .append(request.partial ? "HTTP/1.1 206 PARTIAL CONTENT\n" : "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n") .append("Accept-Ranges: bytes\n") .append(lengthKnown ? String.format("Content-Length: %d\n", contentLength) : "") .append(addRange ? String.format("Content-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d\n", request.rangeOffset, length - 1, length) : "") .append(mimeKnown ? String.format("Content-Type: %s\n", mime) : "") .append("\n") // headers end .toString(); } |
private void responseWithCache(OutputStream out, long offset) throws ProxyCacheException, IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE]; int readBytes; while ((readBytes = read(buffer, offset, buffer.length)) != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, readBytes); offset += readBytes; } out.flush(); } read函数为 public int read(byte[] buffer, long offset, int length) throws ProxyCacheException { ProxyCacheUtils.assertBuffer(buffer, offset, length); while (!cache.isCompleted() && cache.available() < (offset + length) && !stopped) {//循环读取数据,直到获取的数据达到一定的量才终止循环 readSourceAsync(); waitForSourceData(); checkReadSourceErrorsCount(); } int read = cache.read(buffer, offset, length); return read; } readSourceAsync函数: private synchronized void readSourceAsync() throws ProxyCacheException { sourceReaderThread = new Thread(new SourceReaderRunnable(), "Source reader for " + source); sourceReaderThread.start(); } 开取线程,执行线程方法readSource: private void readSource() { int sourceAvailable = -1; int offset = 0; try { offset = cache.available(); source.open(offset);(source对象在newHttpProxyCache中初始化为HttpUrlSource) sourceAvailable = source.length(); byte[] buffer = new byte[ProxyCacheUtils.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE]; int readBytes; while ((readBytes = source.read(buffer)) != -1) {//一直从媒体数据服务器获取数据 cache.append(buffer, readBytes); (cache对象在newHttpProxyCache中初始化为FileCache) } offset += readBytes; notifyNewCacheDataAvailable(offset, sourceAvailable); } tryComplete(); onSourceRead(); } } |
1) 调用HttpUrlSource的openConnection函数,说明AndroidVideoCache从源获取多媒体数据基于http
private HttpURLConnection openConnection(int offset, int timeout) throws IOException, ProxyCacheException { HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection(); if (offset > 0) { connection.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + offset + "-"); } if (timeout > 0) { connection.setConnectTimeout(timeout); connection.setReadTimeout(timeout); } int code = connection.getResponseCode(); } |
2) 调用HttpUrlSource的open函数
public void open(int offset) throws ProxyCacheException { connection = openConnection(offset, -1); String mime = connection.getContentType(); inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream(), DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); int length = readSourceAvailableBytes(connection, offset, connection.getResponseCode()); this.sourceInfo = new SourceInfo(sourceInfo.url, length, mime); this.sourceInfoStorage.put(sourceInfo.url, sourceInfo); } |
3) 调用HttpUrlSource的read函数读数据到buffer当中
public int read(byte[] buffer)throws ProxyCacheException { try { return inputStream.read(buffer,0, buffer.length); } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { throw new InterruptedProxyCacheException("Reading source "+ sourceInfo.url+ " is interrupted", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProxyCacheException("Error reading data from "+ sourceInfo.url, e); } } |
4) 调用FileCache中的将数据写入到磁盘当中
public synchronized void append(byte[] data,int length) throwsProxyCacheException { try { if (isCompleted()) { throw new ProxyCacheException("Error append cache: cache file "+ file +" is completed!"); } dataFile.seek(available()); dataFile.write(data,0, length); } catch (IOException e) { String format = "Error writing %d bytes to %s from buffer with size %d"; throw new ProxyCacheException(String.format(format, length,dataFile, data.length), e); } } |
5) 通知源数据已经获取成功,调用ProxyCache的read函数开始从磁盘当中读取数据并返回给播放器
private void responseWithCache(OutputStream out,long offset) throwsProxyCacheException, IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE]; int readBytes; while ((readBytes = read(buffer, offset, buffer.length)) != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, readBytes); offset += readBytes; } out.flush(); } |