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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 广晔
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知



Brief Introduction

  • Google browser android version of the source program
  • This project is a world-class android architecture
  • Clarify the project business logic can completely fit for domestic company engineer
  • This project will follow up and update Google browser kernel version for a long time, welcome to the star


If you are using AndroidStudio above 2.0 version and open instant run function, suggested to debug after closing (instant run will modify on the Application of the result in chrome provider context reference error)


The upgrade Chromium kernel steps are as follows


Refer to official and other tutorial compile chromium source code, and can generate chrome apk


Using AndroidStudio debugging Chromium Android

The build process

  1. Android Studio as a development environment, from Chromium for Android from chrome module source code, to join the Android project.
  2. Native code in the chromium environment to build, as so file to join the Android project
  3. Basic module (base, the content, net, etc.) in the chromium environment to build into a jar package, then add to the Android project
  4. content, chrome, UI modules such as resource file to join an Android library project

Why can't a resource file are directly added to the Android project?

Because namespace problems, such as the content of the module resources namespace is org.chromium.content,the chrome module namespace is org.chromium.chrome, so need to build different Android library project, specify different package name.

Directory corresponding relation

app/libs ----------- chromium/src/out/gnbuild/lib.java

app/src/main/aidl ----------- chromium/src/chrome/android/java/src/android/support/customtabs/*.aidl

app/src/main/assets ----------- chromium/src/out/gnbuild/

app/src/main/java ------------ chromium/src/chrome/android/java/src

app/src/main/jniLibs ----------- chromium/src/out/gnbuild/

app/src/main/res(app module init res)

libraries/androidmedia_res ----------- chromium/src/third_party/android_media/java/res

libraries/chrome_res ----------- chromium/src/chrome/android/java/res & chromium/src/chrome/android/java/res_chromium

libraries/content_res ----------- chromium/src/content/public/android/java/res

libraries/datausagechart_res --------- chromium/src/third_party/android_data_chart/java/res

libraries/ui_res ---------- chromium/src/ui/android/java/res

The kernel upgrade matters needing attention

  1. Pak and dat files need to be added to the assets directory, and cannot be compressed
  2. Aidl files added to the main/aidl
  3. The current build chromium version is 55.0.2883.99
  4. Because some Java file is through the C compiler generated, there is the chromium/src/out directory or exist in the jars.If according to corresponding relation between the above updated version missing files, please go to the out/directory search, add corresponding files according to the namespace.There are some temporary generated XML resource file also need the out/directory on copy to the corresponding resource module.


The project is inspiration from the 365 browser


Copyright 2016 Jacky Wang<jacky.android@foxmail.com>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • 下载chromium浏览器源码的方法,官网上又介绍,国内主要都是通过翻墙下载的,我这里有个本方法,把下载好的chromium源码打包放在百度云盘上,见:如何下载Google Chromium源码。 这个tar包的版本是:73.0.3666.0。 下载好的tar包,有9个,分别是chromium.tar.gz0....chromium.tar.gz8,depot_tools.tar.gz。分别解压,

  • 在前面的两篇文章中,分别介绍了如何下载Google Chromium源码。以及编译Android版本的chromium浏览器。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 准备知识 在实际的开发中,如果直接在chrome的源

  • 参考文章: 整体描述 Android Chromium WebView学习启动篇 Chromium Chromium和WebKit的智能指针实现原理分析 Chromium多线程通信的Closure机制分析 Chromium多线程模型设计和实现分析 Chromium多进程架构简要介绍和学习计划 Chromium的Render进程启动过程分析 Chromium的IPC消息发送、接收和分发机制分析 Ch

  • For Developers‎ > ‎ Design Documents‎ > ‎ Java Resources on Android Overview Chrome for Android uses certain resources in Java code (e.g. Android layouts and associated strings or images).  These reso

  • Android Chromium WebView学习启动篇  http://blog.csdn.net/luoshengyang/article/details/46569161 Chromium和WebKit的智能指针实现原理分析             http://blog.csdn.net/luoshengyang/article/details/46598223 Chromium多线程通

  • 最近解决WebViewZygote问题的过程中,仔细阅读了老罗的一篇关于Chromium加载的blog,受益匪浅。 详细的代码分析过程请参考原文:Android WebView加载Chromium动态库的过程分析 作为备忘,本文简单总结下Chromium动态库的加载过程,包括:      1. 系统启动时Chromium动态库的加载过程      2. App进程加载Chromium动态库的过程

  • 首先感谢这位大佬的辛勤分享: https://blog.csdn.net/mengxin00100/article/details/103321170 因为没有墙,所以我也是用这位大佬的baidu网盘的源码编的。 以下是编译步骤:用于本人备忘。也方便0基础的小白能够成功编译。 先下载这位大佬的百度src。 1.解压。tar -xvf chrXX.tar 怎么样 我连解压命令都给出来了 是不是很贴心