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The Rust implementation of Conflux protocol.
授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
所属分类 Web3、 区块链
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 孙朝明
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Conflux-rust is a Rust-based implementation of the Conflux protocol. It is fast andreliable. Please follow the ConfluxDocumentation tobuildandrunConflux.


Thank you for considering helping out with our source code. We appreciate anycontributions, even the smallest fixes. Please read theguidelineson how to submit issues and pull requests. Note that if you want to proposesignificant changes to the Conflux protocol, please submit aCIP.

Unit Tests and Integration Tests

Unit tests come together with the Rust code. They can be invoked via cargo test --release --all. See theGetting Startedpage for more information. Integration tests are Python test scripts with the_test.py suffix in the tests directory. To run these tests, first compile Confluxin release mode using cargo build --release. Then, you can run allintegration tests using the script tests/test_all.py.



GNU General Public License v3.0

  • 1.How to set up Conflux on Mac OSX 2.How to set up Conflux on Windows 3.How to set up Conflux on Linux 1.How to set up Conflux on Mac OSX 安装依赖 安装 Rust curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh 复制代码 安装 llvm

  • Conflux引入了一些内置的内部合约,以便更好地进行系统维护和链上治理。而本文档将介绍如何使用这些内部合约。 后续文档使用 js-conflux-sdk 作为案例 一、通过赞助使用合约的方法 Conflux实现了一种赞助机制以补贴用户使用智能合约。因此,一个账户余额为0的新用户,只要执行赞助(通常由Dapps的运营商赞助),就能够直接调用智能合约。 通过引入内置的 SponsorControl