Monero miner for iOS
Average speed: 14 H/s (all iPhone avaliable cores)
Average temp increase per 10 minutes: 0.8 degrees Celsius
Stable average tem: 39.2 degress Celsius
Simple run it in simulator/iOS device from xCode project.Everything is seted up.
You might want to change the adress destination of pool/port/wallet and etc...Here are they in ViewController:
startMining(address: String, url: String?, port: String?, worker: String?)
The implementation is looks like:
func startMining(address: String, url: String?, port: String?, worker: String?) {
if !isMining! {
if !(url?.isEmpty)! && !(port?.isEmpty)! {
miner = Miner(host: url!, port: Int(port!)!, destinationAddress: address, clientIdentifier: worker!)
miner = Miner(destinationAddress: address)
miner?.delegate = self
do {
try miner?.start(threadLimit: Int(threadsSlider.value))
isMining = true
}catch {
isMining = false
Yes, a lot of variables are dangerously unwrapped, had no time to make some beauty in code. Soryy for that.. :(