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Programming examples from the book.
授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
所属分类 Web3、 区块链
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 阳修永
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Introducing Ethereum and Solidity

Directory of All Chapter References and Footnotes

compiled by Chris Dannen (Keybase 8223371585CC5FDC)

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Amazon link: http://amzn.to/2jJ7WUt


ETH: ad29868492955919693e7500534ba3005bedd87aBTC: 1NV72LqZAJQa97JnSQDENTwsPPB9QXg6Qe




  • reddit.com/r/Ethereum - General news.
  • reddit.com/r/EthereumClassic - For developers working on the non-hard-fork chain.
  • reddit.com/r/EtherMining - Ether mining discussion.
  • reddit.com/r/Ethtrader - News for Ethereum traders.
  • https://www.youtube.com/user/ethereumproject


  • EtherNodes.org: View the geographic distribution of nodes
  • EtherListen.com: Real-time transaction experience
  • For a live dashboard, try https://ethstats.net




If you backed up your entire keystore folder, pull out the text document inside beginning with name "UTC...." If you don't have the text file, only your private key, paste your private key into a text file and save it with any name. In either case: Drop this file it into the Keystore folder in your Mist wallet account data directory. You can find this directory by selecting the Backup... option in the Mist File menu. A window will open showing your keystore folder.


  • Coinbase.com
  • Gdax
  • Kraken.com (NY residents disallowed)
  • Gemini.com
  • Bittrex.com (BTC only, no USD)
  • Bitfinex.com (NY residents disallowed)
  • Poloniex.com (BTC only, no USD; NY residents disallowed)
  • ItBit.com
  • BitStamp.com
  • BTC-e



  • b9 Lab Blockchain Education (https://www.b9lab.com/): Ethereum developer certification course
  • Ether.camp (http://ether.camp): This group built the popular EthereumJ client and is also building an integrated developer environment that is entirely web-based called “Ethereum Studio.”
  • ConsenSys (https://consensys.net): ConsenSys bills itself as a “venture studio” which takes part in large-scale consulting projects, as well as funding community development activities and open source building tools and frameworks.
  • Deloitte US (http://deloitte.com): Deloitte is a global consultancy specializing in financial audits, risk management, and financial advisory. They have partnered with ConsenSys to build a “digital bank” entirely on the Ethereum network.
  • Monax.io (formerly Eris Industries): Monax has forked the EVM and created tools and libraries for companies building permissioned blockchains. This will become an enormous development field--private corporate chains, optimized for certain use-cases--which we will return to in Chapter 9.
  • Linux Foundation + Hyperledger (http://hyperledger.org): The Hyperledger project is a collaborative effort growing out of the Linux Foundation and comprising members like IBM, Intel, Digital Asset, JPMorgan, Hitachi, and DTCC. Some of these members have indicated they will also pursue in-house Ethereum development.
  • JPMorgan (http://jpm.com): Despite its membership in at least one blockchain assortium, the bank has said it will build its own Ethereum project in-house.
  • Microsoft (http://microsoft.com): Having sponsored the 2016 Ethereum developer conference in Shanghai, it should come as no surprise that Redmond would offer Azure blockchain hosting for Ethereum chains.
















Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

  • No citations

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

  • 1连接区块链知识的断点 为高速发展的区块链世界的欢呼是具有挑战的。这本书将会是你的指引。在开始之前,让我们定义一下之后将要用到的一些术语。 “区块链”是一种完全分布式的,点对点的软件网络,这个软件网络利用加密学来安全地群集应用软件,储存数据,简单地传输用于代表真实世界金钱的数字化工具。加密学是一个通过编码信息来进行的交流艺术。在比特币和以太坊中,加密学是用来给成千上万个相似的机器创造出来一种安全运

  • 第四章 solidity programming solidity的官方文档: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/index.html http://solidity.eth.guide solidity在浏览器编译: https://ethereum.github.io/browser-solidity/ http://compiler.eth

  • WinSCP is an open source free SFTP client, FTP client, WebDAV client, S3 client and SCP client for Windows. Its main function is file transfer between a local and a remote computer. Beyond this, WinSC

  • 分片原本是数据库设计中的一种概念,指将数据库中的数据分割成多个数据分片,让数据的读写可以并行处理。当进行搜索时,仅需访问特定分片即可获得搜索结果,减少了服务器访问压力,从而提高数据库性能。 在区块链中,分片指将区块链中的节点分成若干个组,每组节点组成一个分片。原先区块链中每个节点需要对网络中的每笔交易进行验证,分片后,每个节点仅需处理网络中的一小部分交易。各分片并行工作,从而实现对区块链的横向扩展

  • 首先,看一下下面的声明语句: const element = <h1>Hello,world!</h1>; 这种有趣的标签语法既不是字符串也不是html,它被叫作JSX!JSX是js的扩展,我们推荐在react开发过程中使用jsx语法来描述一个UI,JSX语法会让你感觉这是一种模板语言,但是它就是诞生于javascript。 在react开发中,JSX语法用来生产React ‘elemen

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