Safe Authenticator: Is a cross-platform mobile application that can be used to create an account and login into the SAFE Network. [ Forms: iOS, Android]
Authenticator Pro: Is a free open-source two factor authentication app with backup support. [Android]
BikeSharing360: Is a fictitious example of a smart bike sharing system. [ Forms: UWP, Android, iOS, watchOS] + Backend
SmartHotel360: In this app guests and business travelers can book rooms and smart conference rooms as well as customize room temperature and lighting settings. [ Forms: UWP, iOS, Android] (Features: NFC, IoT, Maps etc.) + Backend
Tailwind Traders Mobile: Is a line-of-business application. [ Forms: iOS, Android] (Features: Azure, Camera, ML) + Backend
My Shoppe: Pre-built application & template enabling you to easily connect with your customers and manage your shops [ Forms: UWP, iOS, Android, Backend]
Where's my Kombucha? App: Kombucha Tracker App uses Arduino style microcontroller called "Particle Photon" to connect mobile phones to the real world. ( Forms: iOS, Android)
Geo Contacts: Azure demo contact list feature Azure AD B2C, Functions, & CosmosDB. [ Forms: iOS, Android]
Nethereum.UI.Wallet.Sample: Cross-platform wallet example using Nethereum, Xamarin.Forms and MvvmCross [ Forms: macOS, UWP, iOS, Android]
My Trip Countdown: Trip Countdown is a sample to show how to create goodlooking UI with SkiaSharp. [ Forms: iOS, Android]
Pulse Music: Pulse Music is a sample to show how to create goodlooking UI with SkiaSharp. [ Forms: iOS, Android]
Microsoft REEL: Cross-platform movie recommendation application. [ Forms: iOS, UWP]
HackerNews: Displays the top posts on Hacker News that demonstrates text sentiment analysis gathered using artificial intelligence [ Forms: iOS, Android]
FashionApp: Design beautiful fashion app using Shell, BindableLayout, ControlTemplate and more [ Forms: iOS, Android]
FlyMe: Sample app showcasing the use of Material Design and CollectionView within the new Shell container [ Forms: iOS, Android, UWP]
FocusOnXamarin: NET Conf: Focus on Xamarin samples [ Forms: iOS, Android]
xamarin开发 平台支援 (Platform Support) If you’re building a new smartphone or tablet app, the question you’ve likely pondered upon was which platforms (and form factors) are you going to support. 如果您要构建新的智
In the mid 1990s an era of powerful commercial development environments began. When I say commercial, the market was craving for better technology and IBM was aggressively preparing for one. The focus
xkcd-Open-Source 是 iOS 一款免费,无广告,开源的,原生的,通用 阅读器。 特性: 新漫画发布通知。 可通过文本和数字搜索你最爱的漫画。 最大化 GMOs 增加 meta 优化 electron-per-pixel 计数 量子纠缠 The most skeptical algorithms Now with even more Pizza 架构: AFNet
MapGuide Open Source 是个基于 web 的平台,允许用户快速开发和部署 web 地图应用和地理空间 web 服务。MapGuide 有个交互式查看器,支持选项,属性,检测,地图提示和操作(缓冲区,测量等)。MapGuide 包括一个 XML 数据库。支持在 Linux 和 Windows 上部署,支持 Apache 和 IIS web 服务器,提供扩展的 PHP,Java,.N
Open-Source iOS Apps A collaborative list of open-source iOS, iPadOS, watchOS and tvOS apps, your contribution is welcome (project website) �� Jump to Apple TV Apple Watch Browser Calculator Calendar