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授权协议 Readme
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web3、 区块链
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 金何平
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Introduction to Cold Storage Coins Manager

This is Python desktop offline application for generating & validating Cold Storage Coins of different currencies: BTC, BCH, CLUB, DASH, LTC, ETH, BSV, DOGE, XRP, XMR, BNB, EOS, POTE, WAVES, USDT. Also added implementation of AWS Lambda keygen.

CSC Manager Installation

This application is working with Python 3.8.6 (pip 20.2.1)

Python-3.8.6 download link: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-386/

Linux Install

Install needed dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Change application config ("config.json" in root folder) to your file pathes:

  "base_file_name": "./output/keypair.txt",
  "asset_id_file_name": "./output/snip.txt",
  "private_file_name": "./output/key.txt",
  "public_file_name": "./output/labels.txt",
  "sequence_file_name": "./output/numbers.txt"

Run CSC Manager desktop application:

python csc-manager.py

Run CLI Keygen:

python keygen.py

Run CLI Update:

python update.py

Windows install

Download & Install Visual studio build tool (or Visual Studio 19): https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/

Windows dependencies:

Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0

vs_buildtools_xxxxx.exe  --layout c:\offlineBuildTool --lang en-us

Install needed dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Change application config ("config.json" in root folder) to your file pathes:

  "base_file_name": "C:\\Users\\laser\\Desktop\\keypair.txt",
  "asset_id_file_name": "C:\\Users\\laser\\Desktop\\snip.txt",
  "private_file_name": "C:\\Users\\laser\\Desktop\\key.txt",
  "public_file_name": "C:\\Users\\laser\\Desktop\\labels.txt",
  "sequence_file_name": "C:\\Users\\laser\\Desktop\\numbers.txt"

Run CSC Manager desktop application:


Run CLI Keygen:


Run CLI Update:


AWS Lambda keygen installation

Install needed dependencies:

pip install --target ~/lambda-package bip_utils==1.7.0 bitsv==0.11.5 cashaddress==1.0.6 aioeos==1.0.2 \
    pywallet==0.1.0 monero==0.8 PyWaves==0.8.15 base58==2.0.0

Preparing package for AWS Lambda:

cp -r ~/csc-manager/keygen ~/lambda-package/
zip -r9 ~/lambda.zip .
zip -g ~/lambda.zip ~/csc-manager/aws_lambda.py

Upload zip archive to AWS Lambda.

For a developers:

Add new Crypto currency support

  • Create new class, which implements CoinService (keygen/crypto_coin_service.py)

  • Register new class in CoinCheckerFactory (keygen/crypto_checker_factory.py)

      def get_coin_service(currency):
          if currency == "EOS":
              return EosCoinService() 
  • Add your currency in CoinCheckerFactory.get_available_currencies

  • Add currency icon in ./resources/img/coin-{YOURCOIN}.png


If you'd like to donate something:

  • BTC: 1LEG6G9Qos9GME4vwS1K9Kypy47Vv1bNds
  • ETH: 0x2a1a059a580b044cbdfbba1a4f0fcfe79d724c18
  • LTC: LUZXdc4moJ7wWu5fEqbsR9iYJDBtemEJRG
  • BCH: qqhwmp8th2wazcm9pcvnt6nl05vh9w80gu0n4ar6r4

Thank you very much in advance for your support.

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