Breez Mobile Client
Breez is a Lightning Network mobile client and a hub . It provides a platform for simple, instantaneous bitcoin payments. Breez is currently in a public beta, available on Android and on iOS .
Check our active bounties .
System Requirements
Android 7+ 64bit
iPhone 6+
Build breez.aar
and bindings.framework
as decribed in
For Android:
Symlink breez.aar
to the android/app/libs/
Create a firebase Android app using the firebase console
Generate the google-services.json
(on "Project settings" menu) and copy it to the android/app/src/client
For iOS:
Copy the bindings.framework directory to the ios directory.
Create a firebase iOS app using the firebase console
Generate the GoogleServices-info.plist and copy it to ios/Runner directory
Run pod install
from breezmobile/ios
Flutter stable channel
Install flutter Run these command:
flutter upgrade
Now you can use the following commands to run in a connected device the client app or the pos or to build the corresponding apks:
flutter run --flavor=client --target=lib/main.dart
flutter run --flavor=pos --target=lib/main_pos.dart
flutter build apk --target-platform=android-arm64 --flavor=client --debug --target=lib/main.dart
flutter build apk --target-platform=android-arm64 --flavor=pos --debug --target=lib/main_pos.dart