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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 淳于典
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


react-native-app-intro is a react native component implementing a parallax effect welcome page using base on react-native-swiper , similar to the one found in Google's app like Sheet, Drive, Docs...

react-native-app-intro Screen Capture

Example code

Support ios、android

Designed by Freepik


$ npm i react-native-app-intro --save

Basic Usage

You can use pageArray quick generation your app intro with parallax effect. With the basic usage, the Android status bar will be updated to match your slide background color.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, Alert } from 'react-native';
import AppIntro from 'react-native-app-intro';

class Example extends Component {
  onSkipBtnHandle = (index) => {
  doneBtnHandle = () => {
  nextBtnHandle = (index) => {
  onSlideChangeHandle = (index, total) => {
    console.log(index, total);
  render() {
    const pageArray = [{
      title: 'Page 1',
      description: 'Description 1',
      img: 'https://goo.gl/Bnc3XP',
      imgStyle: {
        height: 80 * 2.5,
        width: 109 * 2.5,
      backgroundColor: '#fa931d',
      fontColor: '#fff',
      level: 10,
    }, {
      title: 'Page 2',
      description: 'Description 2',
      img: require('../assets/some_image.png'),
      imgStyle: {
        height: 93 * 2.5,
        width: 103 * 2.5,
      backgroundColor: '#a4b602',
      fontColor: '#fff',
      level: 10,
    return (

AppRegistry.registerComponent('Example', () => Example);

Advanced Usage

If you need customized page like my Example, you can pass in View component into AppIntro component and set level. Remember any need use parallax effect component, Need to be <View level={10}></View> inside.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import AppIntro from 'react-native-app-intro';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  slide: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: '#9DD6EB',
    padding: 15,
  text: {
    color: '#fff',
    fontSize: 30,
    fontWeight: 'bold',

class Example extends Component {

  render() {
    return (
        <View style={[styles.slide,{ backgroundColor: '#fa931d' }]}>
          <View level={10}><Text style={styles.text}>Page 1</Text></View>
          <View level={15}><Text style={styles.text}>Page 1</Text></View>
          <View level={8}><Text style={styles.text}>Page 1</Text></View>
        <View style={[styles.slide, { backgroundColor: '#a4b602' }]}>
          <View level={-10}><Text style={styles.text}>Page 2</Text></View>
          <View level={5}><Text style={styles.text}>Page 2</Text></View>
          <View level={20}><Text style={styles.text}>Page 2</Text></View>
        <View style={[styles.slide,{ backgroundColor: '#fa931d' }]}>
          <View level={8}><Text style={styles.text}>Page 3</Text></View>
          <View level={0}><Text style={styles.text}>Page 3</Text></View>
          <View level={-10}><Text style={styles.text}>Page 3</Text></View>
        <View style={[styles.slide, { backgroundColor: '#a4b602' }]}>
          <View level={5}><Text style={styles.text}>Page 4</Text></View>
          <View level={10}><Text style={styles.text}>Page 4</Text></View>
          <View level={15}><Text style={styles.text}>Page 4</Text></View>
AppRegistry.registerComponent('Example', () => Example);

And in Android, image inside view component, view need width、height.

<View style={{
  position: 'absolute',
  top: 80,
  left: 30,
  width: windows.width,
  height: windows.height,
}} level={20}
  <Image style={{ width: 115, height: 70 }} source={require('./img/1/c2.png')} />


Prop PropType Default Value Description
dotColor string 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)' Bottom of the page dot color
activeDotColor string '#fff' Active page index dot color
rightTextColor string '#fff' The bottom right Text Done、> color
leftTextColor string '#fff' The bottom left Text Skip color
onSlideChange (index, total) => {} function to call when the pages change
onSkipBtnClick (index) => {} function to call when the Skip button click
onDoneBtnClick func function to call when the Done button click
onNextBtnClick (index) => {} function to call when the Next '>' button click
doneBtnLabel string、Text element Done The bottom right custom Text label
skipBtnLabel string、Text element Skip The bottom left custom Text label
nextBtnLabel string、Text element The bottom left custom Text label
pageArray array In the basic usage, you can input object array to render basic view example: [[{title: 'Page 1', description: 'Description 1', img: 'https://goo.gl/uwzs0C', imgStyle: {height: 80 * 2.5, width: 109 * 2.5 }, backgroundColor: '#fa931d', fontColor: '#fff', level: 10 }] , level is parallax effect level ,if you use pageArray you can't use custom view
defaultIndex number 0 number of the index of the initial index
showSkipButton bool true a boolean defining if we should render the skip button
showDoneButton bool true a boolean that defines if we should render the done button
showDots bool true a boolean that defines if we should render the bottom dots
Children View Properties
Prop PropType Default Value Description
level number parallax effect level
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